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  1. Hare Krsna Does anyone knows how or where I can get some information about "Ananga Manjari"? Does anyone knows where I can find "Ananga-manjari-samputika" by Ramacandra gosvami? Thanks
  2. By following the right instructions from the right source! Krsna gives everyone according to their sincerity. In other words: You get what you deserve. As you are more sincere, you can see more truth and get closer to the right source. There are all kinds of gurus out there, and none of them are wrong. They are just giving different kinds of truths to different kinds of sincere people. In other words: No any religion or philosophy is wrong or better or higher or lesser than other one, they are just different. They are different because people are different. Everyone gets what they deserve, because Creator is perfect. Those who are cent per cent sincere, will follow the instructions from the direct source, others will not. We all always have choices to make, to choose whose instructions to follow, and we choose always according to our sincerity. Since everyone gets what they deserve, then no one actually is making any wrong choices of following different instructions, they just don't get what they expect to get. We can follow Krsna's direct instructions or not, but if we don’t, we won’t get what we expect to get!!! Krsna says: "Focus your mind on Me, be My devotee, be My worshiper. Bow down to Me. Engaging your mind in this manner and regarding Me as the supreme goal, you will come to Me." (BG 9-34) "Focus your mind on Me. Be My devotee. Be My worshiper. Prostrate before Me. You shall come to Me alone. I promise you, truly, for you are dear to Me." (BG 18-65) This is the essence of all Vedic instructions. Just by following these instructions, one can easily become Krsna conscious and see and hear and experience Krsna Himself directly. You don't believe me, TRY IT!!! Now it is your choice to follow Krsna's instructions, or someone else's!!! We don't really NEED to worship, glorify, pay obeisance or chant the name of anyone but Krsna. And if we do, we won't get what Krsna has promised!!! YOUR CHOICE!!!
  3. We can get Lord Caitanya’s mercy by following His instructions: The Lord placed a flower garland around each devotee's neck. Then the Lord ordered: Sing Krsna. Talk of Krsna. Worship Krsna. Sing Krsna's name. Think only of Lord Krsna. Think of no one else. If you love Me, then please sing only of Lord Krsna. Sing of no one else. Whether asleep, awake, or eating your meals, think only of Lord Krsna day and night. With your mouths speak only of Him. (Caitanya bhagavata Madhya-khanda Chapter 28 Text 25-28) Smiling, the Lord blessed everyone, Always remember Lord Krsna. Chant Krsna! Worship Krsna. Hear Krsna's name. Make Lord Krsna your whole life, your wealth, your very breath. (Caitanya bhagavata Antya-khanda Chapter 3 Text 331-332) In every respect please follow the order I will now give to You. Go to every home with this request, 'Please chant Krsna's name, worship Krsna, and teach others about Krsna. Don't tell them anything else. Make them chant. (CB Madhya 12) Lord Gauranga said: Mother, if you had offered your affection to Krishna instead of Me, you would have received so much benefit. Please give up your affection for Me and serve the lotus feet of Krishna. (Caitanya-Mangala). One day all the devotees, headed by Srivasa Thakura, were chanting the transcendental qualities of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Not liking the chanting of His transcendental qualities, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu chastised them in an angry mood: What kind of chanting is this? He asked, Are you leaving aside the chanting of the holy name of the Lord? Thus Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu chastised all the devotees, telling them not to show impudence and spoil the entire world by becoming independent. (CC Madhya 1-269-271) After everything was thoroughly washed, a Vaishnava from Bengal, who was very intelligent and simple, came and poured water on the lotus feet of the Lord. The Gaudiya Vaishnava then took that water and drank it himself. Seeing that, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu felt unhappy and was also angry. Although the Lord was certainly satisfied with him, He became very angry externally in order to establish the etiquette of religious principles. The Lord then called for Svarupa Damodara and told him, Just see the behavior of your Bengali Vaishnava. This person from Bengal has washed My feet within the temple of the Personality of Godhead. Not only that, but he has drunk the water himself. I now do not know what My destination is because of this offense. Indeed, your Bengali Vaishnava has greatly implicated Me. At this point Svarupa Damodara Gosvami caught the Gaudiya Vaishnava by the neck and, giving him a little push, ejected him from the Gundica Puri temple and made him stay outside. (CC Madhya 12-122-128) When Rupa Gosvami thus recited his verse, Caitanya Mahaprabhu disapproved of it because it described His personal glories. He expressed the opinion that it was an exaggerated explanation. (CC Antya 1-131) Although Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was inwardly greatly pleased when He heard this verse, externally He spoke as if angry. Your exalted poetic descriptions of the mellows of Lord Krsna's pastimes are like an ocean of nectar. But why have you put in a false prayer about Me? It is like a drop of detestable alkali. (CC Antya 1-178-181) Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya, what are you saying? Lord Vishnu, save Me! Such glorification is simply another form of blasphemy. (CC Madhya 10-182) Your wanting to go with Me is simply a desire for sense gratification. In this way, you are breaking two religious principles, and because of this I am very unhappy. If you want My happiness, please return to Nilacala. You will simply condemn Me if you say any more about this matter. (CC Madhya 16-140-141)
  4. Otherwise it is a fact that no one falls from Vaikuntha. SB 7.1.35 PURPORT The conclusion is that no one falls from the spiritual world, or Vaikuntha planet, for it is the eternal abode. SB 3.16.26 PURPORT Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura writes that the reason why some jivas become bound is the proper use or misuse of their natural independence. This does not include the nitya-mukta jivas, who have no contact with maya and thus have no scope to misuse their natural independence. From these statements it is explicit that no one falls from Vaikuntha, because these jivas originating from Maha-Visnu have never been in the nitya-lila in the spiritual sky, because Maha-Visnu is situated in the Viraja river. (Jaiva-dharma Leaves, pp. 8-9)
  5. Since the beginning of Gaudia Math and Iskcon, all the devotees have preached and are preaching guru consciousness rather than Krsna consciousness, because they didn't and don't know what is the REAL Krsna consciousness, and they didn't and don't know because they were not "TAUGHT" properly. Only one who has Apple, could give Apple!!!
  6. In Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu-bindu, Narayana maharaj says about the offenses: (29) to offer obeisances or salutation to others in front of the deity. But in this site: http://www.purebhakti.com/articles/sbnm_early_qa5.shtml in answer to a question he said: Narayana Maharaja: We can offer obeisances to our Gurudeva in front of the Deity. AND In Caitanya-caritamrta by A.C. Bhaktivedanta regarding the offenses to be avoided we can find: According to the rules and regulations, no one should accept obeisances in the temple of the Lord before the Deity. Nor is it proper for a devotee to offer obeisances and touch the feet of the spiritual master before the Deity. This is considered an offense. (CC Madhya 12.127) But he allowed his folowers to worship him in front of the Deities. Now, If a devtee could not follow his own instructions, then how could he be called ""acarya""??? A real acarya will not say something and does something else!!! If a devotee is not sincere and try to cheat, then he will get a cheap acarya!!! But some devotees are just HAPPY by having some name and fame, and that's where they fail Krsna's test!!! Only one who has passed ALL of Krsna's tests, will get Krsna Prema!!!
  7. It is not Iskcon devotees' fault, they are just following what they have been TAUGHT!!! They don't really know even what they are doing!!! The REAL problem is the ROOT!!!
  8. There are 32 main offenses in Deity worship that one must avoid them, and in Nectar of devotion A.C. Bhaktivedanta has translated all of them like everyone else, except the offense number 29, which it says: (29) One should not offer obeisances silently to the spiritual master, or in other words, one should recite aloud the prayers to the spiritual master while offering obeisances. (NoD 8: Offenses to Be Avoided) But in Sri Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu-bindu, page 115, Narayana maharaj has translated the same offense as follow: (29) to offer obeisances or salutation to others in front of the deity. And in this site: http://www.salagram.net/sstp-kshamas.html under section: OFFENCES TO BE AVOIDED, offenses number 21 and 29 are: 21) To worship someone else before the Deity. 29) To offer obeisances to someone else in front of the Deity. And in Caitanya-caritamrta by A.C. Bhaktivedanta we can find: According to the rules and regulations, no one should accept obeisances in the temple of the Lord before the Deity. Nor is it proper for a devotee to offer obeisances and touch the feet of the spiritual master before the Deity. This is considered an offense. (CC Madhya 12.127) And in Srimad-Bhagavatam by A.C. Bhaktivedanta regarding the offenses to be avoided we can find: (u) to worship someone else before the Deity, ....... (cc) to offer obeisances to someone else in front of the Deity. (SB 7.5.23-24) Now, the question is: How Iskcon devotees expect to get Krsna Prema while offending the Deities, EVERY DAY??? OR What kind of ""acarya"" will changes the real meaning of Sastra for his own glorification???
  9. That is your standard of genuin pure devotee, not Sastra's: "My dear King, a devotee who has taken shelter of the dust from the lotus feet of the Lord can transcend the influence of the six material whips -- namely hunger, thirst, lamentation, illusion, old age and death -- and he can conquer the mind and five senses. However, this is not very wonderful for a pure devotee of the Lord because even a person beyond the jurisdiction of the four castes, in other words, an untouchable, is immediately relieved of bondage to material existence if he utters the holy name of the Lord even once." (SB 5.1.35)
  10. The significance of the Nataraj (Nataraja) sculpture is said to be that Shiva is shown as the source of all movement within the cosmos, represented by the arch of flames. The purpose of the dance is to release men from illusion of the idea of the "self" and of the physical world. The cosmic dance was performed in Chidambaram in South India, called the center of the universe by some Hindus. The gestures of the dance represent Shiva's five activities, creation (symbolized by the drum), protection (by the "fear not" hand gesture), destruction (by the fire), embodiment (by the foot planted on the ground), and release (by the foot held aloft). As Nataraj (Sanskrit: Lord of Dance) Shiva represents apocalypse and creation as he dances away the illusory world of Maya transforming it into power and enlightenment. The symbolism of Siva Nataraj is religion, art and science merged as one. In God's endless dance of creation, preservation, destruction and paired graces is hidden a deep understanding of our universe. Aum Namah Sivaya. Bhashya Nataraj, the King of Dance, has four arms. The upper right hand holds the drum from which creation issues forth. The lower right hand is raised in blessing, betokening preservation. The upper left hand holds a flame, which is destruction, the dissolution of form. The right leg, representing obscuring grace, stands upon Apasmarapurusha, a soul temporarily earth-bound by its own sloth, confusion and forgetfulness. The uplifted left leg is revealing grace, which releases the mature soul from bondage. The lower left hand gestures toward that holy foot in assurance that Siva's grace is the refuge for everyone, the way to liberation. The circle of fire represents the cosmos and especially consciousness. The all-devouring form looming above is Mahakala, "Great Time." The cobra around Nataraj's waist is kundalini shakti, the soul-impelling cosmic power resident within all. Nataraj's dance is not just a symbol. It is taking place within each of us, at the atomic level, this very moment. The Agamas proclaim, "The birth of the world, its maintenance, its destruction, the soul's obscuration and liberation are the five acts of His dance." The Nataraj dances within the universe of illusion. The locks of his hair stand out in many strands as he whirls around in his dancing frenzy. His locks are decked with a crescent moon, a skull, and are interspersed with the sacred river Ganges. Shiva's unkempt hair, a symbol of a rejection of society, shows him to be an ascetic. This contrasts with his role as a grhastha, or householder, with his wife and family. The fiery ring surrounding Shiva, prahabhamandala, represents the universe with all its illusion, suffering and pain. The outer edge is fire the inner edge the waters of the oceans. Many Nataraj statues have multiple levels of fire and water. The goddess of the Ganges is here shown nesting in Shiva's dreadlocks. The river Ganges that flows in Nataraj's hair originally flowed in heaven. When the heavenly Ganges was needed on earth, she was unwilling to fall to earth because she realized that her fall from heaven would be too much for the earth to withstand. Shiva as Nataraj agreed to break the violent power of the sacred Ganga's fall by catching her in his tangled hair, breaking the fall with his hair on its way to the Himalayas and Northern India. The crescent moon in his matted hair keeps Kama, the god of nightly love, alive. Through the waxing and the waning of the moon Shiva creates different seasons and rejuvenates life. Nataraj wears a snake coiled around his upper arms and neck symbolizing the power he has over the most deadly of creatures. Snakes are also used to symbolize the Hindu dogma of reincarnation. Their natural process of molting or shedding their skin is symbolic of the human souls transmigration of bodies from one life to another. In the back right hand Shiva often holds an hour glass shaped drum or damaru. The drum represents the rhythmic sound to which Nataraj dances and ceaselessly recreates the universe. The front right hand is in the abhaya-mudra (the "fear not" gesture, made by holding the palm outward with fingers pointing up). The back left hand carries agni (fire) in a vessel or in his hand. The flames represent the destructive energy with which Nataraj dances at the end of each cosmic age, cleansing sins and removing illusion. The front left hand is across the chest in the gahahasta (elephant trunk) pose, with the wrist limp and the fingers pointed downward toward the uplifted foot. His uplifted left foot, grants eternal bliss to those who approach him. The other foot treads firmly upon the dwarf of ignorance, allowing the birth of knowledge. Nataraj dances above the body of the demon, Apasmara, whom he has killed; in this role he is called Natesa. Apasmara, the dwarf demon, represents the ignorance of teaching that all opposites (for example good and evil) are false. To see pictures: http://www.lotussculpture.com/nataraj1.htm
  11. You don't choose Kundalini, Kundalini chooses you!!!
  12. You will understand when you are READY!!!
  13. There is an Afghan Proverb: The right answer to a fool is silence!!!
  14. The <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> Verse (Written in Agni verse, the Indian fire god's meter, which is 3 lines of 8 syllables, and which is said to be the most sacred of meters.) <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>, the black one, is now blue, Eighth incarnation of Vishnu, Love/wisdom visiting anew. His uncle said, kill him at birth, Switched for a girl, he’s kept on Earth, Fostered, and yet to prove his worth. Raised by a cowherd family, His beauty created much glee, Flute played, village girls on his knee. A trickster and lover sublime, Instigator of knowledge fine, Protector of all sacred sign. He killed his uncle, became king, Humor and peace then on the wing, The yoga of devotion sing. He’s Vishnu in physical form, Resting on coiled serpent’s the norm, Never sleeping, Lakshmi keeps warm. Good and evil, usually matched, Sometimes the dark side’s door’s unlatched, So Vishnu returns, the roof patched. Buddha was ninth incarnation, Kali will be tenth creation, On white horse, to great elation. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, the team, Create, preserve, destroy, the theme, Ensuring balance on life’s beam. Brahma’s the source of day and night, Vishnu’s mercy and goodness site, Shiva’s wind, to raise change’s kite. <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> devotion’s yoga taught, Aspirant’s contact with God sought, To dock your ship in union’s port. To Deity, the shortest way, Faith, knowledge, love, defeat decay, Known and knower together lay. Maya, life’s background illusion, Lila, play with no delusion, Adventure to make God’s fusion. A façade’s the normality, Unity, is reality, So move beyond banality. The body’s a small universe, Veiling power, ego rehearse, Connection lets us reimburse. To cross the bridge, your mind suppress, Me and mine’s clothing to undress, The sweetest taste is not careless. Philosophy in daily life, Highest ideals reprogram strife, Tantra yoga to sharpen knife. Achieving desirelessness means, Intense desire, that way leans, Infers paradoxical teams. Expand awareness in all states, Identify what complicates, The most refined life satiates. They’re always matched, rest and movement, Static, dynamic improvement, Shakti/Shiva has paid the rent. To seduce, full moon and flute played, Divine connection, man and maid, To worship, bliss and treasure trade. Guiding Arjuna in battle, Gita teaches men aren’t cattle, The first complete yoga’s rattle, From physical turmoil retired, Killed when a hunter’s arrow fired, The current age of Kali sired. <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> was beauty’s avatar, God is the mast, love is the spar, Love and wisdom will travel far.
  15. The <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> Verse (Written in Agni verse, the Indian fire god's meter, which is 3 lines of 8 syllables, and which is said to be the most sacred of meters.) <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>, the black one, is now blue, Eighth incarnation of Vishnu, Love/wisdom visiting anew. His uncle said, kill him at birth, Switched for a girl, he’s kept on Earth, Fostered, and yet to prove his worth. Raised by a cowherd family, His beauty created much glee, Flute played, village girls on his knee. A trickster and lover sublime, Instigator of knowledge fine, Protector of all sacred sign. He killed his uncle, became king, Humor and peace then on the wing, The yoga of devotion sing. He’s Vishnu in physical form, Resting on coiled serpent’s the norm, Never sleeping, Lakshmi keeps warm. Good and evil, usually matched, Sometimes the dark side’s door’s unlatched, So Vishnu returns, the roof patched. Buddha was ninth incarnation, Kali will be tenth creation, On white horse, to great elation. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, the team, Create, preserve, destroy, the theme, Ensuring balance on life’s beam. Brahma’s the source of day and night, Vishnu’s mercy and goodness site, Shiva’s wind, to raise change’s kite. <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> devotion’s yoga taught, Aspirant’s contact with God sought, To dock your ship in union’s port. To Deity, the shortest way, Faith, knowledge, love, defeat decay, Known and knower together lay. Maya, life’s background illusion, Lila, play with no delusion, Adventure to make God’s fusion. A façade’s the normality, Unity, is reality, So move beyond banality. The body’s a small universe, Veiling power, ego rehearse, Connection lets us reimburse. To cross the bridge, your mind suppress, Me and mine’s clothing to undress, The sweetest taste is not careless. Philosophy in daily life, Highest ideals reprogram strife, Tantra yoga to sharpen knife. Achieving desirelessness means, Intense desire, that way leans, Infers paradoxical teams. Expand awareness in all states, Identify what complicates, The most refined life satiates. They’re always matched, rest and movement, Static, dynamic improvement, Shakti/Shiva has paid the rent. To seduce, full moon and flute played, Divine connection, man and maid, To worship, bliss and treasure trade. Guiding Arjuna in battle, Gita teaches men aren’t cattle, The first complete yoga’s rattle, From physical turmoil retired, Killed when a hunter’s arrow fired, The current age of Kali sired. <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> was beauty’s avatar, God is the mast, love is the spar, Love and wisdom will travel far.
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