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  1. rlachman2


    yes Innocent, just because they wear the garment doesnt make them into a pujari, the pujari will always wear white, while pusaries will wear yellow with red, the colors signify the fighting force and victory. The pusari will learn under the pujari, but unfortunately some learn and do their own mischief. They get upset and dont have the patience to wait and learn at a correct time, it is not easy to teach the impatient. The incantations are powerful yet majority of the pusaries have no idea what it means and dont bother to ask. They say they were never taught but yet they never asked. I hope this helps you to understand further. rlachman2
  2. Oh my goodness. I have only one question, do you go to temple to gossip or to pray? There are so many things going on in the world around us and you will concentrate on other people stories, about who says what and where and how? Shame on you all! Just go to temple and pray.. If other peoples business bothers you so much, you can pray at home at your own altar and achieve enlightenment. whats so hard about that? Now everyone is making up nasty stories about other people and spreading gossip about pujaries! I repeat, shame on you all!
  3. rlachman2


    Yes, it is true that some can take fire oath without the manifestation of the devatas, but this is a gift given only to a few. If you feel that the person is not manifesting the devatas and they haven't taken their oath then please don't feel obligated to say anything personal to them, if it is indeed the devatas, they will understand. On another note, if you have questions for these devatas, you can pray and ask them to communicated their answers to you in a dream. You can always go to a Pujari (not a Pusari) to ask what it means. Pujari would be the head of the temple and the experienced individual in the culture itself. Everyone else will be a pusari in learning. Rlachman2
  4. rlachman2


    Hello,to recognize a real manifestations, the devatas must take oath. It can be fire oath or rope everytime they manifest. This is to show that it is indeed them and not the person they manifest. If you go for a reading, you may ask politely for them to take an oath again or you may just ask them to tell you in your dreams. This is the best way for you will see for yourself. I hope this is helpfull.
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