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  1. Read the post below; http://www1.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/1000174.cms This is typical of impostors who cheat people. Chant and Be Happy
  2. Haribol, With reference to your point in the post above 4) scientifically, humans have acid in their stomachs, and an intestinal length that is identical to herbivorous mammals...plus, we evolved from apes - herbivorous - hence we are actually naturally inclined to be vegetarians, not meat eaters Factually, according to the Vedic knowledge there is no evolution of species. All creatures and their forms etc. exist eternally but are manifested as required (by the Brahma of that universe). So all forms of species are manifest simultaneously. Or rather there is no evolution from one species to the other. Hare Krishna
  3. Haribol Nimesh, This offense specifically applies to gurus who might try to initiate a faithless person and instruct about the glories of the holy name. By glories of the holy name it means the name, form, qualities and past-times of Sri Krishna. Those who are faithless will just take these to be a figment of imagination. So one should not instruct about the glories and mahamantra (which is one of the glories as you have mentioned in your reply to the post) to a faithless person. This does not apply to devotees who go and chant in the open, because they are not instucting but simply providing the common people some advancement (without the people sometimes realizing it). So instructing about the glories should be restricted but not the chanting, kirtans etc of the Lord. I hope this satisfies your query and sorry for posting this reply so late. Hare Krishna.
  4. Haribol, Well I deduce one thing from your post. One with so much desire for KC can in no way be not beautiful. So you should immediately stop thinking about yourself to that effect. If all of us souls are the same then how can some be more beautiful/ ugly than the rest? Understand that you are not the body so it should in no way dissuade from your KC endeavor. There are materialistic people who judge people on the basis of their looks etc. But for devotees of Krishna all souls/ His creations are beautiful. You say that you are not letting other devotees know about your mental anguish. But who can be more merciful than Krishna’s devotees? Therefore you should talk to them and let them know how you feel, so that they can help you out. Keep yourself devoted to Krishna and He shall surely help you out for He is all merciful and eager for your association. It is said that Krishna has everything He wants i.e. He is self sustaining, but then again He still desires something. And that is the love and devotion of His devotees. That is the highest service to Krishna. That is the most difficult part of KC, as per my understanding, and learning Sanskrit, knowing how to sing are only adjuncts. So do not despair and carry on with your chanting. He takes 10 steps for every step of yours, so be sincere in your efforts in KC and do not bother about materialistic feats. There are actually very few who understand Sanskrit in its entirety and it is Srila Prabhupadas mercy that we understand so many of the scriptures today. Very few can actually pronounce it well either, but understanding the text is more important than learning to quote it. Once you are sincere in your efforts Krishna starts helping you from His Paramatma (chaitya-guru) association with you. To give you an example given to me by one of the devotees, there is a person in one of the temples here who did not know how to read, but was sincere in his endeavors i.e. chanting and helping other devotes with daily tasks. In two years he can quote, explain and preach many of the spiritual texts. Such is Krishnas mercy. Also helping does not just mean book distribution or preaching, though that comes slowly. It can just be helping other devotees in their activities or cleaning the temple for example. All tasks carried out with Krishna in focus are service unto Him. Having said that I pray to Sri Krishna Chaitanya and Srila Prabhupada that they help you out in your efforts and request all those who read this post to do the same for our devotee friend here. Chant and be happy. Hare Krishna.
  5. Haribol, Following are the 10 offences (from "The Nectarean Ocean of the Holy Name" - by Sacinandana Swami - Gayatri Verlag)one should not commit while chanting; 1 - To blaspheme devotees. 2 - To consider the names of the demigods equal with the name of Vishnu. 3 - To disobey the orders of the Spiritual Master. 4 - To blaspheme the Vedic Literature. 5 - To consider the glories of chanting Hare Krsna to be imagination. 6 - To give some interpretation of the holy name. 7 - To commit sinful activities on the strength of the holy name. 8 - To consider chanting to be a ritualistic activity. 9 - To instruct a faithless person about the glories of the holy name. 10 - To maintain material attachments. For further details, kindly refer the book. Hare krishna
  6. Namaste! Happy Vaisakha Purnima (Vesak),Lord Buddha's appearence day to all! To read about the life and teachings of Lord Buddha,please visit the links at : http://www.beliefnet.com/index/index_10001.html
  7. quote: _______________ Mr. Amil another clone! Now vilasini, not jaysriradhe anymore. ______________ 'nAn tosti mama divyAnAM na tu mAM zakyase draSTum anenai' va sva cakSuSA... pazyame yogam aizvaram' (Gita 11.8) Have you forgotten what happened to VNN.forums??? 'athavA bahunai 'tena kim jnAtena tavA 'rjuna ?' (Gita 10.42)
  8. quotes: _______________ My responce is none at all. I regret getting emeshed in useless debating with you! Best of luck and you bet I will throw in an opinion now and then, but I am done directly debating with you Satya. I debated these very same topics with you before on VNN and got nothing from it but a BIG WASTE OF TIME. ______________ It is a big waste of time to discuss with you since you have no adhikara to discuss anything seriously. Your are only interested in ............. ________________ Jesus Restores The Hearing of the Deaf -- You and I (apocryphal but a valuable spiritual teaching) "And Jesus departed unto another village where he found a man who was deaf from birth. And this man did not believe in the sound of rushing wind, or the thunder, or the cries of the beasts, or the birds which do complain of their hunger and their hurt, nor did he believe that others heard all these things. Hearing the deaf man speak, Jesus felt great compassion, and he breathed into his ears a deep breath and spake a few words no man understood, and at that moment, the ears opened, and the man did hear for the first time." "And now the man rejoiced with overwhelming gladness in the sounds that he before denied were real. And he said unto Jesus, 'Now, I hear all things, great one; it is exceedingly joyful!' And Jesus perceiving his great joy and happy to see the man glad, said unto him: 'Yes, you hear much, but you hear not all things. For I say to you, Canst thou hear the sighing of the prisoner in chains, and the slave in bondage to evil men, or the language of the birds or the beasts of the forest when they commune with each other? Or canst thou hear the voices and singing of holy angels before God? Think now, how much thou canst not hear and be thee humble in thy lack of knowledge and understanding, for I tell ye, earthly man hears only with ears of flesh, but the man of God knoweth what others hear not.'" ("Humane Gospel of Jesus," Edenite Society) "Who else is Christ but the Sound of God?" (Acts of John) ILOVEGOD
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