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Dr.Jogeshwar Mahanta

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  1. Are here experts here in achara rasayana? regards
  2. Is any body here skilled in the conclusion of Sanat Sujatyam-There is no death?
  3. Will you please post further developments? How are you now? regards
  4. As far as understand, a few people claim to be sthitaprajnas.At the same time they are extremey intolerant of other's views and become acutely jittery too. What this be called? regards
  5. "We are not interested in altering the relative perception of reality in someone's mind we are interested in presenting the reality as it is. <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->__________________ "If a devotee accepts Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as the universal guru and Lord Jagannatha as the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna, he is benefited by the combined mercy of Krsna and guru." - Madhya 13.18 purport" Content above the line and content below the line seem to be paradoxical. regards <!-- / sig -->
  6. That is not the issue my dear omsadhak. To make you understand the issue let me tell you an Akbar-Birbal joke. Akbar drew a line and asked Birbal to make it shorter without erasing any part of it. Instantly Birbal drew a bigger line by its side. Now the issue is-Can we become Birbals? regards
  7. Dear friends, You are the best judges of yourselves. Exercise your judgments most judiciously. Heal thyself. regards
  8. Every one is free to choose his/her path. I expect none to be my tool. Every one is the tool of God only. Each according his/her choice and his/her capacity. I post my choices not to force or press any body to accept my views. Every one is at his/her liberty to decide his/her path. regards
  9. A great distinction. Are the spiritualists here egolesss particularly the participants in this thread?
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