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I am saddened to see how blind you are to the eternal truths set down by the living breathing atman you term impersonal you are not at all fit to discuss vedanta.I will attempt once again to shed light on this reality as percieved through the eye of janani.One light I shine one flame i consume all formless i abide as bliss attributless i assume all attributes those who see me not are deemed ignorant by the wise.I hope you have not wasted too much of your life on this incomplete truth you call worship.If you cannot abide as the absolute brahman and realize the unity of all beings within one infinite light and abide as conciousness not desiring any finite thing for it is said even the gods die.Atman is unborn unformed limitless conciousness if you cannot remember your original state then you are doomed to endless lifecycles maya cannot be ascaped through worship only by direct realization of the atman within all can set one free of the aggregates you dwell on as permanent.I know i sound harsh but your ignorance demands wisdom out of my infinite compassion i grant you this boon.wonderfull am i adoration to myself who no no decay and survive even the destruction of the world from brahma down to a clump of grass.oh i am spotless tranquil pure conciousness and beyond nature all this time i have been duped by illusion.virtue and vice pleasure and pain are of the mind O all pervading one you are niether doer nor enjoyer Verily you are ever free.If you cannot be happy without the extra additions of meditation and worship arent you denying the krisna conciousness within yourself it is sad you are so confused about the truth and lost in duplicity and ignorance.all this is brahman all this is atman all this is krisna its not about the name or the idea people its about the actual realization of the eternal self if you cannot see the eternal shinning through all as the heart of the heart then i pity what you call liberation and i pity even more the state of my being that has become associated with ignoarance and blindness.I have many reading suggestions for you tunnel visioned jivas you wisdom is incomplete if it does not include the absolute unity of all existence the trancendence of the ego and imagination that arrives only through desire wich arises from ignorance you desire only your own original face I tire of this long winded explination of truth and conciousness indeed i hope you have learned something that might set you free of your infinite duality and ignorance of the one light shinning through all.
I hate to get all serious on you guys but really your knowledge of advaita is pathetic you should refrain from any comment on it till you have done more reading and less talking.As for your view of it being an impersonal belief that is very far from true what could be more personal than realizing the unity of all existence all energy as one living self as it is said, the vedas and the upanishads are the breath of the eternal and were not these written by realized sages.So I ask who was the Eternal The eternal is dwelling within all as self and all realized beings are Light within light.If you see other know other smell other then you cannot know the self for the self lies beyong duplicity.One undifferentiated eternal concioussness. I will even go further to refute your ignorant statements that the vedantic teachings are impersonal. Atman meaning the breath and or life force wich is permeating all is by no means impersonal as it is inhabiting all forms enjoying all things and still never for a moment changing.being attached to the modifications of the mind the many become obsessed with meditation and service all the while forgetting thier trancendental nature.If you cannot see how personal and how compassionate the sages that wrote the upanishads were then i pity what you call wisdom and wonder at any religious teacher that tells his students to avoid the base texts of his own religion.i am thinking it is silly to avoid a philosophy bacause srila said it i mean come on people accept some personal responsability for your liberation i fear you may have been mislead.I know dark thoughts are probably running through your heads and i forgive you your anger and wish you nothing but ultimate truth wich is in every word of the upanishads.If by chance i have offended you it is only due to your ignorance for the wise cannot be offended by words nor blades nor the imaginary gods the wise reside within the self as self this is absolute truth i pity any who cannot at once realize this and break free of the dream you call service.All is atman atman is all three stages to realize god lol. it is not for the sake of the husband that the husband is loved it is for the sake of the self. may all know this manifold universe is the essence and existence of one light that light is atman the light by wich you percieve the light.Freedom is ever attained one cannot think i am a finite being serving an infinite god and thus trancend the attachment to this world one must realize that this world is nothing but light and this body is light and this universe is light and it is one I am most serious and most sincere this is reality beyond maya ain soph limitless light infinite conciousness it is everywere this moment you dwelling as self how can you not see all this is self.I am sure none of you will get this far into my post but if you have then you have probably realized im not trying to pass of some false mayavadi . im talking from actual experience and if you dont believe in my eternal nature then ive got bad news for you your destroying your own hope for liberation for we are one.I am infinite light all this time i was duped into thinking i was a body but now awaked from body conciousness i have attained my own nature wich is the unborn formless self effulgent infinite atman residing within all as the heart of the lotus. Alll praises to the atman that even though it maintains the infinite universes it is never discouraged when the jivas deny his existence and call him impersonal.Well i hope and sincerely wish you would think about what ive said and if i was not clear then go back and reread teh upanishads and see for yourself if i am lying or modifying the teachings of the immortals.All praises be to those that have reached atman and still choose to speak to mortals.It is painfull and ardouse to say the least infinite patience infinite atman.I crack myself up cant wait for your replys,if you give any i read them very carfully to try and understand why you reject the advaita sytem that is the most perfect system of thought and trancendence on this planet but dont take my word for it.I cannot win i cannot lose all is self many blessings.goodnight my friends i hope you recieve this with open hearts and smiles on your faces you are the infinite atman like it or not i see it shinning within and without you it is pure bliss just under the suface its there just waiting to be noticed the moment is complete i seek nothing .OOOOOmmmmmmm mani padme hum
I hate to get all serious on you guys but really your knowledge of advaita is pathetic you should refrain from any comment on it till you have done more reading and less talking.As for your view of it being an impersonal belief that is very far from true what could be more personal than realizing the unity of all existence all energy as one living self as it is said, the vedas and the upanishads are the breath of the eternal and were not these written by realized sages.So I ask who was the Eternal The eternal is dwelling within all as self and all realized beings are Light within light.If you see other know other smell other then you cannot know the self for the self lies beyong duplicity.One undifferentiated eternal concioussness. I will even go further to refute your ignorant statements that the vedantic teachings are impersonal. Atman meaning the breath and or life force wich is permeating all is by no means impersonal as it is inhabiting all forms enjoying all things and still never for a moment changing.being attached to the modifications of the mind the many become obsessed with meditation and service all the while forgetting thier trancendental nature.If you cannot see how personal and how compassionate the sages that wrote the upanishads were then i pity what you call wisdom and wonder at any religious teacher that tells his students to avoid the base texts of his own religion.i am thinking it is silly to avoid a philosophy bacause srila said it i mean come on people accept some personal responsability for your liberation i fear you may have been mislead.I know dark thoughts are probably running through your heads and i forgive you your anger and wish you nothing but ultimate truth wich is in every word of the upanishads.If by chance i have offended you it is only due to your ignorance for the wise cannot be offended by words nor blades nor the imaginary gods the wise reside within the self as self this is absolute truth i pity any who cannot at once realize this and break free of the dream you call service.All is atman atman is all three stages to realize god lol. it is not for the sake of the husband that the husband is loved it is for the sake of the self. may all know this manifold universe is the essence and existence of one light that light is atman the light by wich you percieve the light.Freedom is ever attained one cannot think i am a finite being serving an infinite god and thus trancend the attachment to this world one must realize that this world is nothing but light and this body is light and this universe is light and it is one I am most serious and most sincere this is reality beyond maya ain soph limitless light infinite conciousness it is everywere this moment you dwelling as self how can you not see all this is self.I am sure none of you will get this far into my post but if you have then you have probably realized im not trying to pass of some false mayavadi . im talking from actual experience and if you dont believe in my eternal nature then ive got bad news for you your destroying your own hope for liberation for we are one.I am infinite light all this time i was duped into thinking i was a body but now awaked from body conciousness i have attained my own nature wich is the unborn formless self effulgent infinite atman residing within all as the heart of the lotus. Alll praises to the atman that even though it maintains the infinite universes it is never discouraged when the jivas deny his existence and call him impersonal.Well i hope and sincerely wish you would think about what ive said and if i was not clear then go back and reread teh upanishads and see for yourself if i am lying or modifying the teachings of the immortals.All praises be to those that have reached atman and still choose to speak to mortals.It is painfull and ardouse to say the least infinite patience infinite atman.I crack myself up cant wait for your replys,if you give any i read them very carfully to try and understand why you reject the advaita sytem that is the most perfect system of thought and trancendence on this planet but dont take my word for it.I cannot win i cannot lose all is self many blessings.goodnight my friends i hope you recieve this with open hearts and smiles on your faces you are the infinite atman like it or not i see it shinning within and without you it is pure bliss just under the suface its there just waiting to be noticed the moment is complete i seek nothing .OOOOOmmmmmmm mani padme hum
Would someone be kind enough to explain what take the essence means.I have seen this on many posts and am wondering at the meaning of it.This shinning all shines it is by this light that man sees it is by this light that man knows it is through this light alone that anything is.Infinite duality is the result of incomplete knowledge of the self this is the world of samsara.Within and without I shine within and without atman shines go back and read the Upanishads many blessings many blessings may the rays of divine effulgence ever shine within and without may all take refuge in the self.
Attachment takes many forms but to take to the attachment of sages to be enamoured of those that have passed this you preach as wisdom. I am confused to say the least as to the liberation produced by dwelling on personalitys etc its laughable there is only one way to freedom and that is direct realization of it nothing less no chanting ever enlightened anyone come on to teach that by worshipping a thought form one can gain freedom is truly a diservice to yourself. many blessings
Buddhism Advaita-what is the difference
LimitlessLight replied to theist's topic in Spiritual Discussions
It is folly to think individuals are eternal the nature of existence is eternal the foundation of being is being itself to seperate existence from creation is stupidity this moment the eternal shines as all there is no division within this if you cannot percieve the infinite lord dwelling within all then you are blind and lost in your own nature. As for personal you are way off the buddhist and vedanta philosophys are more personal than what you practice.It is easy to say i love krisna it is easy to worship it is hard to trancend this dual notion of krisna and i, but this is your task, it is not to worship the supreme bramhan but to become the ever dwelling atman that is the goal not to cater to the ego through ignorance of the ultimate. many blesings thiest -
to say one must reach krisna conciousness is false one is krisnas conciousness there can be no division within krisnas conciousness all beings are filled with krisna conciousness it is by forgetfullness alone that the many suffer you forget you are krisna so you seek krisna its really sad.If you but rest in your eternal nature and enjoy the bliss of pure existence there will be no need for worship there will be no need to focus on what you think krisna is for you will be krisna as you already are it is folly to seek the self it is folly for the self to be immersed in the appearance.This unity cannot be broken this truth cannot be denied all who suffer are krisna all who do not suffer are krisna.This idea of krisna as other and dwelling on his holy planet is ego created and nothing more than the imagination of krisna.
to say one must reach krisna conciousness is false one is krisnas conciousness there can be no division within krisnas conciousness all beings are filled with krisna conciousness it is by forgetfullness alone that the many suffer you forget you are krisna so you seek krisna its really sad.If you but rest in your eternal nature and enjoy the bliss of pure existence there will be no need for worship there will be no need to focus on what you think krisna is for you will be krisna as you already are it is folly to seek the self it is folly for the self to be immersed in the appearance.This unity cannot be broken this truth cannot be denied all who suffer are krisna all who do not suffer are krisna.This idea of krisna as other and dwelling on his holy planet is ego created and nothing more than the imagination of krisna.
I speak not from theroretical knowledge but from actual realization of the infinite, permeating all I shine as self.It is hard for the impure mind to realize this truth it may take many lifetimes of purification for the attainment of clarity,yet once it is reached then the living krisna resides as the only reality that exists.Does anyone in this forum read the upanishads or the ancient texts on vedanta for they are the root of this current version of Krisna theory.If the student lacks clarity the master can do nothing but smile and say ok ok your right.Truly realized beings do not cater to the body identification nor do they dwell on this universe of form for they know all as self and therefore have no need to worship nor any need to serve an aspect of thier own being.
I speak not from theroretical knowledge but from actual realization of the infinite, permeating all I shine as self.It is hard for the impure mind to realize this truth it may take many lifetimes of purification for the attainment of clarity,yet once it is reached then the living krisna resides as the only reality that exists.Does anyone in this forum read the upanishads or the ancient texts on vedanta for they are the root of this current version of Krisna theory.If the student lacks clarity the master can do nothing but smile and say ok ok your right.Truly realized beings do not cater to the body identification nor do they dwell on this universe of form for they know all as self and therefore have no need to worship nor any need to serve an aspect of thier own being.
You are obviosly the owner of incomplete knowledge this bramhajyoti you speak of is the living Krisna within all appearance and the realization of the divine within all is the ultimate reality no sage would dispute this but I think you might lol. many blessings
You are obviosly the owner of incomplete knowledge this bramhajyoti you speak of is the living Krisna within all appearance and the realization of the divine within all is the ultimate reality no sage would dispute this but I think you might lol. many blessings
There is a langauge so perfect it has no words there is a wisdom so high it has no vehicle formless I abide infinite I shine its not about letters and langauge its about awakening to the ultimate reality that is the only goal worth undertaking on this earth remember that it is not throught the lofty speech that the jivas become jnanis it is only through the realized sage that the ultimate truth can be realized and witnessed as self. many blessings this eternal flame alights all
All beings are aspects of one living unborn undifferentiated energy this is the ultimate to be at peace and to remain so is to attain the self by the removal of the ego the self instantly shines through as the one true reality all paths lead into my fire all paths are the wood with wich i burn and return to my nature out and in in and out this eternal is cannot be defined by concepts and ideas if you cannot see krisna in me then you are blind if you cannot know krisna is within then you cannot attain anything its all or nothing you are either there or your lost in duplicity there is no middle ground all is self self is all oooommmm mani padme hum it is wise to realize the emptiness of the aggregates you term self. many blessings to all many blessings to all
Please forgive me if i was a bit harsh it is just that there is so much falsity going on in respect to religion and religios practices it just seems that people just want to feel good and that the end all is with this supreme personality, as a servant it is kinda silly on some levels for the children to serve the parent like a lord it makes absolutely no sense and in the long run cannot be the actual state of the universe.