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  1. Dear Guest, Evidence is found in the depth of all Vedic slokas, as the slokas are a direct gateway for getting the answers to all queries we have. The slokas are also an expansion of the hearts of all living beings. My heart tells me the truth, I also know that your heart confirms all I have written here. Ciao, Frodo
  2. Dear Guest, Belief and faith are pre-requisite for sometimes personally sense the ray of wisdom which is accessible for all souls. I would like that all souls, currently not fully healed/capable, due to sufferings in their wonderful hearts, could verify themselves the accuracy of what I say. Very soon, I know with certitude, that all souls on earth, yet not capable themselves to sense what is truthful reliable information and what is not, will PERSONALLY BE CAPABLE THEMSELVES TO SENSE EVERYTHING THEMSELVES, without having to rely on what others say. At that time, belief and trust in others comments, will cease. By than, Krishna and Radharani (God-Father and God-Mother) and all Their eternal children/angels in all dimensions/galaxies/stars/planets/lokas, will be really happy and joyful, as they all sense that all wonderful souls can themselves sense everything (the wisdom, the love, their beauty etc.). In love, Frodo
  3. Dear Guest, The movement of dynamism in perceiving and realizing spiritual facts is invoking for more and more capability in us to also quickly as we can re-attack us to the ray of wisdom. The information provided above, represent cosmic truth, not subjected to personal relative opinions related to suffering consciouenss state. In love, Frodo
  4. Dear souls, The past of Mother Earth was different than people think in ourdays. Divinity consciousness of total harmony between all rays of living beings on earth was a fact. All beings in all forms, animals, plants, stones, humans could communicate with eachother, all souls on earth had all their inner qualities activated, telepathy, astral trips, teleportation, healing powers etc. were a natural component of the life of everyone on earth. Nothing extraordinary. The harmony between the species on earth was suddenly interupted by something that nobody, neither God-Father, Krishna and God-Mother, Radharani, expected. The interuption happened approx. 20'000 years ago and was caused by four souls, all family members of one snake race, the boa constrictor race. The respective king, queen and son and daughter of that boa constrictor race, suddenly, unexpected for all other souls on earth and on all other planets in the universe, deliberately decided to quit Planet Earth, by chaning their heart consciousness from love to cruelty/weakness, and joining the original rebell (fallen angel) race (a race of cancers, raksha in sanscrit) that lived far far away from our planet, in a galaxy that the antique Indian rishis/saints/seers describe as Patala-loka. That sudden departure of four souls from earth enabled a gateway on earth for the original rebell race to later plan their 'download' to earth and implement their plan, to enslave Mother Earth, all the inhabitants on earth and by so automatically also enslaving God Himself/Herself. The plans of the new joined four rebells in sync with the original billion-member fallen angel race was to DNS/DNA manipulate all species of beauty living on earth (Boa Constrictor/MATRIX-MotherBOArd CONSTRUCTION). That genetic intervention took place and all creature on earth were touched with it. The DNS/DNA manipulation touched many layers of the conciousness, of the body, of the planetary layers and interdimensional gateways of the earth. Basic artifacts of that DNS/DNA manipulation happend approx. 20'000 years ago are the sexual organs on the animals and humans plus for some animal species the sudden behaviour change on their nutriment habbit, from vegetarian dishes to meat dishes. With the DNS/DNA maniupulation the rebells could than start to incarnate on earth in a human form and tarn their real identity/energy/consciousness with identities/energies/bodies/skills 'stolen' from the beautiful souls of any species that lived on earth. The tarning now for the still incarnated rebell souls on earth is ending soon. When the 'matrix or pre-shock' is cracked, than no rebell soul on earth, masked in human body, is capably to manipulate others in any ways, no energy-sucking-from-others is longer possible for the rebell souls, as by than the karma law is finally capably to totally touch each individual and present them the individual punishments. As key note here is that all rays of living beings in all forms and on all planets/stars are interconnected with eachother, serving their respective kings/queens and priests. The sudden departure of the king/queen/Son/Daughter of the boa constrictor race from love to cruelty consciousness brought the entire boa constrictor family members, consisting of billions of members, but especially the Chief Priests, acting as Mother and Father of that race, in total emotional disharmony and suffering. In contradiction to the current understanding of who Lucifer is, Lucifer (The Light-bringer) is indeed a good soul who is not to be exchanged with Satan (who is indeed a rebell guy), as he is the Chief Priest, the Father of the Boa Constrictor race. With the fall-down of Lucifer's king-brother and queen-sister and their two children, brought Lucifer in the darkest realms of existence as he couldn't (as nobody else who feels only love can do) imagine the fall-down of the king-family. Thanks to Lucifer's strenght and patience, with his beautiful wife and children, with all the folk of boa constrictors, now the light could finally return into the hearts of all boa constrictors, all snake/reptos rays also can finally breathe free air from their long condamnation to wait 20'000 years until their liberation from the deep deep shock seeing/sensing the departure of four snake individuals from love into cruelty consciousness. The long waiting until the liberation is due to the divine plan set-up by God-Father, Krishna, as He could only complete the total liberation of all souls on earth touched by the pre-shock/DNS-manipulations in accordance to the final step activation of the rebell's destructive plan for the earth - consisting in taking control of the consciousness of everyone living on earth and therefore by that having a direct impact to every soul in the entire universe, by achieving it with the implementatin of the industrialization age (happened two centuries ago) culminating with the setting-up of the IT industry on earth, which combined with the 20'000 years ago DNS implants in the energetical body of each soul on earth could be fully manifested. However God-Father's plan, Krishna's plan, incorporated dimensions and consciousness of understanding that neither the chief king of the original rebells (Satan or Kamsa), neither the chief priest of the original rebells (Kali or Ravana or Duryodhana), neither the chief priest of the original rebells who is also the 1st fallen angel (Maya), neither the chief queen of the original rebells with all her folk members and neither the four new rebells (Dritarastra is the king, the brother of Lucifer) could imagine, but it worked, as God's plan are infallible, and soon all souls touched by the genetical manipulation on earth are totally free/healed and returned finally all home in the heaven/paradise. God's/Krishna's plan was to always guide and lead all of His children on earth (plants, animals, stones, humans), the ones connected with planet earth (dwarfes, elbes, gnoms etc.) and all other children living on other stars/planets (ETs) that with their personal example of love, with their skills, with their individual qualities and beauty, with their patience, with their personal example of suffering for others and for the right causes, could re-activate a gigantic gateway of love and healing on earth that forms now the death penalty label for all existing rebell souls. The End of the Masquerade on earth is appraching; Mother Earth, the Cow and Father-Earth, the Bull will soon accomplish Their final step, the shake, to eliminate all negative influences from the earth and prepare the earth for the new age of love, prosperity, real joy for everyone. All respect, love, care, gifts, embrasements, fortune I wish to everyone reading this text, and I know that also many many souls from interdimensional places are reading it! In love, Frodo
  5. Dear souls, The past of Mother Earth was different than people think in ourdays. Divinity consciousness of total harmony between all rays of living beings on earth was a fact. All beings in all forms, animals, plants, stones, humans could communicate with eachother, all souls on earth had all their inner qualities activated, telepathy, astral trips, teleportation, healing powers etc. were a natural component of the life of everyone on earth. Nothing extraordinary. The harmony between the species on earth was suddenly interupted by something that nobody, neither God-Father, Krishna and God-Mother, Radharani, expected. The interuption happened approx. 20'000 years ago and was caused by four souls, all family members of one snake race, the boa constrictor race. The respective king, queen and son and daughter of that boa constrictor race, suddenly, unexpected for all other souls on earth and on all other planets in the universe, deliberately decided to quit Planet Earth, by chaning their heart consciousness from love to cruelty/weakness, and joining the original rebell (fallen angel) race (a race of cancers, raksha in sanscrit) that lived far far away from our planet, in a galaxy that the antique Indian rishis/saints/seers describe as Patala-loka. That sudden departure of four souls from earth enabled a gateway on earth for the original rebell race to later plan their 'download' to earth and implement their plan, to enslave Mother Earth, all the inhabitants on earth and by so automatically also enslaving God Himself/Herself. The plans of the new joined four rebells in sync with the original billion-member fallen angel race was to DNS/DNA manipulate all species of beauty living on earth (Boa Constrictor/MATRIX-MotherBOArd CONSTRUCTION). That genetic intervention took place and all creature on earth were touched with it. The DNS/DNA manipulation touched many layers of the conciousness, of the body, of the planetary layers and interdimensional gateways of the earth. Basic artifacts of that DNS/DNA manipulation happend approx. 20'000 years ago are the sexual organs on the animals and humans plus for some animal species the sudden behaviour change on their nutriment habbit, from vegetarian dishes to meat dishes. With the DNS/DNA maniupulation the rebells could than start to incarnate on earth in a human form and tarn their real identity/energy/consciousness with identities/energies/bodies/skills 'stolen' from the beautiful souls of any species that lived on earth. The tarning now for the still incarnated rebell souls on earth is ending soon. When the 'matrix or pre-shock' is cracked, than no rebell soul on earth, masked in human body, is capably to manipulate others in any ways, no energy-sucking-from-others is longer possible for the rebell souls, as by than the karma law is finally capably to totally touch each individual and present them the individual punishments. As key note here is that all rays of living beings in all forms and on all planets/stars are interconnected with eachother, serving their respective kings/queens and priests. The sudden departure of the king/queen/Son/Daughter of the boa constrictor race from love to cruelty consciousness brought the entire boa constrictor family members, consisting of billions of members, but especially the Chief Priests, acting as Mother and Father of that race, in total emotional disharmony and suffering. In contradiction to the current understanding of who Lucifer is, Lucifer (The Light-bringer) is indeed a good soul who is not to be exchanged with Satan (who is indeed a rebell guy), as he is the Chief Priest, the Father of the Boa Constrictor race. With the fall-down of Lucifer's king-brother and queen-sister and their two children, brought Lucifer in the darkest realms of existence as he couldn't (as nobody else who feels only love can do) imagine the fall-down of the king-family. Thanks to Lucifer's strenght and patience, with his beautiful wife and children, with all the folk of boa constrictors, now the light could finally return into the hearts of all boa constrictors, all snake/reptos rays also can finally breathe free air from their long condamnation to wait 20'000 years until their liberation from the deep deep shock seeing/sensing the departure of four snake individuals from love into cruelty consciousness. The long waiting until the liberation is due to the divine plan set-up by God-Father, Krishna, as He could only complete the total liberation of all souls on earth touched by the pre-shock/DNS-manipulations in accordance to the final step activation of the rebell's destructive plan for the earth - consisting in taking control of the consciousness of everyone living on earth and therefore by that having a direct impact to every soul in the entire universe, by achieving it with the implementatin of the industrialization age (happened two centuries ago) culminating with the setting-up of the IT industry on earth, which combined with the 20'000 years ago DNS implants in the energetical body of each soul on earth could be fully manifested. However God-Father's plan, Krishna's plan, incorporated dimensions and consciousness of understanding that neither the chief king of the original rebells (Satan or Kamsa), neither the chief priest of the original rebells (Kali or Ravana or Duryodhana), neither the chief priest of the original rebells who is also the 1st fallen angel (Maya), neither the chief queen of the original rebells with all her folk members and neither the four new rebells (Dritarastra is the king, the brother of Lucifer) could imagine, but it worked, as God's plan are infallible, and soon all souls touched by the genetical manipulation on earth are totally free/healed and returned finally all home in the heaven/paradise. God's/Krishna's plan was to always guide and lead all of His children on earth (plants, animals, stones, humans), the ones connected with planet earth (dwarfes, elbes, gnoms etc.) and all other children living on other stars/planets (ETs) that with their personal example of love, with their skills, with their individual qualities and beauty, with their patience, with their personal example of suffering for others and for the right causes, could re-activate a gigantic gateway of love and healing on earth that forms now the death penalty label for all existing rebell souls. The End of the Masquerade on earth is appraching; Mother Earth, the Cow and Father-Earth, the Bull will soon accomplish Their final step, the shake, to eliminate all negative influences from the earth and prepare the earth for the new age of love, prosperity, real joy for everyone. All respect, love, care, gifts, embrasements, fortune I wish to everyone reading this text, and I know that also many many souls from interdimensional places are reading it! In love, Frodo
  6. Dear souls, Not willed to bewilder anyone in their thinking, I just want to add key important facts when sincerely willed to understand and perceive oneselves the realms of real truth and reality, hereby the Vedic texts speak clearly of realms of existence and of Personalities that all living beings can perceive if their hearts do really want to perceive them without scared or blocked by mind-influenced dogmatic/fanatic thinkings/beliefs, often heritated by our ancesstors/parents that most not be alway true that makes it impossible to perceive the truth as it is, not subjected to personal beliefs or faith. Purity and humility in the heart opens the gate for perceiving the realms of existence. Docked-in to the realm of truth everything is clear and no spculations about things are possible. People often are suffering, this suffering consciousness state does not permit to clearly sense what is true and what is untrue. Efforts to understand realms of existence not currently accessible for most of humans on earth, brought many philosophical paths, concepts, schools in the field, all tries to understand realms of which the saints, sadhus, rishis, munis speak and describe in the many holy texts, as the Vedas are. The cry of the soul to again sense ourselves the truth, without always having to rely on other's perceptions, statements - e.g. the ones of gurus, authorities etc. is often the reason why people start to neglect facts as they are and invent new paths and conclusions. It is understandable reaction of people when criticing things or people, especially when they feel themselves left alone and unprotected and unguided by real saintly persons. With the desperation people have, they often also start to totally neglect the key essence of basic conclusions, as their suffering to not currently be capable to personally perceive those realms and personalities is to deep. People do tend to also totally deny basic truth as a result of their personal suffering, this although their deep heart consciousness, which is covered by layers of suffering, clearly knows that the conclusions and persons they criticize are true/real. Understanding this emotional protection and denying behaviour people have, we can also understand why people suddenly start to neglect the authority of people, saints, Gods mentioned in holy scriptures as the Vedas are. Krishna and Radharani are Persons, not better than we are, but They are always Persons that are in charge for all others Persons, as They are God Father and God Mother. People do also tend to think that when suffering consciousness is trance-ended, through various methods of meditations etc., than we can return to what they think they are, God, although they mis-understand the fact that the return to our original liberated consciouness state means to become one with God in total harmony of love, between us, eternal children of God in all consciousness states (liberated and not-liberated) and with God (God Father, Krishna and God-Mother Radharani). Also people oftne use the word become one with God or one in love with God, but they actually mean with God, an impersonal Being/God, a sum of all jivas, that turn into one jiva, called Para-Braham/Atma, which has no real form, but which can suddenly chose to get a form and act accordingly, although the origin of all forms they claim to be impersonal. Instead of trying to cleary differentiate material forms with spirtual forms, they speculate and invent things which do not represent truth. All energies have a source which has form, that form is God-Father, Krishna and God-Mother, Radharani. Their spiritual bodies are indeed macrocosmos as They incorporate everything that exists, all universes, stars, planets, all elements, all dimensions, all Their eternal children, are present in Their spiritual bodies. The deviant or confused people from the Vedic path, think that Krishna is a normal person with supernatural powers which all can have if they want so, those people do not really trust in their deepest self, to their heart, as there they will sense themselves that indeed Krishna and Radhe are not similar to us, as They are God, and we are eternally not God, but one in love, menaing in relations of love, with Them. When people have courage to give up old thinkings/beliefs/faiths and let the sincere and pure heart speak up, than everyone is capable to personally perceive the eternal distinct personality we have and God (Krishna/Radharani) has, and this does not imply any frustrations or angry in us, but rather it makes us finally really happy and inspires others to also strenghtened up their consciousness and focus their life to value added activities beneficial for all living beings and to Mother Earth (who is an expansion/aspect of Radharani/Parvati!). To stenghtened their sensitivity to clearly differentiate wrong conclusions from the truth ones, we often need activated persons that are willed to give others their help to also personally be capable to feel the love of God and of His/Her eternal children, Their angels/devatas/suras/children/Vaishnavas in all Their multitude of different eternal forms (svarupa) either human, animal, plant, stone, upa-deva (dwarves, elbes etc.), higher cosmic Vaishnavas (Shiva, Ganesh, Kuvera, Indra etc.). All Vaishnavas in all realms and place of existence in the universe know that Their eternal relation in love with all their brother and sisters and with God Father, Vishnu and to God-Mother, Lakshmi-devi. People, especially in India exist, that want to make others thinking, as they are either totally un-docked from the perception of clearness or they are asuric/demonic souls - that have interest to make others thinking in speculated/arrogant/non-divine-line method, so they can suck-from-them much of their life energy - by claiming themselves being followers of Veda, although they deliberately do not want to accept facts of the Vedas, as the key message, that all souls (jivas) eternally in all their consciouenss state, are distinct from the Param-Atma/Brahman who is only Krishna/Radharani (or Vishnu/Sri). Those cheaters, often also claiming themselves being avatars of Vishnu/Sri etc., do not want to accept key facts and have interest to propagate wrong conclusions to others, but still claiming to be followers of Vedic path. This coward behaviour makes only their karma turning into suffering mode and not to liberated mode. It is disgusting knowing that people, especially in India, exist, not a minority, but many so-called Hindus behave so, that do rituals, pujas, samskaras, parikramas etc. that also have murtis/deities at home, but when 'worshipping' them, their real consciouenss of mind, projects their deep problems (for the asura jivas/souls, it is a desire to be someone that they actually know they can never be) into the worship of the respective deity and think that when doing this and that ritual in the form as reommended by their guru or caste or sastra, they will sometimes, maybe in the next life, turn into that worshipped personality, meaning that they think that they can become Shiva, Ganesh or Krishna. This behaviour is very very tragic, that in the place on earth where the highest civilization/culture that covered the whole planet earth, approx. 25'000 years ago, peopel residing in India do so-called religous practices, without clearly differentiating facts presened in the scriptures, as the eternal distincion between all jivas/souls and the Pamam-Atma, Krishna/Radharani. In many cases that passive/lazy mode to do religious 'performances' do not relate to personal sufferings but more to arrogant heart consciousness behaviour people have, those people are called asuras, meaning not suras/devatas/Vaishnvas/angels. Also, people not willed to hear or accept basic Vedic siddhantha/facts. do project their hate and unwilligness in hearing the truth, with also giving commentaries in written form to the Vedic texts, by doing so, people readingn their commentaries/lectures/speeches/having their darshans, automatically lose energy and route them to the people/pseudo-guru/brahmins that delibaretely want to deny facts with sophisticated word-jogglery tactics (often in Sanscrit), people whose' sensitivity and stability is still weakened do fall into the traps of those asura jivas. The truth is simple, but people do not want to listen how sinmple it is and want to personally understand it, without often willed to accept guidance from those souls that are real eternal authorities that only people can be that follow the clear Vedic path given by the Munis, rishis, prajapatis, sadhus, real gurus like Sukadeva, Vyasa, Suta, all of course pure devatas/suras/angels/Vaishnavas, sensing what is true and what others want to make othes thinking/believing to be true althoug it is fully untrue. People should stop to speculate about things they actually know they are right, also so-called scholars/academics/pandits should stop poisoning others with invented/hate-filled claims saying that only the srutis (Four Vedas) are authorized Vedic sastras, neglecting the fact that also all smritis are full part of Vedic literature, all authorized to be composed by God-Father, Krishna Himself, to His powerful Son, Vyasadeva. Also any other sort of tries ot poisoning honest souls in re-activating their eternal relation to Radha and Krishna, through differnt subtle manipulative ways, must be given up. Vyasadeva is always inspired in all of his doings by the Supreme Lord, Krishna, God-Father that has millions of aspects like Vishnu, Balarama, Narayana, Anantashesa, Ramancandra, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda with The respectxive eternal female aspects, Sri, Revati, Lakshmi, Sita, Vishnu-priya/Lakshmi-priya etc. all eternally with the God-Father and God-Mother Personality but just with other aspects/forms, all of Them are eternally distinct from our personality of being eternally children of Them, in all our consciousness states (liberated, not-liberated, suffering, not-suffering, devatas/suras, non-devatas/suras). Eternally having the children of God personality and not the God personality makes others often thinking they are less worth or inferior to God (Krishna/Radharani) but this is totally wrong, as when sensing love you automatically can not feel yourself alone or let alone or inferior to anyone. Krishna and Radharani as all of Their eternal children in all forms, wear tilaka too, representing total devotion and servitude to all of His children, vice versa, all of Their children, do also totally serve and love eachother and love God-Father, Krishan and God-Mother, Radharani, too. A last word about Shiva and Parvati, whose personality eternally belongs to the children of God category and not to the God personality, although their acting in this universe can be considered as the Father and Mother of the material universe. Shiva and Parvati are the mediums per excellence of routing down the source male and source female energy, from God-Father, Krishna and God-Mother, Radharani, to all The living beings in this unverse. Some new aspects of perception are presented here. In love, Frodo
  7. Dear souls, Not willed to bewilder anyone in their thinking, I just want to add key important facts when sincerely willed to understand and perceive oneselves the realms of real truth and reality, hereby the Vedic texts speak clearly of realms of existence and of Personalities that all living beings can perceive if their hearts do really want to perceive them without scared or blocked by mind-influenced dogmatic/fanatic thinkings/beliefs, often heritated by our ancesstors/parents that most not be alway true that makes it impossible to perceive the truth as it is, not subjected to personal beliefs or faith. Purity and humility in the heart opens the gate for perceiving the realms of existence. Docked-in to the realm of truth everything is clear and no spculations about things are possible. People often are suffering, this suffering consciousness state does not permit to clearly sense what is true and what is untrue. Efforts to understand realms of existence not currently accessible for most of humans on earth, brought many philosophical paths, concepts, schools in the field, all tries to understand realms of which the saints, sadhus, rishis, munis speak and describe in the many holy texts, as the Vedas are. The cry of the soul to again sense ourselves the truth, without always having to rely on other's perceptions, statements - e.g. the ones of gurus, authorities etc. is often the reason why people start to neglect facts as they are and invent new paths and conclusions. It is understandable reaction of people when criticing things or people, especially when they feel themselves left alone and unprotected and unguided by real saintly persons. With the desperation people have, they often also start to totally neglect the key essence of basic conclusions, as their suffering to not currently be capable to personally perceive those realms and personalities is to deep. People do tend to also totally deny basic truth as a result of their personal suffering, this although their deep heart consciousness, which is covered by layers of suffering, clearly knows that the conclusions and persons they criticize are true/real. Understanding this emotional protection and denying behaviour people have, we can also understand why people suddenly start to neglect the authority of people, saints, Gods mentioned in holy scriptures as the Vedas are. Krishna and Radharani are Persons, not better than we are, but They are always Persons that are in charge for all others Persons, as They are God Father and God Mother. People do also tend to think that when suffering consciousness is trance-ended, through various methods of meditations etc., than we can return to what they think they are, God, although they mis-understand the fact that the return to our original liberated consciouness state means to become one with God in total harmony of love, between us, eternal children of God in all consciousness states (liberated and not-liberated) and with God (God Father, Krishna and God-Mother Radharani). Also people oftne use the word become one with God or one in love with God, but they actually mean with God, an impersonal Being/God, a sum of all jivas, that turn into one jiva, called Para-Braham/Atma, which has no real form, but which can suddenly chose to get a form and act accordingly, although the origin of all forms they claim to be impersonal. Instead of trying to cleary differentiate material forms with spirtual forms, they speculate and invent things which do not represent truth. All energies have a source which has form, that form is God-Father, Krishna and God-Mother, Radharani. Their spiritual bodies are indeed macrocosmos as They incorporate everything that exists, all universes, stars, planets, all elements, all dimensions, all Their eternal children, are present in Their spiritual bodies. The deviant or confused people from the Vedic path, think that Krishna is a normal person with supernatural powers which all can have if they want so, those people do not really trust in their deepest self, to their heart, as there they will sense themselves that indeed Krishna and Radhe are not similar to us, as They are God, and we are eternally not God, but one in love, menaing in relations of love, with Them. When people have courage to give up old thinkings/beliefs/faiths and let the sincere and pure heart speak up, than everyone is capable to personally perceive the eternal distinct personality we have and God (Krishna/Radharani) has, and this does not imply any frustrations or angry in us, but rather it makes us finally really happy and inspires others to also strenghtened up their consciousness and focus their life to value added activities beneficial for all living beings and to Mother Earth (who is an expansion/aspect of Radharani/Parvati!). To stenghtened their sensitivity to clearly differentiate wrong conclusions from the truth ones, we often need activated persons that are willed to give others their help to also personally be capable to feel the love of God and of His/Her eternal children, Their angels/devatas/suras/children/Vaishnavas in all Their multitude of different eternal forms (svarupa) either human, animal, plant, stone, upa-deva (dwarves, elbes etc.), higher cosmic Vaishnavas (Shiva, Ganesh, Kuvera, Indra etc.). All Vaishnavas in all realms and place of existence in the universe know that Their eternal relation in love with all their brother and sisters and with God Father, Vishnu and to God-Mother, Lakshmi-devi. People, especially in India exist, that want to make others thinking, as they are either totally un-docked from the perception of clearness or they are asuric/demonic souls - that have interest to make others thinking in speculated/arrogant/non-divine-line method, so they can suck-from-them much of their life energy - by claiming themselves being followers of Veda, although they deliberately do not want to accept facts of the Vedas, as the key message, that all souls (jivas) eternally in all their consciouenss state, are distinct from the Param-Atma/Brahman who is only Krishna/Radharani (or Vishnu/Sri). Those cheaters, often also claiming themselves being avatars of Vishnu/Sri etc., do not want to accept key facts and have interest to propagate wrong conclusions to others, but still claiming to be followers of Vedic path. This coward behaviour makes only their karma turning into suffering mode and not to liberated mode. It is disgusting knowing that people, especially in India, exist, not a minority, but many so-called Hindus behave so, that do rituals, pujas, samskaras, parikramas etc. that also have murtis/deities at home, but when 'worshipping' them, their real consciouenss of mind, projects their deep problems (for the asura jivas/souls, it is a desire to be someone that they actually know they can never be) into the worship of the respective deity and think that when doing this and that ritual in the form as reommended by their guru or caste or sastra, they will sometimes, maybe in the next life, turn into that worshipped personality, meaning that they think that they can become Shiva, Ganesh or Krishna. This behaviour is very very tragic, that in the place on earth where the highest civilization/culture that covered the whole planet earth, approx. 25'000 years ago, peopel residing in India do so-called religous practices, without clearly differentiating facts presened in the scriptures, as the eternal distincion between all jivas/souls and the Pamam-Atma, Krishna/Radharani. In many cases that passive/lazy mode to do religious 'performances' do not relate to personal sufferings but more to arrogant heart consciousness behaviour people have, those people are called asuras, meaning not suras/devatas/Vaishnvas/angels. Also, people not willed to hear or accept basic Vedic siddhantha/facts. do project their hate and unwilligness in hearing the truth, with also giving commentaries in written form to the Vedic texts, by doing so, people readingn their commentaries/lectures/speeches/having their darshans, automatically lose energy and route them to the people/pseudo-guru/brahmins that delibaretely want to deny facts with sophisticated word-jogglery tactics (often in Sanscrit), people whose' sensitivity and stability is still weakened do fall into the traps of those asura jivas. The truth is simple, but people do not want to listen how sinmple it is and want to personally understand it, without often willed to accept guidance from those souls that are real eternal authorities that only people can be that follow the clear Vedic path given by the Munis, rishis, prajapatis, sadhus, real gurus like Sukadeva, Vyasa, Suta, all of course pure devatas/suras/angels/Vaishnavas, sensing what is true and what others want to make othes thinking/believing to be true althoug it is fully untrue. People should stop to speculate about things they actually know they are right, also so-called scholars/academics/pandits should stop poisoning others with invented/hate-filled claims saying that only the srutis (Four Vedas) are authorized Vedic sastras, neglecting the fact that also all smritis are full part of Vedic literature, all authorized to be composed by God-Father, Krishna Himself, to His powerful Son, Vyasadeva. Also any other sort of tries ot poisoning honest souls in re-activating their eternal relation to Radha and Krishna, through differnt subtle manipulative ways, must be given up. Vyasadeva is always inspired in all of his doings by the Supreme Lord, Krishna, God-Father that has millions of aspects like Vishnu, Balarama, Narayana, Anantashesa, Ramancandra, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda with The respectxive eternal female aspects, Sri, Revati, Lakshmi, Sita, Vishnu-priya/Lakshmi-priya etc. all eternally with the God-Father and God-Mother Personality but just with other aspects/forms, all of Them are eternally distinct from our personality of being eternally children of Them, in all our consciousness states (liberated, not-liberated, suffering, not-suffering, devatas/suras, non-devatas/suras). Eternally having the children of God personality and not the God personality makes others often thinking they are less worth or inferior to God (Krishna/Radharani) but this is totally wrong, as when sensing love you automatically can not feel yourself alone or let alone or inferior to anyone. Krishna and Radharani as all of Their eternal children in all forms, wear tilaka too, representing total devotion and servitude to all of His children, vice versa, all of Their children, do also totally serve and love eachother and love God-Father, Krishan and God-Mother, Radharani, too. A last word about Shiva and Parvati, whose personality eternally belongs to the children of God category and not to the God personality, although their acting in this universe can be considered as the Father and Mother of the material universe. Shiva and Parvati are the mediums per excellence of routing down the source male and source female energy, from God-Father, Krishna and God-Mother, Radharani, to all The living beings in this unverse. Some new aspects of perception are presented here. In love, Frodo
  8. Frodo

    kalki avtar

    Srimad Bhagavatam 8.22.17 SLOKA available at http://srimadbhagavatam.com/8/22/17/ TRANSLATION Material opulence is so bewildering that it makes even a learned, self-controlled man forget to search for the goal of self-realization. But the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, the Lord of the universe, can see everything by His will. Therefore I offer my respectful obeisances unto Him. PURPORT The words ko vicaṣṭe gatim ātmano yathā indicate that when one is puffed up by the false prestige of possessing material opulence, he certainly neglects the goal of self-realization. This is the position of the modern world. Because of so-called scientific improvements in material opulence, people have entirely given up the path of self-realization. Practically no one is interested in God, one's relationship with God or how one should act. Modern men have altogether forgotten such questions because they are mad for material possessions. If this kind of civilization continues, the time will soon come when the Supreme Personality of Godhead will take away all the material opulences. Then people will come to their senses The mentioning of the sentence 'the time will come soon when the Supreme Personality of Godhead will take away all the material opulences' is very prophetic, as here Srila Prabhupada, founder of the Hare Krishna (ISKCON) movement, points out that a big change on earth is upcoming, impacting all living beings on our planet. Srila Prabhupada gave this comment in the 70s, therefore more than 30 years have gone by now. Veda means dynamic wisdom, specific key points mentiong in Vedic literature that inherit a cosmic transformation/healing process impacting all living beings on earth and universe - although authorized by the Supreme Lord/God-Father, Krishna and by all of His eternal wonderful bhaktas/children, Vyasa, Suka, Suta, Ganesh etc., may change according to time influences. For purposes not always immediately perceivable for the souls on earth, specific conclusions and points mentioned in Vedas had to be composed in the way we find it on earth inherating energetical reasons that when time circumstance is suitable can be revised/updated by the sadhus on earth that live heartly with the dynamism of Vedic wisdom.
  9. Commentators maintain that Rãdhã is rather of a recent origin and doesn’t have an antecedent and therefore, she has not been accepted by the Prasthãnatrayì – The Bhagavad-Gìtã, Brahmasútra and Upaniòads. Rãdhã was of course known since the days of Sãmaveda. The word ‘Rãdhã’ even occurs in Atharvaveda. But in Sãmaveda one finds the etymological derivation of the word ‘Rãdhã’. Thus rãdhã åabdasya vyutpattih sãmaveda. Nirúpitã that is the word Rãdhã defined by Sãmaveda. Rã + à = Rà = RÃDHà Dha + à = Dhã The word Rãdhã thus is a combination of four root letters: Ra, Ã, Dha, Ã, each having its own significance. Ra rephohi koti janmagham karma bhogam åubhãåubhaõ à ãkãra garbha basañca, mëtyuñca rogaõ ucchrudet Dha dhakãra ãyuòahan ucchrudet à ãkãro bhava bhandhanaõ ucchrudet This would mean that the Ra root in Rãdhã dispels the sins of a million births and liberates one from the consequences of evil deeds. The à root emancipates one from the cycle of birth and death and terminates diseases and death. The Dha root prevents loss of longevity and again à root frees one from the earthly bondage. It is, fascinating to note that such an apparently innocuous word has so much meaning packed into it. It is too good a word to be left alone – too many virtues cannot be left in abstraction. Rãdhã (the character) was therefore conceived, as a woman of stunning personal magnetism and charm along with all the virtues associated with the word.In Årìmad-Bhãgavata (10.30.28) we find Rãdhã as a concept as is evidenced in the following verse: anayã rãdhito núnaõ bhagavãn harirìåvaraæ janno vihãya govinda prìto jamanaya draha. Perhaps she has worshipped the Lord with greater devotion, that’s why the Lord deserted us to favour her with exclusive company and attention. (Trans. Ayengar) The background of this verse is an interesting episode in Årìmad-Bhãgavata, Canto 10, Rãsapañcadhyãya, where Årì Këòøa was dallying with the Gopì beauties. Suddenly Årì Këòøa disappeared leaving them dazed and disappointed. They couldn’t even make out as to what was their fault that the Lord deserted them. In their search for Årì Këòøa, they chanced upon a couple of pairs of footsteps. As they followed the track, at some distance they no that there were no more two pairs of footsteps, instead there was only one. And from the size of the footsteps, they guessed that it was the Lord’s. But where is the other pairs – the nimble, delicate and the small ones? On close examination it was found that the Lords footsteps had made deep imprints in the sand leaving little doubt that the Lord carried her himself and under the weight, his feet dug deep into the sand. Naturally the Gopìs were humbled to think that there was a greater devotee of the Lord, whom the lord favoured with exclusive audience. Here, therefore, the context in which the word ‘Rãdhã’ is used, refers to a person who has attained the highest state of spiritual evolution – a great and profound selfless devotion which we call ‘Ãrãdhanã’. Hence the derivation ãrãdhyati këòøaæ anayã iti rãdhã (one who devoutly worships is Rãdhã) seems natural and convincing. Barbara Stoller Miller’s derivation – finding connections between Rãdhã and Indra seems rather too far fetched, like finding burglars under the bed. But the question remains who this lady was – a great favourite of the Lord? Årìmad-Bhãgavata is silent about it. There are of course some oblique references which sound significant – such as ‘Lover of Këòøa’ ( këòøapriyã) and ‘Këòøa’s beloved’ ( këòøa preyasì) etc. Ancient commentators maintain that these epithets refer to Rãdhã, though Årìmad-Bhãgavata doesn’t formally acknowledge her as the chief consort of Këòøa. Therefore even though there is the description of Autumnal Rãsa (The autumnal dalliance of the Lord with Gopìs) we don’t find Rãdhã at the centre-stage. Later on, however, ‘Rãdhã’ became the quintessence of Vaiòøava doctrine of devotion (Bhakti), surrender (Prapatti) and selfless service to God. It is said that Rãdhã is, guøaihi ati varìyasì, hareæ atyanta vallabhã The epitome of all virtues and the dearest to the Srì Hari. It is significant to note that ‘Rãdhã’ has not been mentioned anywhere in Mahãbhãrata or even Harivaõåa Purãøa. But there is a mention of her name in Uttara and Patala Khaøîa of Padma Purãøa. Padma Purãøa is supposed to be a recent epic. The tantrik treatise called Pañcatantra Saõhitã, which is supposed to be older and more authentic than even the Purãøas, enshrine the name of ‘Rãdhã’. The earliest poet to make a reference to ‘Rãdhã’ was Hala in his Gãtha Saptaåatì around 6th century A.D. The concept of ‘Rãdhã’, however, finds a detailed analysis in one of the eighteen famous Purãøas ( Aòóadaåa Purãøa), namely, Brahmavaivarta Purãøa, Part II. In the Khaøîa entitled Årì Këòøajanma Khaøîa i.e. ‘the Këòøa birth episode’, Maharòi Vyãsa writes thus: këòøasyãrdhãùga sambhúta nãthasya sadëòì satì goloka vasinã åreyam atra këòøajña adhunã ãjoni sambhavã devì múla prakëti ìåvarì The best among Goloka appeared here by Këòøa’s command. She (Rãdhã) is born of no mother and she (Rãdhã) who is the fundamental Prakëti (the female energy) is in her own right a goddess, and emerged from the better half of Këòøa’s being and moulded after his image. (Trans. Ayengar) Further Vyãsadeva adds: årì këòøasya tejasãrdhena sã ca múrtimatì satì eka múrtihi dvidhã bhúvã bhedo vedanirúpitã. Rãdhã embodies half the divine effulgence of Srì Krsna. They are both one body divided into two beings – such is the irrefutable decree of the Veda. (Trans. Ayengar) The fact that their identities are one and the same reinforced by what he adds further: iyaõ strì sa pumãn kimvã sã vã kãntã pumãn ayaõ dvirúpe tejas tulye rúpenãñca guøena ca parãkrameøaca budhyã vã, jñãnen sampadãpica, púrate gamane naiva kintu sã vayasãdhikã … In their looks, in their radiance, in their attributes, in their prowess, in their wisdom, in their intelligence and in their riches, they are so identical to each other that it is difficult to tell Rãdhã from Këòøa or Këòøa from Rãdhã and what is more is that she precedes Këòøa and is the older of the two. (Trans: Ayengar) A hirbudhnya Saõhitã explains the need for such a creation. It is in order to create the universe the supreme God divided himself as Åakti and Åaktimãn as dynamic and potential energy. God who is the potential energy or the latent energy is to be lent Kinesis (motion) by Åakti (kinetic energy), His divine consort. Thus the supreme being embodied Himself as Puruòa (male energy) and Prakëti (female energy). Hence Årì Këòøa and Rãdhã respectively represented these two principles. Skanda Purãøa too corroborates the fact that Rãdhikã is a part of the Supreme Soul: ãtmãtu rãdhikã tasya taiva ramanat asau. That is, Rãdhikã is part of thy supreme soul (ãtmã) and thou dally with her (ãtmã saha ramati iti ãtmãrãma). He, therefore, is called Ãtmãrãma. Thus the Parakìyã (the extramarital relation) which is usually ascribed to Rãdhã-Këòøa relation, which even some orthodox Vaiòøava saints look upon as a taint, is in fact a misnomer, studied in the context of what has already been said. Rãdhã, a part and parcel of the same Supreme Soul, is the ‘principle of ecstasy’. She is not anybody else’s wife, dallying with Këòøa in an extramarital situation. She is His Atmã. In Brahmavaivarta Purãøa we find that Këòøa and Rãdhã are not just anybody, but they are a regularly wedded couple, and their marriage had been duly solemnised by Brahmã himself (the first of the Hindu Triumvirate) as the priest.
  10. Dear souls, I am asking anybody here whether someone is capable to provide me the original sanscrit verses of Mahabharata Vana Parva 148 where the description about Bhima asking Hanuman to show him his previous Satya yuga form. The English Mahabharata translations on that passage on http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m03/m03148.htm and http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m03/m03149.htm do not contain any sanscrit verses. In gratitude for any assistance, Frodo
  11. The Great Men Chaitanya is Krishna, God-Father. There are many many other avatars of Krishna that are not mentioned directly in the Earthly Vedic literature having appeared on earth too. All places on earth are holy. Mother Earth, Sri Bhumi-devi or Gaia-devi, is Vishnu-priya, Krishna Caitanya's eternal wife. Krishna has indeed appeared often on Bharata-varsa but He has also appeared often on other continents on earth too in previous times, going back thousand, hundredthousand, millions years back, when everything on earth looked differently than in ourdays. Mother Earth incorporates on her chest all stars of the universe, gateways which connect all the earthly inhabitants to all galaxies and dimensions of the universe exist on earth, called dvaras in sanscrit. In previous times people could travel using those activated dimensional-gateways (dvaras) everywhere on earth and to other starso too. Frodo
  12. Dear soul, There is multitude of beautiful inhabitants in Goloka, there are many here unknown animals species, plants, stones and humanoid beings. Everyone in Goloka is fully enjoying the beauty of the countryside, the beauty of everyone. In addition to the cows and bulls, to the gopals and gopis, to elephants, to tigers, to lions, to spiders, to rhinos, to butterflies, to dinosaurs you'll find also all other animals living or that lived on earth living in Goloka, alltogether in harnony consciosness, pleased to serve everyone and to always encounter Radhika and Krishna in their ecstatic multiformal daily and nightly adventures. All sort of reptiles like crocos, lizards, flying snakes you will also find there. Everything in Goloka and in the spiritual world (Vaikuntha) is fully prema-bhakti-activated, has its wonderful form who can also temporarily change to get the form they want to embrasse everyone of other forms (althouth this changing-temporarily-form is not used frequently). The realm of Goloka and Vaikuntha is filled with gifts for everyone, Radhika and Krishna are always planning how they can let their children's hearts more and more kissed and served by them. Spiders with the yantra-webs do enhance the beauty of the countryside when the rasa-lila is played on full-moon, frogs chanting hymns decorate the beauty, rhinos and insects, elephants, whales and dolphins in the rivers of Goloka, dogs, wolves, foxes, cats, rabbits, sauriers, hills, trees, flowers and all other beings as well ornamenting the love in Goloka and dancing alltogether honouring everyone existing. Radhika and Krishna do also often change their bodies in Goloka and take the forms of their children in other forms than human and play with them. The world of reality is filled with total gifts for everyone, everyone is fully pleased to have every desire always immediately manifested, everyone is really happy in serving everyone else. Love is kissing the lips of everyone. Radhika is with Krishna always there to always serve, kiss and embrasse all their children. The flyigns cobras, boas, pythons, anacondas, vipers etc. do always swim in the rivers of Vraja, always together with Radhika and Krishna and with the other Gopalas and Gopis. All devis of the snakes do dance in human-form as Gopis with Krishna, this is happending to all devis of every race of existence too. Fire-works of joy is what everyone of us can expect when we return to Goloka, the place where we eternally belong, the place from where we all come, the place which is awaiting our return for long time. All we are is wonderful loving souls, Frodo
  13. gHari, Thanks a lot for all interesting information you have provided. I have found other valid information on your website too! /images/graemlins/smile.gif In love, Frodo
  14. Kulapavana, I am looking forward to get the verse from Markandeya Purana! Thank you for your research, :-) Frodo
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