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About Laurajane

  • Birthday 01/14/1975


  • Biography
    Im a mature student studying an honours degree in pschology
  • Location
  • Interests
    collecting autographs and going on long walks with my alsation
  • Occupation
    Mature student

Laurajane's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi Avinash Thankyou so much for your kindness. So is लॉरा एवं पॉल correct for Laura and Paul using evam. Thanks from Laura P.s is this Elliott in sanskrit एलियट the answer to Elliotts question your the expert in Sanskrit Im just trying to help and Learn
  2. Hi Avinash Thanks for the reply Is this evam एवं and is this and च and is this soulmates - आत्ममित्राणि or स्युलमेट्स सदैव or सर्वदा - which of these is forever. Your help would be much appreciated as my sanskrit is a bit scratchy <!-- / message --><!-- edit note -->
  3. Hi Avinash Is this evam एवं and is this and च and is this soulmates - आत्ममित्राणि or स्युलमेट्स सदैव or सर्वदा - which of these is forever. Your help would be much appreciated as my sanskrit is a bit scratchy
  4. Hi Avinash, thankyou so much for your reply I really appreciate it. Would you know the sanskrit for "evam". If so it would be a big help. Thanks again. From Laurajane
  5. Hi can somebody please tell me if this is Laura and Paul in Sanskrit लॉरा आंड पॉल help would be appreciated
  6. Hi can anybody please translate the words Laura and Paul Soulmates Forever or just Laura and Paul In to hindi script please I would really appreciate it. I desperately need to know as I want it tattooed A.S.A.P Thankyou My email address is laurajane12@hotmail.co.uk <!-- / message --><!-- edit note -->
  7. Hi can anybody please translate the words Laura and Paul In to hindi script please I would really appreciate it and also the word Soulmates Thankyou My email address is laurajane12@hotmail.co.uk
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