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  1. What is the worst joke you ever thought of or atleast came across... POST HERE! I will give you mine... here it is ... "Knock. Knock." "Who's there?" "Interrupting cow." "Interrupting cow wh..." "Mmmoooooooo!" ____ worst joke ever heard in my life, trust me... anyway, post the worst jokes youve heard in your life... here -enlightened.
  2. Sorry, I can't go to my other post for some reason, it says "Page cannot be found" Oh well... well here is the article or actually a conversation between "Hansadutta" and "Guest". I am very disturbed by the various types of things said in this article... however I do believe that our main goal is to reach krishna . I always thought that our bodies have nothing to do with us. I was very angry when he said "An unmarried woman is a disturbance to all men; a married woman is a disturbance to only one" Forgive me, I have great respect to the fellow devotees of krishna... however this article has given my heart extreme pain. the url address for this article is this: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/1148/sex.html ___ -- What about Krishna women? Men and Women are Not Equal On the platform of the soul there is no difference between man and woman, but we are in the conditioned stage. The effects of the body are a reality, though unreal in the last analysis. Their effects are temporary. A male has certain characteristics by nature, and a female has certain other characteristics. If we artificially try to make them equals, we shall not succeed. Women say that they are equal to men, but if so, why don't men become pregnant and bear children? There is a physical and psychological difference between men and women. Vedic culture recognizes that difference. That does not mean that women are bad or that we should discriminate against women, but it means that we should recognize the relationship as it is. Measure of Intelligence GUEST: It has been proven that women are more intelligent than men in America. HANSADUTTA: Women are more intelligent than men materially, but not spiritually. A woman's intelligence works for material comfort and enjoyment; whereas a man's intelligence is more inclined towards spiritual life. In the material world, women are the impetus for men's work. ":Behind every great man is a woman." Amongst children, girls are always more intelligent than boys. They learn reading, writing and arithmetic with ease, while the boys struggle. Women are very intelligent in the material sense, and they give inspiration to men to work hard and accomplish wonderful things materially. But when it comes to spiritual life, the connection between men and woman becomes an obstacle. A man who is attached to woman cannot make spiritual advancement, even though he may advance materially. There are two kinds of intelligence: material and spiritual. A man who is inspired by Krishna consciousness is more intelligent, because spiritual intelligence leads to permanent happiness; whereas material intelligence leads only to temporary happiness. American men worship women. When we say women are less intelligent, they feel terrible. They wonder why we talk like this. Women are less intelligent for spiritual advancement; however, if they acknowledge their rightful position, there is no problem. A Woman's Place Most women want to be independent, and they are being encouraged to become so. Therefore society is in chaos, and everyone is suffering. In India the women are happy, because they are chaste and shy. They maintain the house and make their husbands comfortable and happy. Western men and women marry as equals, and that is not good. The man says something, and the wife says something else, and then they fight. In the Vedic system, the wife serves her husband, and she is happy doing that. Women are not equal, and the problem is they are not being trained to serve any man; they are being trained to seduce him and keep him running on the treadmill of hard work, hard struggle for existence. A woman should accept her position as servant. She should be subordinate to a man and allow him to take care of her, instead of trying to be a man and woman all in one. A woman should allow a man to take charge of her life; then she will be happy. If she tries to be equal to or better than the man--even if she is--her marriage will fail, because no man can be happy with a woman telling him what to do, even if she is more intelligent. A woman's only business is to be protected by a man. Women can neither live alone nor together. A woman can live with one man who will take care of her. All women should be married. An unmarried woman is a disturbance to all men; a married woman is a disturbance to only one. If a woman does not have a good husband, her life will be miserable. On the other hand, if a woman has a good husband, her life will be fulfilled--she will be protected both materially and spiritually. Of course, the husband should accept a bona fide spiritual master. At present, women don't get good husbands, nor do the husbands accept a spiritual master; therefore no one is happy. Is sex allowed? Association with the Opposite Sex is Restricted The difference between a man and a woman is the body, which is only a dress. One man may wear a tuxedo, and another man may wear blue jeans, but that difference is external. Similarly, the body is the external covering of the soul. The ingredients of a man's or woman's body are the same, but because we are conditioned to act in the bodily concept and illusioned by bodily differences, men and women are kept strictly separate for the purpose of advancing in Krishna consciousness. Brahmacharis (unmarried men), vanaprasthas and sannyasis (men who have retired from family life to practice renunciation and those who have renounced all worldly connection) have no association with the opposite sex. Only grihasthas (married men) are allowed to associate with women. Sex Means Entanglement Everyone is trying to be happy in material life by finding a sex companion. A man wants a wife; a woman wants a husband; they beget children, and then they have to work to provide for the children, to raise and educate them. Thus they forget about self-realization and remain in material existence, suffering the miseries of birth, old age, disease and death. There is no happiness in the material world, but the sex attraction bewilders everyone's intelligence, and convinces us that we will find happiness where there is no possibility of finding it. The Original Male-Female Attraction The sex principle is motivating human and animal society. The aim of Vedic culture is to dissolve the man-woman attachment so that one may return to his original relationship as pure spirit soul, servant of Krishna and thus go back to Godhead. The greatest stumbling block on the path of spiritual advancement is man's attraction for woman and woman's attraction for man. This attraction exists because in the Absolute Truth there is also male and female attraction: Radha-Krishna, or purusha and prakriti. When the conditioned soul falls to the material world, he comes with the desire to imitate Krishna. He wants to be a purusha--he wants to enjoy. That enjoyment is epitomized in the male and female attraction. There is male and female attraction in the spiritual world, but it is pure; whereas in the material world, that attraction is impure. It is a perverted reflection of the spiritual principle of purusha and prakriti. Purusha means male, and prakriti means female. In the spiritual world there is only one purusha, and that person is Krishna, or God. He enjoys with everyone else. All other persons are prakriti, or female. This is a transcendental philosophy which cannot be understood in terms of mundane sex. Freud was concerned with sex, but he had no idea about the spiritual principle of purusha and prakriti. He was only aware of the material attraction of male and female, without knowing why this attraction exists in human and animal society. Freud concluded that the sex principle is the basic motivation for all material activities, but he did not know the origin of the sex principle. Why should there be male or female? Where has this principle come from? This he did not know. The Absolute Truth embodies this principle as purusha and prakriti, or God and the servants of God. God is enjoying everyone's service. Spiritual life means that we are objects of Krishna's enjoyment. We should allow ourselves to be enjoyed by Krishna. If we try to enjoy ourselves by artificial love in this mundane society, we won't be successful. The purusha, or male, enjoys the female, who is always subordinate to the male. Therefore Krishna is enjoying everyone, and if we agree to enjoy with Krishna, then we shall also enjoy. If we think, "Why should Krishna enjoy? Why should I serve Krishna? I will serve myself, and my wife, along with my children and friends, will serve me. I will enjoy because I am the greatest," and if we only aim to please ourselves, we shall develop a demoniac mentality. A devotee's mentality is to satisfy Krishna--"Whatever Krishna desires, I desire. Whatever Krishna does not like, I do not like." That is Krishna consciousness. ______
  3. You see, I understand the fact that we are all trying to reach krishna but why support biases? I read an article from one of the hare krishna websites that explains how there should be a subjugation of women. I will post it here... it is kind of disturbing... actually very disturbing.
  4. what is sayujya-mukti? I saw it in other posts, I have no clue what that is, can some one tell me.
  5. The pictures are so awesome! they are so incredible/images/graemlins/smile.gif !!! I love it! thanks /images/graemlins/grin.gif Oh yeah, I love the one where krishna is hugging Chaitanya, it is so cool !
  6. The pictures are so awesome! they are so incredible/images/graemlins/smile.gif !!! I love it! thanks /images/graemlins/grin.gif Oh yeah, I love the one where krishna is hugging Chaitanya, it is so cool !
  7. It takes guts for any one to leave her kingdom and devote everything to selfless action..... besides, she was a woman and women in India at that time didn't have as many rights as they do now. But couldn't she have done more if she stayed at home and glorified krishna across the land by political stimulation among the public? Oh well, anyway, i didn't know meerabai until my arrival to america... Ironic isn't it.. /images/graemlins/smile.gif However, I did see her picture before because we used to use a champoo named "Meera" and it had her holding a sitar. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  8. It takes guts for any one to leave her kingdom and devote everything to selfless action..... besides, she was a woman and women in India at that time didn't have as many rights as they do now. But couldn't she have done more if she stayed at home and glorified krishna across the land by political stimulation among the public? Oh well, anyway, i didn't know meerabai until my arrival to america... Ironic isn't it.. /images/graemlins/smile.gif However, I did see her picture before because we used to use a champoo named "Meera" and it had her holding a sitar. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  9. but it still quite unpleasant to see a fellow hare krishna say all those things about other religions like the people in the other religions do to the religions or paths they don't take. but i guess we have to be tolerant of intolerance also because the truth for one depends on the very notion and the perspective she/he sees it in. hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare!
  10. please. thank you /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  11. I think what prabhupada and all the other great saints explain is that, love in the material world is nothing but another form of attachment. This attachment is not a reality but perceived to be a reality. In truth, Love for us and any one (because, we are all living entities) is over krishna, what we tend to look for is krishna, but we don't realize it. This fake attachment to people tends to be impermanent, thus causing us to suffer heavily because of its temporary nature. On the other hand, attachment to krishna is permanent because he is eternal and always present everywhere. So, it is better for us to gradually unattach ourselves to this material world and things and people in it, and finally find our attachment to krishna with is much more pleasing and pleasurable. /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif I could be wrong some what , but i think i got the idea of what they say in hindu scriptures and in this hare krishna movement. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
  12. Protection is in the hands of krishna... Example: Once my dad was driving like at 6:30 in the morning and we were late to work. So, we were hurrying on a highway next to our place and we crashed into another car. However, nothing happened to me and nothing happened to our car except a dent and a tire lossening and nothing happened to my dad or the driver in the car. _________-- to top my point off, I have been in some severe accidents in my life, but nothing happened to me. The reason in my view is that it is krishna's will if something happens or not /images/graemlins/grin.gif. Do you really think that just because americans went into Iraq, the country is free from evil? You don't support your point my friend, Iraq is on a verge of Voting for ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALIST GOVERNMENT... which should be worse than saddams government in your view. /images/graemlins/grin.gif The result is never in your hand...
  13. we are posting at the same time /images/graemlins/grin.gif!!!!!
  14. In reply to: ______ "Do we have a hare krishna here who belives islam is as good as vaishnavism? If so, why not become a muslim? why vaishnavism?" __ I found your words very offensive to be honest... /images/graemlins/frown.gif Actually I prefer Vaishnavism over Islam because I believe my path is the one that leads to my krishna. However, I have no tendencies that create discrimination against Islam or Christianity. Anyway, I like Vaishnavism because my family is a family of vaishnavas from generations ... you can go back to like 500 years before when there were Alwars in south India. In other words, I like vaishnavism because i have been exposed to it from birth /images/graemlins/grin.gif thats all!. But my friend, look at this more closely, If I was not a vaishnava, wouldn't I still go back to the godhead because, I would then take several births to go into vaishnavism and then finally be liberated. So you and me are the lucky ones :smile : because we have been in vaishnavism in this life thanks to krishna. however, other paths also lead to krishna. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  15. does krishna see us as "hare krishnas" or "Muslims" or "christians" ? /images/graemlins/smile.gif he never even mentioned that we should discriminate them... but he did say this in a hymn of vedas : "As the different streams Having their sources in different places All mingle their water in the sea, So O Lord, the different paths which men take, Through various tendencies, Various though they appear Crooked or straight, All lead to thee."
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