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Dr. Meera

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  1. Dear concerned one, There is a great deal of psychological work that you, your partner (or ex-partner) and you both as a couple have to do to decide "for both of you" (not just one) whether you both want this relationship, and why you had a fall out. If the other person does not want to talk or talks only of wanting to "move on" then you need to be mature and learn to let go with respect for that person and for yourself. Men and women like partners with dignity, self confidence and communication skills that reflect the ability to work through differences (mundane or deep). This is why "going into mantra and spirituality" without psychological work only provides temporary relief without changing anything (deeply or wisely). People with evolved self awareness and sensitivity are better at using chants, etc for higher purposes with more subtle and non-material achievements. Good things come to them, they don't run after it. And if they go after someone or somethings they do so with deep knowledge, grace, humility and honesty. They also learn to move on with grace and dignity. Your current situation does not require a mantra (except to give you some insight, confidence and the ability to move and find someone else if necessary). You need spiritual help to "love and respect" yourself first, without clinging to someone who might not want you, desire you or respect you). Do the psychological work first with some spiritual work to give you peace, quiet, strength and insight. Mantras to manipulate someone's mind or heart will not work and only makes you look cheap and silly - and it cheapens spirituality. Learning to talk about differences and difficulties is the first to step to dealing with relationship issues (in dating, love or marriage). If the other side does not want to or is too clumsy then learn to move on with grace. Wish them well, remember the good things, and thank your stars that you don't have to deal with all this ups and downs and move on (with dignity, warmth, knowledge and confidence). Best wishes, Dr. Meera
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