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  1. I guess I should just stay away from people who criticize Srila Sridhar Maharaj If I point out the depth of corruption in Iskcon pre-samadhi and the fact that the corruption was known about at the highest level, people will say I'm offensive. And how many times has this offensive letter to Rupanuga been published on this site and by "Prabhupada men". I wish I'd never heard of this site Audarya and I will not log in again. Hare Krishna
  2. Yes Vedesu, if their philosophy is true then maybe souls need to search for a world higher than Goloka since the souls in Goloka have painful dreams and see themselves burning in the inferno. But their philosophy is false....
  3. C'est Iskcon malheureux favorise une philosophie aliénée qui empoisonne la terre où nous essayons de prêcher.
  4. King Yudhisthira: The sanskrit shows something more: hari-dāsābhimarśanaḥ aśraddheya ivābhāti harer ekāntināḿ bhavaḥ Hari-dasa (the devotees of Hari) ābhimarśanah (being overcome) aśraddheya (defeating their faith [sRADDHA]) iva (as if) ābhāti (it appears) hareḥ (of Hari) ekāntinām (of those exclusively devoted as exalted attendants) bhavaḥ (taking birth in a material body) i.e. "It appears that the faith of the exclusively devoted attendants of Visnu is crushed and they had to take birth in the material world after being cursed by impersonalist sages who had never had darshan of Narayana"
  5. Well I was living at SCSMath in Nabadwip when the first western devotees started to arrive. We had no running water (seventy year old people used to bathe from water in buckets from the well) Dirt pathways everywhere (no concrete or marble) Prashadam cooked on coal fires Srila Sridhar Maharaj used to personally manage the money and pay for salt etc on a daily basis Floods used to come regularly.. No regular electricity... No telephone Prashad with grubs in it --- they were the best days of my life and I would be happy to live and die a million lifetimes just so I could go back there for a few years in each lifetime.
  6. Krishna has a halo around his face when he walks along the riverbank of the Yamuna in Vrindaban. The halo is Brahman. Brahman exists in Vaikuntha.
  7. Documented examples of Gurus empowering and ordering their disciples to become Gurus (siksa and diksa gurus) 1) Sri Jiva Goswami ordered his siksa disciple Syamananda Thakura (the history is well known) to leave his life of bhajan in Vraja-dham and go to his native place, preach and initiate disciples. Interestingly, it is a widely known fact recorded in numerous old books that Syamananda Thakur's relationship with his diksa guru (Hridaya Caitanya Goswami) was more or less severed after his diksa guru beat him up in Vraja when he found out that Syamananda was now following Jiva Goswami. Sri Jiva also ordered another two devotees, Srinivasa Acharya (disciple of Gopal Bhatta Goswami), and Narottama Thakura (disciple of Lokanatha) to go to Bengal and become a Guru. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NOTE::::::: Narottama is mentioned in the Guru Parampara list in Bhagavad Gita as it is, but the name of his diksa Guru (Lokanatha) is not mentioned. Devotees in Iskcon sing "Sri Guru Carana Padma... Lokanatha lokera jivana..." but almost none of them ever ask "why is Lokanatha's name not mentioned in the Guru Parampara list?" :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3) Syamananda Thakura had over 250,000 initiated disciples (yes that number is right) and amongst those Rasikananda Thakura was chosen to be the leader of the sampradaya. Syamananda Thakura clearly stated that Rasikananda was his successor and all the descendents of Syamananda accept that this is was the choice and decision of Syamananda Thakura. 4) Visvanatha Cakravarti instructed Baladeva Vidyabhusana to preach in Jaipura, and after defeating the Ramanandi sholars he gave diksa to some of them. Baladeva Vidyabhusana was the initiated disciple of Radha-Damodara Goswami or Orissa, a third generation descendent of Rasikananda, the chosen successor of Syamananda Thakura. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NOTE:::::::::: In the Guru Parampara list at the end of the introduction to "Bhagavad Gita as it is" it mentions Visvanatha as the Guru of Baladeva. No mention is given of the lineage of Gurus from Syamananda to Rasikananda to Radha-Damodara to Baladeva. The person who empowered Baladeva to preach (Visvananatha) is listed as his Guru. Whereas in the books of Baladeva he clearly states that he is the initiated disciple of Radha Damodara Goswami. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5) Jagannatha dasa Babaji accepted Thakura Bhaktivinode as his disciple but he never gave him any sort of initiation. Thakura Bhaktivinode was the initiated disciple of Bipin Bihari Goswami, a caste goswami, but when this caste goswami opposed the worship at Mahaprabhu's birthplace in Mayapura a disagreement ensued and indeed Bipin Bihari Goswami rejected Thakura Bhaktivinode as his disciple. 6) Thakura Bhaktivinode instructed Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura to preach, establish temples and so forth. There is the text of a letter from Thakura Bhaktivinode to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura stating this on Narasingha Maharaja's web site. 7) Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura told his disciple Bhakti Saranga Goswami that when he went to London he could give diksa and accept disciples. Indeed Bhakti Saranga Goswami did initiate an Australian man and bring that disciple back to India to meet with Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura. ::::::::::: BTW, tomorrow is the Vyasa Puja day of Srila Bhakti Saranga Goswami and devotees from many Maths will gather at the temple of Bhakti Saranga Goswami at Imlitala in Vrindaban to give honour to this great devotee. ::::::::::: 8) Srila B. R. Sridhar Maharaj chose his disciple Swami. B. S. Govinda Dev Goswami Maharaj to be his successor Acharya. 9) B. P. Puri Gosai chose his disciple Sripad Bodhayana Maharaj as his successor. ... Numerous other examples of less well known Acharyas can be given. But without doubt the fact that Baladeva is listed as a disciple of his siksa guru Visvanantha in "Bhagavad Gita as it is" is the most obvious example of a siksa guru empowering a disciple, and the fact that Syamananda Thakura was known as a disciple of his siksa guru Sri Jiva Goswami prove that a Guru can select a disciple to be his successor and Acharya. One Hawaiian guru who is now married to the divorced wife of one of his disciples often says that a Guru never chooses a successor. But this is foolishness. People with no knowledge of the real history of Gaudiya Vaisnavism may be fooled by the foolish ideas taught by neophytes. What to do? Maybe in their next life the followers of this neophyte will understand what the Vaisnava religion really is.
  8. Gauragopala says all souls are either Visnu tattva or jiva tattva. He doesn't accept there is an difference between souls who are antaranga shakti or who are tatastha shakti. According to his FALL theory the divine antaranga shakti beings (Gopis etc) have started dreaming about doing things like injecting heroin into their arms, eating hamburgers, homosexual activity, stock market speculation and so on and so forth. All the beings in the world are actually pure souls in Goloka, including beings such as vampire bats and rats that eat their children when they are hungry, as well as herpes germs and syphilis germs and the billions of krill and jellyfish that are mindlessly drifting around in the ocean. Mosquitoes are all residents of Goloka who are just dreaming about how they can get lucky and find somebody that they can suck blood from. When we go to sleep at night we forget all about this material life and all our desires are deactivated. In that state where we are not involved in Maya, perhaps we are reawakened in our Goloka life. Is that what is going on? In the daytime in Goloka we are doing service to Krishna, and then we go off to sleep a material dream and start to dream that we are Gauragopala das ACBSP the pet of Srila Visnupada Bhavananda Maharaja.
  9. Prabhupada said the spiritual body is within this material body. The spiritual body and the soul are not in Goloka but in the world of Maya.
  10. Prabhupada said the spiritual body is within this material body. The spiritual body and the soul are not in Goloka but in the world of Maya.
  11. Prabhupada said the spiritual body is within this material body. The spiritual body and the soul are not in Goloka but in the world of Maya.
  12. Prabhupada said the spiritual body is within this material body. The spiritual body and the soul are not in Goloka but in the world of Maya.
  13. What about these quotes by Srila Prabhupada saying the spiritual body is not in Goloka?
  14. When Srinivasa Acharya Prabhu was in Vrindaban he took diksa (mantra initiation) from Sri Gopala Bhatta Goswami. He also accepted Sri Jiva Goswami as his siksa Guru. At that time the writings of the six Goswamis were unknown in Bengal and Sri Jiva Goswami instructed Srinivas Acharya, along with his friends Srila Narottama das Thakura Mahasaya and Sri Syamananda Thakura, to go to Bengal and Orissa and distribute the divine knowledge taught by the six Goswamis. Sri Jiva empowered Srinivasa Acharya. Srinivasa Acharya was the more senior of the three friends because he was born of a brahmin family. The others were also empowered by Sri Jiva, most specially Syamananda Thakura who received diksa from Hridayananda Goswami but who received detailed siksa from Sri Jiva. Anyway, Srinivasa Acharya in particular was told to preach, to make disciples, to give diksa, everything, by Sri Jiva Goswami, who was his siksa guru. It is to be noted, however, that the empowerment one may receive from a genuine Guru is conditional. If the person who has been empowered later deviates from what Mahaprabhu taught and becomes a sinner then the empowerment can be withdrawn. Mahaprabhu taught: "O my lord, I don't want followers, wealth or women, I only want devotion - Sri Siksastakam". It is a matter of historical fact that Srila Sridhar Maharaj later rejected several people who he conditionally accepted as Gurus.
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