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  • Biography
    Female,single,no children, no pets, no attachments except Sri Krishna.
  • Location
    Sierra Nevada, Ca
  • Interests
    reading, singing, listening about Krishna
  • Occupation
    massage therapist

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I washed a lot of them in Berkeley and I enjoyed it. In fact, I was truly grateful for the offer to wash them. I did not feel worthy of cutting up vegetables. I will wash pots wherever I go. I enjoy cleaning.
  2. Hari Bol Livingentity! Last summer at Mono Hot Springs I met a group of devotees while doing a japa walk. I was crying and praying to Krishna the day before for association. I had prasadam and bhajans with them for three days out in the middle of the woods. It was wonderful. P.S. Sorry about the two names on here-Aishwarya & Leela-couldn't remember my password then just got another e-mail.
  3. Livingentity, I worked Kings Canyon, Sequoia & Yosemite Natl Parks then ended my trail days in John Muir & Ansel Adams wilderness in Minarets area & Edison & Florence Lake-near Huntington Lake. Then have been doing massage therapy at Mono Hot Springs.
  4. Thank you for your kindness. It is SO amazing that Sudama came into my life. I believe that a devotee doesn't even have to mention Krishna to have a huge impact on another soul. Sudama was like the fragrant sandalwood tree in the forest permeating my heart silently with Krishna. I too lived in 3-rivers and San Diego. Yet in Three Rivers I never met a devotee. Would not have known what to look for!How I wish I had. It is okay that the guest was a little hard on me.I should expect to be challenged a little. I just assumed that having devotees recommending me to the temple president was part of the procedure and the fact that almost all I know of Krishna is from Srila Prabhupad's books. Even if I don't get there, I am sure Krishna will send me where he wants me, and I feel He wants me there for starters.
  5. Thank you. Yes, I know I can ask the temple president but I really could use some female input. I have somehow managed to not really know any female devotees-guess its because of my location away from any temples. Any info is very appreciated. I have a harmonium I want to bring. Do I part with the cell phone? (Actually, I would be glad to.)
  6. I have a Manoj Kumar Sardar & Bros. scale changer harmonium for sale. It is new basically. I have been told it is studio quality. It has a beautiful sound. I saw a price tag of 850.00 on one that was NOT a scale changer at Ali Albar school. I would like to have 450.00 for mine. I bought a more portable Harmonium and that is why I am wanting to sell. I do not have a picture at this time but could get one. I live near Fresno.
  7. Hari Bol! Dear godbrothers and godsisters. Please accept my humble obeisances. What can I expect when I join a temple? I am awaiting permission to join ISKCON in California. What do I leave behind? What can I bring of personal items. If I can't earn any money how do I get sundries like toothpaste when I need it? What if I have a medical or dental need after I am in the temple? I am 48 years old. I do not have any aspirations for anything but Krishna consciousness yet this is still the biggest life changing situation I am ever going to do. I am very excited about this and would appreciate any helpful advice and words of wisdom. Aishwarya
  8. To help others come to Krishna consciousness we must answer inquiries intelligently. The question was that the RAM devotee questioned Prabhupad's ability to translate Sanskrit accurately. Not that Krishna's word's were incorrect but was Prabhupada qualified to translate Sanskrit?
  9. Probably because they are not poor in their own eyes. What is poor? Not owning property, FAT cars, stocks? I think it is a great wealthy day when I have a nice plate of prasadam but I feel very poor when my crappy car breaks down and I have to ask my friends for mercy money to fix it.
  10. Probably because they are not poor in their own eyes. What is poor? Not owning property, FAT cars, stocks? I think it is a great wealthy day when I have a nice plate of prasadam but I feel very poor when my crappy car breaks down and I have to ask my friends for mercy money to fix it.
  11. Thank you all for good info. I suggested to a friend to feed what you said. I asked him not to support cow slaughter. I saw him give his dogs watermelon and they loved it! Big pieces of rind, running around really enjoying it. At least feed what seems like a lower life form than cattle such as fish or chicken?, until they pass away and then get no more pets.
  12. Thank you all for good info. I suggested to a friend to feed what you said. I asked him not to support cow slaughter. I saw him give his dogs watermelon and they loved it! Big pieces of rind, running around really enjoying it. At least feed what seems like a lower life form than cattle such as fish or chicken?, until they pass away and then get no more pets.
  13. Thank you Yasodanandana. I once met a vegetarian Rottweiller & it had the sweetest breath! I know now that pet ownership is due to loneliness, protection, filling a void, kind hearted-ness(strays)etc. So I guess I need not to be critical of it but this country is inundated with critters at home. Dogs & cats & horses are nearly worshipped in my area. Talk about Holy cows in India. Look in a Petsmart. It is ridiculous! There are studies though that say one lives longer when they have a companion pet to love. I just would like to see a bird or squirrel or rabbit come around my friends place that isn't screaming for help in the teeth of one of her cats! Aish
  14. Thank you Yasodanandana. I once met a vegetarian Rottweiller & it had the sweetest breath! I know now that pet ownership is due to loneliness, protection, filling a void, kind hearted-ness(strays)etc. So I guess I need not to be critical of it but this country is inundated with critters at home. Dogs & cats & horses are nearly worshipped in my area. Talk about Holy cows in India. Look in a Petsmart. It is ridiculous! There are studies though that say one lives longer when they have a companion pet to love. I just would like to see a bird or squirrel or rabbit come around my friends place that isn't screaming for help in the teeth of one of her cats! Aish
  15. I am curious about what vegetarians feed their cats & dogs. They are carnivores so how could a Vaishnav buy a can of slaughtered cow, sheep, pig or fish? What did Srila Prabhupad say about pet keeping? Everywhere I look people have dogs & cats. I live in a house with a friend who says she loves animals but raises cattle for slaughter. There are 5 medium size cow dogs here & two natural born killer cats. I have to feed them when she is gone. I can't say anything about it to her as I needed a place to stay. I will never have a cat or dog as a pet after my experience here in this un-suchi (sp) environment.
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