You see I am still experimenting. I had lactose free milk and my symptoms stop. I take whey which has lactase added in it, and no signs of flareup.
I would guess that if it was casein I would be still having problems. I have deduced that its not milk protein in my case.
BTW, the doctors here are useless. They want to put a camera up my arse and gimme chemicals to treat this, when I have successfully gotten rid of the symptoms just by diet. Last week on my 3rd visit to the doc, I told him I have got my UC under control by diet. He is like BS, UC cant be treated with diet. I stood up and left that moment. What a arrogant dick! I cant wait to go back to india and have a chat with a specialist there.
What about local organic dairy producers? we get organic dairy here where cows arn't injected with hormones and they eat organic fodder!
I agree with you, results are not convincing. But you hit bang on that 25 gm limit. I was consuming around 35-40 gm of soy everyday, last year, and it just ruined me sex life.
Now I stick to 20 gm per day.