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  1. thankyou very much 'hindustani' for sending me the words to that bhajan: '' Hay Kirtar Mane Aadhar Tare, Joje Na Tooti Jaay, Hay Prabhu Tara Premno Khajano, Joje Na Khtooti Jaay, Tare Visvas Mane Aa Aavani Ma, Aape Prakash Jyot Aa Rajnima. Shradha Thi Vali Chhe Ghantho, Me Snehani, Joje Na Chhuti Jay, Shakti Pramane Bhakti Karu Chhu, Aa Jivan Tooj Charane Dharu Chhu, Premno Pyalo Piva Saun Tya, Joje Na Fooi Jaay… Ghai Rahyo Chhu Geet Tooj Preetna, Sneh Thi Bharela Soor Sangeetna, Lakhna Heerane Hath Mathi Loi, Jo Je Na Looti Jay…'' i apologise that i did not reply soon, but i cannot post a private message yet. thankyou so much again.
  2. dear members, i'm not sure whethere this is the right forum to post this on but i hope some one can help anyway. i am searching for a bhajan that i would really like the words to. it is called ''giridhar taro adhara'' (or something similar... i remember some of the words were ''joje na tooti jaay'' (watch it doesn't break) and it was about not letting our love for god break. i really hope some of the members here can help me and i would like to thank you in advance for trying to help.
  3. hello. jai mataji. i am very interested in this little ritual you have mentioned. i have never heard of it before and never seen it done before either. could someone please help me out by answering some of my questions... what is a 'dhar'/what does it mean? is it done for any particular goddess? can anyone do it? where must the water be poured? and do you pour out all of the contents as well like the coin, and leave it there? are there any mantras/recital material that must be said with this ritual? what are the benefits of this ritual? i apologise for being so inquisitive but i am really interested in this and would like to do it for the nine days of navratri. also could you recommend any special rituals i could do for the upcoming nine nights of the goddess? thankyou.
  4. hello 'INNOCENT' there is some writing at the bottom of the picture and i think it says 'Shree (mata?) tripursundryei namah' (i dont think this is the mantra for the devi though) so i think this devi is Tripurasundari Maa. hope this helps.
  5. hey RadheRade, I was hoping that you would receive replies to your answers about Meldi Mata as I wish to know more about her too. But since no one has replied I will share with you the very little I know. I am not entirely sure about this legend but here it is; A demon (not sure of his name) harassed the gods, who sought help from Devi. Devi fought with this demon to rid him of the world. However, the demon hid in a gutter/sewer to try and escape from Maa. Since Devi is ‘pure’ she could not access the ‘impure’ sewer. So to overcome this, Saraswati devi, Lakshmi devi and Kali washed their bodies to extract ‘mel’ (which is the dirt that comes off your body when you wash) and with that they formed another Devi and she was named Meldi maa (her name obviously corresponding to her creation). Since she was created from ‘mel’ she was able to access the sewers and killed the demon. As this devi was made from ‘mel’ she was also considered ‘impure’, so she was washed in the Ganges water which then made her fit for worship. I must repeat that I am not sure the above is the right legend so if anyone knows anything different please inform me!
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