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  1. It pretty unfortunate that still the father/child problem confuses ppl. The relation named father or son came into existence only after God created living things. But God was there before that! By saying 'Jesus is the son of God' we are compiring it with the relation of human beings. In bible the relation between God and Men are even described as Husband and wife! Does that mean God is husband and all humans are wives???? Bible says Jesus is God and was there even before the beginning of the universe. Christians refer the term Father,Son, and the Holy Spirit to indicate the Trinity of God. There are three different characters but only one God Qn: Is there only one God or more than one in Hindu culture? To whom should a hindu devotee pray??
  2. Jews rejected (not all of them) Jesus not because of the parent/child problem. Instead of a person like Jesus, they expected a warrior/emperor who can save them from the Roman slavery. This was their concept. So when jesus talked about peace and mercy, they could not digest it.
  3. Jesus didnt write anything. Not only the new testament, but the old testament also were written by variuos prophets/apostles. Nobody have ever claimed that any part of bible is directly written from heaven! Quran and Old testament in Bible are almost similar. And its strange that the books in Bible that were already popular in BC itself, were directly given to Muhaamad nabi from heaven in 7th century!! There isn't a case that christians believe in gods. Christians have only one God, and he is called God. But they believe in Holy Trinity, that is, they believe that god has three characters, but exists as one. And this is one of their many Holy Secrets. "I am from the orient. If I adore Jesus Christ, I have only one way- Worship him as my God, no way else." - Selections from swamy Vivekananda,Page 411
  4. There is'nt any case of Xian Vs Islam Vs Hindu. People often connect Christianity with America or Europian countries. But its a fact that there were christians in India before it spread in western countries! Christians and all other communities lived here in harmony for centuries, and lets not forget that.
  5. The word 'convertion' often a missunderstood. One should not convert one by force or money. Christians dont believe in that. But some of the communities, especially protestents ( or the so called pentecosts) often do this. Protestent comunities found their roots in India only in the 19th century. They even try to convert the orthodox christian communities live in India. [and the offer is sometimes double if the victim is from an orthodox catholic comunity ]. There is plenty of foreign money involved in this. But one cant prevent me from converting myself if I want to do so, right??. And afterall, the existing christians in India are converted people. We can't ignore the good things done by christian missionaries (I never mean any foreign missionaries) here, especially in educational field. But some people afraid of traibal getting educated.
  6. Don't be blind my friend. St. Thomas did not found any communities in Taxila or Kashmir. he landed in Kerala first. According to ancient, strong and continuous traditions which are supported with modern archeological findings St. Thomas landed at Kodungalloor (Muziris) in 52 A.D. After preaching and establishing Christian communities in different parts of India, he suffered martyrdom at Mylapur in 72 A.D.[2] The so called 'Christian Missionaies' you say are the later came Portuguese, british people, they even tried to convert the existing christians in India, and some of them even used force. And here are the quotings from Rigveda. (its there!) "Hiranyagarbha: samavarthathaagre Bhuuthasya jaatha: pathireka aaseeth Sadaadhaara prudhwivim dyaamuthemam Kasmai devaaya havisha vidhemam. 'Prajapathy' alias 'Hiranya garbha', the first born, was born to the Holy Spirit (Paramatma) before Genesis. Upon birth, He became one and only God to the universe comprising the Skies, Stars Earth and the Seas. He rules the endless firmament and the whole of the earth. We please this deity, Prajapathy, who is called 'Kan' affectionately, with offerings in sacrifices (Rigveda X: 121,1) "Thaam yajnam barhishi proukshan Purusham jaathamagratha Thena deva ayajantha Saadhya rushayaschaye" Devas of heaven and the ruling fraternity along with the hermits offered the first born male in sacrifice by consecrating him as the animal of offering by tying him on a wooden sacrificial post. (Rigveda X: 90:7) Its surprising that in Rigveda there isn't any mention about the gods exists in hinduism now. visit: ourcross.org/HinduFriends/To_HinduFriend.htm
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