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aisha-slave of Allah

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  1. I would like to stop you as you are making a fool of yourself here, get your facts straight and then comment. I do not believe in killing innocent lives but the reason Muslims kill other people and become suicide bombers is because there brothers, sisters and mothers are being slaughtered and raped by fools in iraq, lebonan and Especially India and other countries. If your mother or sister was being raped everyday by strangers what would you do, wouldn't you want to kill the person who is raping them I know I would, but thats where the difference is wrong you class your blood as family where as we Muslims class all Muslims as brothers and sisters. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him did not only preach that when you go to heaven you will enjoy 72 hurs (vigins) Prophet Muhammad preached not to kill innocent people, not to harm innocent people, talk to people nicely, softly be kind and generous and give to the poor. Please refrain from saying anything without getting your facts in order.
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