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Mahatma Dasa

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About Mahatma Dasa

  • Birthday 02/09/1965


  • Biography
    Strted following KC seriously about 4 years ago
  • Location
    Warwickshire, UK
  • Interests
    Chanting, Reading, book distribution
  • Occupation
    computer operator

Mahatma Dasa's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Haribol Theist, thanks for your post! These verses make me think how important it is to be vegetarian. Most people shy away from hurting other people, but won't hesitate to feast with great joy on the pain and suffering of living entities who have had the misfortune to be born in animal bodies. We should have compassion for all and not see any differences due to bodily coverings. Pain is pain whatever sort of body you have. Being the supersoul in all bodies Lord Krishna is aware of the pain and distress of all living entities. So are we not inflicting suffering on God when we inflict suffering on others, and through karma, on ourselves too? Forgive me for my simplistic views Hare Krishna Mahatma Das
  2. Haribol Moonflower (Channa) I found this UK website for buying handheld clickers so you can do chanting in the street without drawing attention. countersales.co.uk/clickercounter I have a clicker and find it great for when I want to chant and cannot use beads. (Its nicer on beads though) In the cooler weather (plenty of this in the UK) I like to go for a walk in my lunchhour and chant, and can get about 6 rounds done. I usually try to get up early each day, before the rest of my family, and chant for an hour (If I get a move on I can get 8 done), and then do a few more rounds in the evening, and I can make it to 16. Just do what you can and enjoy. I have been following Krishna Consciouness for 5 years now, and it took me a few years before I built up to 16 rounds. Is quality more important that quantity? I chant 16 inattentive 'bad' rounds whereas you might chant 1 attentive good round and get more benefit! I live in a small village near Stratford-upon-avon in Warwickshire, so know how it feels to want to keep my KC private. If you go to krishna.com and go to the ebooks section you can download Swami Prabhupadas books for free and read them on your PC. Some smaller books such as 'Perfect Questions Perfect Answers', 'The Perfection of Yoga' and 'Beyond Birth and Death' are good for newcomers. Don't worry if you don't understand everything at first, the more you keep reading the more you will pick things up. Make lists of questions and ask the devotees here for explanations. I also recommend 'Chant and be Happy' and 'Coming back - The science of Reincarnation'. You can get them from Hare Krishna websites such as krishnatemple.com (which is the Bhaktivedanta Manor website - the 'Manor' is the UKs main Hare Krishna centre. It just north of London. If you go to the shop section you can get all sorts of stuff. If you want some devtional music I recommend Dasi by KarnaMrita and also Beloved of Krishna by Ramya Devi Dasi. keep asking questions, reading and chanting! Hare Krishna Mahatma das (mahatmadas@hotmail.co.uk)
  3. Haribol Lee, To make a nice atmosphere at home perhaps you could buy a few nice devotional CDs (I recommend Dasi Prayers by Women by Karnamrita and Beloved of Krishna by Ramya Devi Dasi) You should be able to get them mail order Krishna.Com or the manors website Krishnatemple.com (I think) It might help (you'll enjoy them anyway though!) Hare Krishna! Your well-wisher Mahatma Das
  4. Haribol Lee, I'm not in your local area but am in a similar situation. I live in Warwickshire, near Stratford-upon-Avon. I have been following KC for 5 years now, and actually became initiated last year. I attend the Coventry temple, mainly just the Sunday evening programs, as I have full time work and family commitments. I was about 38 (rather late in life I know) when I started seriously trying to follow, and my wife was not (and is still not) too pleased about it. I can't see her ever becoming interested in this or any spiritual path really, but we do seem to have reached a mutual understanding where she lets me do my thing, and I let her follow her interests. Initially she thought I was going to run off and abandon her and our daughter, thinking along the usual lines that the Hare Krishnas are a cult etc. She has eaten a little prasadam on a few occasions, but usually declines it, not being keen on anything spicy or too sweet. I have tried to tell her a little bit of our philosophy but she is not keen to hear about it, so I find it best to let her live in her own way. Its a bit awkard for us as she is not vegetarian, and neither is my daughter, although both have given up red meat, and my wife does not drink either. My daughter is a little interested which has helped (I think). My main advice would be to try and keep things light-hearted, ie don't start preaching any heavy philosophy or trying to get her to change against her will. Stick to your interest though and don't be put off. You have as much right to follow your spiritual interest as she has not to. This is maya's test for you, to see if you are sincere. Keep doing regular daily meditation as much as you feel comfortable with, and keep up your reading (you can download books for free from Krishna.com ebook section and read them on your PC). Be patient and determined and sincere, but try to see it through your partners eyes as well, and be sympathetic to her feelings. If you have not done so already, explain that you are not going to dump her, but explain how much your interest means to you. I guess my wife could see that my attention was gradually becoming more focused on Krishna and not so much her, so not suprisingly she was not pleased by my interest in KC. My mistake was not to pay her enough attention, as I fell in love with Krishna. We are still together anyway, and I hope it does not fall apart, but if it comes to the crunch what should I do? I cannot stop being into KC. If you cannot get to a temple keep associating with devotees electronically - this website used to be my lifeline before I started attending the Coventry temple and the devotees here helped me more than they will ever know. I know all too well how it feels to have this growing seed of devotion and yet feel somewhat isolated, with no-one around me who I could confide in. I might not be able to help much but you are welcome to contact me. If you (or anyone else) wants to email me my email address is mahatmadas@hotmail.co.uk. You may have to be patient for a reply as I don't check it every day though. Hare Krishna, your servant and well-wisher Mahatma Das
  5. Jadurani had come to visit Srila Prabhupada at the New Jersey seashore and while talking with her I discovered she was feeling disturbed. She was feeling she could make no spiritual advancement due to being a woman. This was new information and some of the boys have been teasing her; the newly shaven brahmacaris were taunting her, so she was a little upset about this. After she left, I mentioned to Srila Prabhupada that Jadurani was feeling like this and feeling somewhat sad. She felt discouraged by the talks of the newly shaven brahmacaris. Srila Prabhupada's eyes lit up and grew large and he said: "What is that? Why they are saying like that? Jadurani is more advanced than all of them. They do not know". He waved his hand for emphasis. So I told Jadurani later and she felt encouraged in a simple way. In these early days this war between the sexes had already begun. This was the earliest manifestation of it, that war between the sexes which has become so common in ISKCON today. Srila Prabhupada did not take it very seriously. He seemed to view it as kindergarten kids, teasing and pulling girls' pig tails and calling one another silly names. Srila Prabhupada saw only the heart, the sincerity, not the body. What do we know of the spirit in the heart? We should not be quick to judge for the truth may be far beyond the network of our minds and senses and political proprieties. Only the pure devotee of Krsna knows these inner workings. I am always reminded in my daily life to be kind and to be encouraging to even the most simple devotee for it is not possible that we know the heart. Srila Prabhupada encouraged everyone and never approved of the popular mood of criticizing, lambasting, and taunting. Only if a devotee mislead others did Srila Prabhupada become lion-like. His concern was for our protection and for our progress, and for this he encouraged everyone. Thank you, Srila Prabhupada
  6. In the late afternoon in New Jersey, Srila Prabhupada would often sit downstairs in the garden beside our bungalow. New Jersey is known as the garden state, and the town of Long Branch was certainly testimony to that. There were gardens everywhere, roses were blooming and their fragrance filled the air. On one particular afternoon, Srila Prabhupada was comfortably seated in a chair, and I was sitting on the ground beside him. He was softly chanting japa, enjoying the fresh ocean air, mixed with the fragrance of roses and other flowers. Occasionally he would say something but mostly he would chant softly. Suddenly beside my sitting place I saw a large brown slug in all its slimy ugliness. Somewhat repulsed I leaned away from the creature. Srila Prabhupada looked at me quizzically and I said: "Ugh, look at this", pointing to the slimy, sliding creature. Srila Prabhupada leaned forward and looked at the slug, his face grew full of love and compassion, and he said to me: "Chant to the poor creature", and so I sat there, chanting Hare Krsna to the slimy, yet benedicted slug for some time until he slithered away. He had incredible compassion even for the most abominable creature. Srila Prabhupada, I can never forget the sound of your voice when you gave me that instruction. In it, your whole mission was encapsulated. "Chant to the poor creature". Your face looked pained, full of compassion for the poor jiva in that slimy body. You did not see the ugly slug that I saw. You saw the soul covered in suffering, forgetful of Krsna. From that moment my heart opened for all creatures and I glimpsed the depth of your divine compassion. Thank you, Srila Prabhupada for sharing that compassion with me.
  7. Inspired by your question I did a bit of searching and found this from Iskcon.net by Govinda Dasi ACBSP Sometimes when sitting on the beach blanket in New Jersey, Srila Prabhupada would look out at the waves while chanting japa. He was very beautiful and serene, always absorbed in Krsna, yet also carefully scrutinizing the world around him. On some days there were big waves and surfer boys would be out, swimming and surfing in the waves. Srila Prabhupada watched with great interest as they mounted their boards and slid down the faces of the waves. He asked us: “What is this?” And Gaurasundara and I replied that this is a sport called “surfing” wherein one mounts a board and slides swiftly on the water as the waves roll in. Srila Prabhupada watched intently for some time, then began to chuckle. He said: “You call it surfing, I call it suffering. They are simply wasting their valuable human form of life by jumping in the ocean waves. They have no idea what will happen next. If they become so much fond of remaining on the ocean, then Krsna is very kind: he will satisfy their desire and give them bodies of fishes so that they can enjoy jumping in the ocean more and more but that will be greater suffering. So I call them sufferers, not surfers. He mused as he continued his eternal chanting of Hare Krsna, softly and serenely with the crashing ocean waves in the background. Even now when I see surfers mound their boards on the waves of Sunset beach, North Shore, near where I live, I am always reminded of Srila Prabhupada’s observation and the nick name Srila Prabhupada gave surfing and I am reminded of his kindness in walking amongst us foolish living entities, wasting our lives this way and that and his compassion for us who live in various states of delusion. Srila Prabhupada you are so kind, you observed us in surfer consciousness, dog consciousness, money consciousness, so many various forms of consciousness, and you so mercifully taught us about Krsna consciousness, and you gave us the opportunity to serve you and Krsna. Thank you Srila Prabhupada! Your servant, Mahatma Dasa
  8. Haribol! All glories to Srila prabhupada Please accept my humble obeisances. I too was bought up in a 'normal' western family of meat eaters and alcohol drinkers. I met some devotees in the street in 1983 when I was 18 and received a science of self realisation and a Bhagavad Gita. Despite being a virtual atheist they still took pity on me. After doing some reading I was impressed enough to say to my mom that I was interested in going vegetarian, but got a big negative response, so shelved my plans (being a total non-cook). Although initially attracted by the KC philosophy, I thought I could not follow as I was not able to go vegi. I thought perhaps I'll be a devotee in my next life, as I did not think I could gve up all my bad habits such as meat eating, drinking smoking etc. I chanted the maha mantra a couple of times and then put the books away on my bookshelf and carried on with my materialistic life. Twenty years passed and I regained an interest in spiritual matters after some deaths in my family. I dug out my old books (very discoloured and tatty by now) and re-read them, and the message hit me so hard that I became determined to follow KC this time. It took me a while to go vegi. This time my wife was doing the objecting rather than my mom (although she still was unimpressed by my decision) I just made the change gradually, by eating vegi whenever I got chance, and requesting chicken or fish rather than red meat, when eating with my family. By eating cereals for breakfast I could tell myself that I had gone one-third vegi, and by putting only vegi stuff in my lunch box I could tell myself that I was two thirds of the way there. Everytime I ate out I would choose a vegi option. When I cooked the evening family meal I would choose veggie pizza or a vegi alternative meat replacement meal from the supermarket. Eventually I was down to eating meat only a few times a week. I carried on like this for a while but eventually 'bit the bullet' and declared that I could no longer face eating any more corpses. Not a popular move, but as I was almost all the way there it was not too much of a change. What usually happened was that I would have a vegi alternative with my veg and potatos while the rest of the family ate a bit of corpse. Thank Krishna for the Linda McCartney range of veggie foods available in the UK! After investing in a few vegi cook books including some KC ones such as The Higher Taste, I was able to come up with a few more healthier meals. Also because of the bother of cooking different meals my wife and daughter now eat many vegetarian meals each week as well, although they still have fish or occasionally chicken a few times. So keep chanting and pray to Lord Krishna for help in becoming veggie, and you will get there. Eventually you will leave home at some point and so be able to choose to eat what is right. I don't know which country you live in so apologies if some of these suggestions are not appropriate: Breakfast suggestions: Branflakes, Muesli, Wholemeal toast with apricot jam, Yoghurt with fruit, Weetabix, Granola, Porridge with dried fruit, Veggie sausages baked beans and wholemeal toast Lunches Sandwiches: Salad Baguette, Cheese and pickle, Peanut butter, sliced veggie meat alternatives Light meals: Baked beans on toast, Cheese on Toast, Veggie sausage hot dogs, veggie burger chips and salad, pasta and salad. Lentil or bean soup with wholemeal bread, Vegetarian pizza and chips, Pitta breads stuffed with salad, grated cheese and spicy yogurt dressing Snacks: Get extra nutrition by eating an apple, orange, a banana, or a few pieces of dried fruit such as apricots, figs or dates (lots of iron in these!) each day Evening meals: many of these can be bought ready made if you have not got time to make them yourself (or are too lazy!) Cheese and Tomato pizza, chips, salad. Veggie sausage, mash and mixed veg. Kidney beans & mixed veg in curry sauce with rice or naan bread. Cauliflower cheese with macaroni and mixed veg Vegetarian chile-con-carne Sweet and sour stir-fry with noodles and marinated tofu chunks. Nutloaf, mixed veg and potatoes with veg gravy. Cous Cous, pine nuts mixed veg and mint yoghurt Goats cheese risotto Pasta in tomato pasta sauce with grated cheddar/parmesan and mixed veg. Pasta salad with cashews with dressing egg free mayo Lentil stew Puddings: Ice cream and fruit Rice pudding Custard and bananas Fruit yoghurt Semolina Egg free cakes Do a websearch for ideas. Kurma dasa's website at kurma.net is very good Check out any health food stores if you have any near you. Hope this helps. In the meantime keep chanting as much as you possibly can and reading Srila Prabhupadas books (many can be uploaded for free from Hare Krishna wesbites such as krishna.com) Hare Krishna Mahatma Dasa:eek:
  9. Hare Krishna Krishna's Girl! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. Everything apart from Krishna Conciousness is maya. Only the Jivas and the Lord/His name are real in the material world. The rest is just the Lords illusory energy, to fool the jiva's who want to be fooled, so that they can be like little gods, pretending to rule and understand the material universe through their limited and faulty senses. (Most material scientists are like madmen who are busy examining their strait-jacket and padded cell, while not realising their insane position!) Just keep doing your job and getting paid, like an actress in a play. Have fun doing it, while gradually progressing in discovering the truth about everything from Srila Prabhupadas books. Eat prasadam, and chant, dance and laugh your way through the remainder of your time in the material world. Meditate by chanting the mahamantra on japa beads, and gradually you will become Krishna Conscious, and not be worried about mundane speculative theories from material scientists, most of whom think consciouness is generated by matter, although when asked to replicate this feat can only give vague promises that they will do this at some point in the future! My humble obeisances. Haribol Mahatma Dasa
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