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  1. Forgive me if I am wrong but surely chocolate is not allowed to be eaten because of it caffeine content. Caffeine is tamasic and Krsna should not be offered tamas food.
  2. Let us think of the most twisted, evil person that has ever walked on this planet, say for example, Adolf Hitler. Now, we can think of the greatest servitor and devotee of Krsna, such as Prhalad. At any time, every one of us is somewhere on the scale between these two beings, and sometimes we're so distressed and angry that we can't refrain from violence, and other times we may fortunately find a few moments of peace and are able to rest in the taste of divine wonder. But at ALL times, how does Krsna see each one of us? Does he discriminate between the most holy of his devotees, and the most evil of men? He has no desire to judge against us; the inner crises of faith that we encounter are solely of our own creation. He will be here for us at all times. We can remember that just by hearing his name once is enough for each of us, so that eventually, through the vast stretches of time that are so hard to grasp, we will be able to dance in his divine grove. Let us learn to be patient with ourselves, and find peace in our activities. We can be content with what we have. Then, when we wish to, and only then, we can praise him with the maha-mantra. Bless you. Hare Krsna.
  3. ....not really, no, thank-you, Hare Krsna!
  4. ....not really, no, thank-you, Hare Krsna!
  5. I try very hard to follow the scriptures when choosing my diet and thus this includes therefore, not eating eggs....but I do struggle in explaining why the scriptures prescribe this. Can anyone help?!
  6. I try very hard to follow the scriptures when choosing my diet and thus this includes therefore, not eating eggs....but I do struggle in explaining why the scriptures prescribe this. Can anyone help?!
  7. Fourth Canto, Part 1, Chapter 9, Text 11, Purport by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanti Swami Prabhupada "...Transcendental devotional service cannot be complete and cannot be relishable without the association of devotees.....anyone who is trying to be aloof from this Krsna Consciousness Society and yet engage in Krsna Conciousness is living in a great hallucination, for this is not possible...." Do you feel that involving oneself in web-sites such as Audarya Fellowship fulfills the given requirement for association?
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