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About xenareborn

  • Birthday 08/18/1981


  • Biography
    Working - full time (now enjoying a sabbatical). Piscean by Moon sign and Ascendant.
  • Location
  • Occupation
    BPO/ITES industry - Team Manager

xenareborn's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. HI! I wouldn't have a concrete answer to this. But when I asked this question, my astrologer explained that it all depends on the sign that Jupiter will transit. It is but psychological than anything else. Why? Jupiter is an expansive planet and if it gets along with the sign lord and the house aspect - the expansion is positive. But, in all probability a life churning experience is a wee bit taxing to adjust to. All the more, with the 5th, 7th and 9th under aspect - one's belief systems and understanding of the world expand - our approach and reactions are altered with time. Contrary to the Saturn effect of restriction on self (1st) and opportunities (7th); added 3rd (contemporaries) and 8th aspects (health and secret associations) - it pushes you forward into unknown realms. A very practical instance is gaining weight during a Lagna transit - not very flattering for most, is it? The following 2nd house transit ends up being financially and prosperity wise beneficially. Peace, Sudha
  2. Respected Sir Well, seems like the curse is quite a lot. My friend is trying to do as much as she can with all her work and home commitments. At least she is willing. At times, I am awed by the precission of the underlying meaning of such phases in one's life and God's will in making us face this so we can grow better as human beings. My friend wasn't one who would listen to anything such as these because she felt all these were almost alien to her beliefs in general. But I am amazed how such incidents can tend to instil faith, humility and courage in someone so usually - politely defiant. Thank you for all the support and generosity that you have shown in helping me at this stage... Regards, Sudha Rajagopalan.
  3. Dear Deepa... Many many many Thanks... I will do exactly as you said. Regards Sudha R.
  4. Hello Deepa, Thanks for pointing that out. If GK is a significator of relations, yes - she hasn't had any great support from them. But at the moment, they are being helpful... Is it because of transiting Venus in own sign Vrishabh? The whole situation that she's in has been thanks to her brother-in-law, who's been tormenting her for reasons unknown to a sane, decent person. Are there chances that this might only move to worse phases? And ... Thank you too, Deepa... God Bless. Regards, Sudha R.
  5. Dear sasisekaran, First of all, I am so grateful to you, for the time you have invested. No, she was not arrested in the period of Rahu bhukti that you have mentioned. Precisely the 4th of June. She has the antardasha of Rahu after the current AD of Mars. With transiting Mars in her sixth house from lagna and transiting Rahu 12th from moon - does this spell an almost doom period? Natal Rahu being in Swati - 2nd padam in Tula - will this give her any relief? An astrologer friend has recommended 2 stones for her to be worn immdtly - Ox Blood Red Coral - 10 rattis [she is 6 feet tall] Gomedh - 6/7 rattis. She will start off with the remedies that you have prescribed. And once again, though words are not enough, great many thanks for looking into this one. May God bless us all with peace. Regards Sudha R.
  6. Jai Sri Krsna My regards to all who come by this thread. This is about a good friend who seems to be facing a threat of imprisonment for an issue that she was not responsible for, but has been dragged into because of her simple faith in a close relative by her sister's marriage. Will anybody be kind to help me with what remedial measures can be taken? Details of the native: Gender - Female DOB - 2nd Sept 1976 Time : 18:05 City: Mangalore She was arrested recently, much to everyone's shock for a fraud case against her relative's company, where she was designated as Co-Director, but was functioning merely to help setting up the office. She has, however, with help of influential and helpfull friends, been able to procure bail. The police were extremely kind and considerate with her, because of her impeccable manners and courtesy. A few facts about her - She is extremely jovial, friendly and sincere at work. She is brilliant at learning new things and is a very empathic person - righteous and conscientous. She had a pet dog who was very dear to her; passed away after a serious illness January 2008. She has a troubled relation with her mother and is very close to her younger brother.She lost her father some 5-6 years back. I would be extremely gratefull to anybody who comes forth to help my dear friend in this extremely trying hour of need. May God bless you. Thank you.
  7. Very Very True! For some more answers, i think astrogyan(dotcom) is really good!
  8. TIME OF BIRTH – 2100 hours (IST) DATE OF BIRTH – 18/08/1981 PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY. – Calcutta/West Bengal/India SEX - Female Your current status :– Service (Taking a break and looking out for a job) Educational background – Graduate – Accountancy honours Work Industry and current salary – Quality Improvements, BPO/ITES - No current salary! Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember – Birth of my brother when I was 4-Great!,Loosing my grandfather when I was 12 or so, passing 10 and 12 with good %, Not doing well in Graduation, Extreme insecurity about feeling unguided and lost in my career when I was 20, Relocating to Mumbai was an awesome thing, Sour relationship with my ex. Family background –Father –Retired (was with the Paints industry – Sales) Mother : Mother is an honorary rector – administration with a school Brothers : 22 years – pursuing graduation , very close to me. Sisters : None My Query : I started working at the age of 21 and was living alone in Mumbai.I recently quit my job in Mumbai and decided to relocate to Bangalore, so I can have my parents also relocate with me. We are currently in Kolkata. I wish to know what my Navamsha chart pattern speaks about this decission.I am not very concerned about marriage.In fact,I want to be able to excel in the feild that I have chosen-Quality Improvements,BPOs.I also want to be able to buy property and the basic comforts for my parents. Thank you for this in advance! Sudha Rajagopalan.
  9. There cannot be an ultimate 'religion' for all of mankind. If you feel discussing history this way is blasphemy and that we all should just accept what we are told ... God save you and your literacy qoutient!
  10. Hello Eternity... Planets move around the Sun on imaginary routes called Orbits... Now when you say a planet is retrograde, they just appear to be moving back or forward- in the sense, when they cross Earth's celestial point and gain speed (all depends on the way it looks to us Earthlings) on their way away from Earth. Every planet goes through this cycle with respect to Earth. The frequency depends on the size and speed. For example big planets like Jupiter move back once a year or so... and Mercury goes retro every 2 months I guess. Now the effect of retrograde planets is an interesting aspect and is interpreted by looking at the movement type of the planet at the time of birth, the residential house and sign, also the other planet's aspects - like square, sextile, trine, opposite and conjunct. If you are interested further, you could search on Google with the words <Planet> retrograde + indian astrology... Enjoy the learning! Suds!
  11. Hare Krsna No... I do not think my great grandmother's reasons for having borne a child at 16 is the same as an American pop icon's could be ... Are referring to the Vedic period as 'Dark Ages' ... If yes, then my idea, based on what I learnt abt Mohejodaro and Harappa civilizations in school, is quite different, Sir! My question to you sir (in case i wasn't specific) is, how could these then be supported by the same sacred rules... if there has been an intentional, selfish shade to the interpretations of the sacred texts, then how has that come abt? Again , what is it in these scriptures, that helps to stop this 'hilly billy... ' culture? If our sages predicted such a long period of ignorance, would this mis-interpretation of the way of life we call Hinduism , go amiss? Thanks
  12. Hare Krsna You have mentioned in 3.22.19P : the first part of life should be utilized in brahmacarya for the development of character and spiritual qualities. We have, however, known of early marriages in the Vedic periods in question - usually the girl and the boy are younger than 25 years of age (considering that human life expectancy was 100 years). This has been the case throughout the ages and many of us, Indians have known grandmothers and great grandmothers who have given birth to thier first child as early as 14 and 16. Please explain. Sudha R.
  13. Hare Krsna Mars and Mercury go stationary before resuming their direct and rtrgde motions around the end of the month. Does this happen to affect communications and assertiveness of a Meena Rasi Meena Lagna native? (Mars in Gemini - 4th house and Mercury in Leo - 6th house as per Birth chart) I am looking out for a job that allows me a lot of learninga nd implementation of what I have learnt already - 26 years of age... Am feeling quite confident as usual but also a bit curious about this phase's effect on my chances! Please help Pranaam Sudha R
  14. Hare Krsna Namaskaram. Does a woman have to be joined with a man and help him, so she can serve the Lord? Can she not be trained - just as a unique part of the society - to serve God in the way her karmas are created by her soul? Profound apologies, if I have spoken out of an instinctive self-ego of being a woman. Thanks Sudha Rajagopalan
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