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  1. Complete Bajrang baan with meaning.(Get rid of black Magic and evil effects.) बजरंग बाण का अमोघ विलक्षण प्रयोग, BY J.S.SANDHU बजरंग बाण भौतिक मनोकामनाओं की पुर्ति के लिये बजरंग बाण का अमोघ विलक्षण प्रयोग अपने इष्ट कार्य की सिद्धि के लिए मंगल अथवा शनिवार का दिन चुन लें। हनुमानजी का एक चित्र या मूर्ति जप करते समय सामने रख लें। ऊनी अथवा कुशासन बैठने के लिए प्रयोग करें। अनुष्ठान के लिये शुद्ध स्थान तथा शान्त वातावरण आवश्यक है। घर में यदि यह सुलभ न हो तो कहीं एकान्त स्थान अथवा एकान्त में स्थित हनुमानजी के मन्दिर में प्रयोग करें। हनुमान जी के अनुष्ठान मे अथवा पूजा आदि में दीपदान का विशेष महत्त्व होता है। पाँच अनाजों (गेहूँ, चावल, मूँग, उड़द और काले तिल) को अनुष्ठान से पूर्व एक-एक मुट्ठी प्रमाण में लेकर शुद्ध गंगाजल में भिगो दें। अनुष्ठान वाले दिन इन अनाजों को पीसकर उनका दीया बनाएँ। बत्ती के लिए अपनी लम्बाई के बराबर कलावे का एक तार लें अथवा एक कच्चे सूत को लम्बाई के बराबर काटकर लाल रंग में रंग लें। इस धागे को पाँच बार मोड़ लें। इस प्रकार के धागे की बत्ती को सुगन्धित तिल के तेल में डालकर प्रयोग करें। समस्त पूजा काल में यह दिया जलता रहना चाहिए। हनुमानजी के लिये गूगुल की धूनी की भी व्यवस्था रखें।Soak a handful of preferably in water of Ganges . Five grains (wheat, rice, moong, urad and black sesame) before the ritual - Make a l;amp by grinding these five grains.For a wick use red coloured wrist sized sacred thread used to tie around Hindu rituals .Fold this thread in five folds and use is as a wick use sesame oil as the lamp oil and use guggal dhoop --- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commiphora_wightii during the recitation of hym the lamp should remain lighted. By J.S.SANDHU जप के प्रारम्भ में यह संकल्प अवश्य लें कि आपका कार्य जब भी होगा, हनुमानजी के निमित्त नियमित कुछ भी करते रहेंगे। अब शुद्ध उच्चारण से हनुमान जी की छवि पर ध्यान केन्द्रित करके बजरंग बाण का जाप प्रारम्भ करें। “श्रीराम–” से लेकर “–सिद्ध करैं हनुमान” तक एक बैठक में ही इसकी एक माला जप करनी है। गूगुल की सुगन्धि देकर जिस घर में बगरंग बाण का नियमित पाठ होता है, वहाँ दुर्भाग्य, दारिद्रय, भूत-प्रेत का प्रकोप और असाध्य शारीरिक कष्ट आ ही नहीं पाते। समयाभाव में जो व्यक्ति नित्य पाठ करने में असमर्थ हो, उन्हें कम से कम प्रत्येक मंगलवार को यह जप अवश्य करना चाहिए। बजरंग बाण ध्यान श्रीरामअतुलित बलधामं हेमशैलाभदेहं। दनुज वन कृशानुं, ज्ञानिनामग्रगण्यम्।। सकलगुणनिधानं वानराणामधीशं। रघुपति प्रियभक्तं वातजातं नमामि।। दोहा निश्चय प्रेम प्रतीति ते, विनय करैं सनमान। तेहि के कारज सकल शुभ, सिद्ध करैं हनुमान।। He who reveres Hanuman with unflinching faith, love and respectful humility, is blessed with success in all his propitious undertakings by the grace of Hanuman. By J.S.SANDHU चौपाई जय हनुमन्त सन्त हितकारी। सुनि लीजै प्रभु अरज हमारी।। जन के काज विलम्ब न कीजै। आतुर दौरि महा सुख दीजै।। जैसे कूदि सिन्धु वहि पारा। सुरसा बदन पैठि विस्तारा।। Jai Hanumanta Santa Hitakaari, Suna Liijay Prabhu Araja Hamari Jana kay kaaja vilambana keejay, Aatura dawrii maha Sukha deejay. Jaisay kooda sindhu mahi paara, Sursa badana paithii Vistaara. Pray listen to my entreaties, O Hanuman, the compassionate benefactor of all saints! Delay not in responding to your votaries call and rushing, bless them with felicity, just as you leapt across the ocean leaving the earth behind and crept into Surasa’s mouth assuming the form twice as large as that of the Mother of Serpents all for the sake of Rama. आगे जाय लंकिनी रोका। मारेहु लात गई सुर लोका।। जाय विभीषण को सुख दीन्हा। सीता निरखि परम पद लीन्हा।। Aagay jaiyii Lankinii Rokaa, Maarayhu laata gaii sura Loka Jaayay Vibhishan ko sukha deenha, Sita Nirakhi parama pada Leenhaa . As you proceeded further Lankini stopped you on the way, but you kicked her and dispatched her to the abode of the gods (killed her). Going to Vibhishana you brought him exceeding joy and sighting Sita you attained to the supreme state. बाग उजारि सिन्धु मंह बोरा। अति आतुर यम कातर तोरा।। अक्षय कुमार को मारि संहारा। लूम लपेटि लंक को जारा।। Baag ujaari Sindhu Mahana Borah, Ati Aatura Jama Kaatara Tora Akshaya Kumara mara sanhaara, Loama lapaita anka-ko Jaarah. You laid waste the Ashoka grove and drowned it into the sea. You rescued the world from its imminent doom (when the gods comforted you in Paatala where you were lying in a precarious condition). Thus did you save humanity and earn for yourself the blessing of immortality by frustrating the design of Yama who subdues every being. One glaring example of your victory over death is the episode of Akshayakumara, whose name signifies immortality, whom you overthrew and slaughtered; with your tail swathed with rags soaked in oil and set on fire you reduced Lanka to ashes By J.S.SANDHU लाह समान लंक जरि गई। जै जै धुनि सुर पुर में भई।। अब विलंब केहि कारण स्वामी। कृपा करहु प्रभु अन्तर्यामी।। Laaha samaan lanka jaari-gai, Jai Jai Dhwani surpur naba Bhai Aba vilambha kayhi Kaaran Swami, Kripaa Karahhu ura Antaraymii Lanka burnt like shellac; heaven, the abode of gods, was filled with cries of triumph: "Victory! Victory! Why are you tarrying, my Lord? O controller of my inmost being! Be gracious to me. जय जय लक्ष्मण प्राण के दाता। आतुर होई दुख करहु निपाता।। जै गिरधर जै जै सुख सागर। सुर समूह समरथ भट नागर।। Jai Jai Lakshmana Praana kay daataa, Aatura hai dukha Karhu Nipaataa Jai Jai Hanumanta Jayati bala saagar, Sura Samooha samratha Bhata Naagar Glory, glory to you, O Lord, who restored Lakshmana to life! Come promptly and speedily and destroy my sorrow. Victory, victory to you, O Giridhara (who lifted up a mountain and brought it with all its vegetation to Lanka where Lakshmana lay grievously wounded) Victory, victory to you, O ocean of bliss! You are an assemblage of bravery, are competent, great warrior and wise. Bajrang baan by –J.s.sandhu ॐ हनु-हनु-हनु हनुमंत हठीले। वैरहिं मारू बज्र सम कीलै।। गदा बज्र तै बैरिहीं मारौ। महाराज निज दास उबारों।। Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumanta Hateelay, Bhairayhhi Maaru Bajrah-Ki Keelay GADAA VAJRA LAII BAIRIHI MAARO MAHAARAAJA PRABHU DAASA UBAARO. I revere the unyielding Son of the Wind, Hanuman, with the cant of Om hanu hanu hanu. May you destroy my adversaries with thunderbolt and club, your adamantine weapon, which, when hurled, lets no enemy escape. O Lord! O king of kings! Come and deliver me, your own devotee, from my enemies. सुनि हंकार हुंकार दै धावो। बज्र गदा हनि विलम्ब न लावो।। ॐ ह्रीं ह्रीं ह्रीं हनुमंत कपीसा। ॐ हुँ हुँ हुँ हनु अरि उर शीसा।। OMKAARA HUNKAARA MAHAAVIIRA DHAAVO VAJRA GADAA HANU VIAMBA NA LAA Om Hrim Hrim Hrim Hanumana Kapisha, Om Hum Hum Hum Hanu Arii Ura Sheesha. Roaring with the sacred and mystical syllable OM, come with all haste, O great warrior, and hurl down bolts and clubs and other weapons (on my enemies) without delay. O monkey-king Hanuman! Cry hriin hriin hriin, the mystic syllables and shouting aloud Om hun, hun, hun smite the heads and bosoms of my enemies. Bajrang baan by –J.s.sandhu सत्य होहु हरि सत्य पाय कै। राम दुत धरू मारू धाई कै।। जै हनुमन्त अनन्त अगाधा। दुःख पावत जन केहि अपराधा।। SATYA HIIHU HARI SHAPATHA PAAYA KE RAAMADUUTA DHARU MAARU DHAAYA KE JAI JAI JAI HANUMANTA AGAADHAA DUKHA PAAVATA JANA KEHI APARAADHAA O Rama’s envoy! Having been assured by Lord Hari that you are Real-Truth itself-you rush at once and catching hold of my enemies, kill them (without fear). (Being ever living Reality, immortal and transcendent, yield not to fear but fight and kill) Glory, glory, all gory to you, O unfathomed Hanuman! For what offence are your devotees unhappy? पूजा जप तप नेम अचारा। नहिं जानत है दास तुम्हारा।। वन उपवन जल-थल गृह माहीं। तुम्हरे बल हम डरपत नाहीं।। पाँय परौं कर जोरि मनावौं। अपने काज लागि गुण गावौं।। PUJAA JAPA TAPA NEMA ACHAARAA NAHIN JAANATA HAUN DAASA TUMHAARAA VANA UPAVANA MAGA GIRI GRAHA MAAHIIN TUMHARE BALA HAMA DARAPATA NAAHIN PAANYA PARAUN KARA JORI MANAAVAUN YAHA AVASARA ABA KEHI GOHARAAVAUN I, your humble servant, know not how to perform worship and do penance, chant your name, observe the rules of purity and conduct. Strengthened (and protected) by you, I fear not at home nor while passing through forests and parklands and mountains. I prostrate myself at your feet and with cupped palms invoke your grace; whom else should I call for help in these desperate straits. जै अंजनी कुमार बलवन्ता। शंकर स्वयं वीर हनुमंता।। बदन कराल दनुज कुल घालक। भूत पिशाच प्रेत उर शालक।। Jai Anjani Kumara Balawanta, Shankara Suwana Beera Hanumanta Badana Karaala kaala kula ghaalaka, Rama sahay sadaa prati Paalak. Glory to you, O brave son of Anjani and Shankara! You are the fearsome exterminator even of Death and his descendants, a succourer of Rama and an ever-ready protector of all. By J.S.SANDHU भूत प्रेत पिशाच निशाचर। अग्नि बैताल वीर मारी मर।। इन्हहिं मारू, तोंहि शमथ रामकी। राखु नाथ मर्याद नाम की।। जनक सुता पति दास कहाओ। ताकी शपथ विलम्ब न लाओ।। BHUUTA PRETA PISAACHA NISHAACHARA AGNI VAITAALA KAALA MAARII MARA INHAIN MAARO TOHE SHAPAtHA RAAMA KII RAAKHU NATHA MARYAADAA NAAMA KII JANAKA SUTAA HARI DAASA KAHAAVO TAAKII SHAPATHA VILAMBA NA LAAVO. As soon as one sets one’s mind on you or chants your name ghosts and ghouls spirits, fiends, wanderers of the night, fire goblins, fatality and epidemics, all disappear in a trice (Being so incomparable in might) deliver your devotee at once and with the remembrance of your name fill his heart with joy. In the name of Rama do I beseech you to kill them, the demons and all their hordes, and, O Lord, let not Rama’s dignity be reconciled to anything demeaning (sully not the reputation of Rama). You are called a devotee of Janakas daughter, Sita and Hari; I entreat you in the names of both Sita and Hari not to prevaricate and delay in coming. जय जय जय ध्वनि होत अकाशा। सुमिरत होत सुसह दुःख नाशा।। उठु-उठु चल तोहि राम दुहाई। पाँय परौं कर जोरि मनाई।। JAI JAI JAI DHUNI HOTA AKAASHAA SUMIRATA HOTA DUSAHA DUKHA NAASHAA Uth uth chal tohe Ram duhai ,Paanv paron kar jor manai. The heavens reverberate with the sound of Glory, glory, all glory (to Hanuman) The very remembrance of yours destroys even unendurable miseries. With folded palms I supplicate you to provide me the protection at your feet, for I cannot but call on you for help at this hour. I prostrate myself at your feet and with cupped palms invoke your grace; whom else should I call for help in these desperate straits. You are under oath to Rama to hasten and protect all in distress. I prostrate myself again before you and with folded hands entreat you to arise and rush in (to kill my enemies). ॐ चं चं चं चं चपल चलन्ता। ॐ हनु हनु हनु हनु हनु हनुमंता।। ॐ हं हं हांक देत कपि चंचल। ॐ सं सं सहमि पराने खल दल।। OM Cham cham cham cham CHAPALA CHALANTAA OM HANU HANU HANU HANU HANUMANTAA OM HAN HAN HAANKA DETA KAPI CHANCHALA OM SAN SAN SAHAMI PARANEY KHALDALA. Chanting the sacred Om cham cham cham cham, come and deliver me, O entrepid courser! And shouting Om hanu hanu hanu hanu slaughter my foes, O Hanuman! When the playful and noble-footed Monkey-king shouts aloud Om hum hum the demon host is so terrified that it flees crying Om sam sam. अपने जन को कस न उबारौ। सुमिरत होत आनन्द हमारौ।। ताते विनती करौं पुकारी। हरहु सकल दुःख विपति हमारी।। Apney jan ko kas na ubharo. sumrit hoat anand hamaro. Tate vinti karon pukari. Harhoo sakal dukh vipiti humari. Please remove all difficulties of your worshippers i entreat you with folded hands. ऐसौ बल प्रभाव प्रभु तोरा। कस न हरहु दुःख संकट मोरा।। हे बजरंग, बाण सम धावौ। मेटि सकल दुःख दरस दिखावौ।। Aiso bal prabhaav prabhu tera. Kas na harhoo dukh sankat mora Hey Bajrang baan sam dhavo. Mate sakal dukh daras dikhavoo. Your strength and prowess is endless ,please do not leave me in lurch take care of all my miseries and troubles and please grace me with your divine presence. हे कपिराज काज कब ऐहौ। अवसर चूकि अन्त पछतैहौ।। जन की लाज जात ऐहि बारा। धावहु हे कपि पवन कुमारा।। Hey Kapiraaj Kaaj kabb aeho . Avsar chuk antt pachhtao Jan ki laaj jaat aihe bara. Dhavu hey kapi pavan kumara. Hey almighty king of monkeys please do the needful please do not loose this opportunity to help me. I am your devotee servant please do not dissapoint me this time. Almighty son of wind please kill all my woes. जयति जयति जै जै हनुमाना। जयति जयति गुण ज्ञान निधाना।। जयति जयति जै जै कपिराई। जयति जयति जै जै सुखदाई।। Jayati jayati jai jai Hanumana. Jayati jayati gunn gayan nidhana. Jayati Jayati jai jai kapirai jayati jayati jai jai sukhdai. Salutations and victories to you Oh Hanuman you are the keeper of values and knowledge. Salutations to you oh granter of wellbeing and pleasure. जयति जयति जै राम पियारे। जयति जयति जै सिया दुलारे।। जयति जयति मुद मंगलदाता। जयति जयति त्रिभुवन विख्याता।। Jayati jayati jai Ram payare .Jayati jayati jai siya dularey. Jayati jayati Mud mangaldata . Jayti jayti tribhuvan vikhyata. Salutations to you one held dear by Shri RAm. Salutations to you oh hanuman who is very dear to Sita ji. Salutations to you oh bestower of pleasure and wellbeing. Salutations to you whose valour and prowess in known in three worlds. ऐहि प्रकार गावत गुण शेषा। पावत पार नहीं लवलेषा।। राम रूप सर्वत्र समाना। देखत रहत सदा हर्षाना।। Ehi parkaar Gavat gunn shesha. Pavat paar nahin lovelesha. Ram roop sarvatra samaana . Dekhat rehat sada harshana. Its like this only that i sing of your values. You can grant me moksha in a flash You have Ram embodied in you by visualising it you stay pleased and in bliss. विधि शारदा सहित दिनराती। गावत कपि के गुन बहु भाँति।। तुम सम नहीं जगत बलवाना। करि विचार देखउं विधि नाना।। Vidhi shardha sahit dinrati. Gavat kapi ke gunn bahu bhanti. Tum samm nahin jagat balwana . Karr vichaar dekhon vidhi nana. With proper procedure and vidhi i keep on harping on your values and valour whether day or night. There is no one more powerful than you in this world ,i know and have wondered and thought about it but you are poweful and supreme. यह जिय जानि शरण तब आई। ताते विनय करौं चित लाई।। सुनि कपि आरत वचन हमारे। मेटहु सकल दुःख भ्रम भारे।। Yeh Jiy jaani sharan tabb aai. Tate vinay karr chitt laayi. Sunn kapi aarat vachan hamaarey matehoo sakal dukh bharam bhaarey. I have surrendered my soul and seek your protection with fervent appeals . Please listen to my entreatises and olibetrate my sufferings and doubts. एहि प्रकार विनती कपि केरी। जो जन करै लहै सुख ढेरी।। याके पढ़त वीर हनुमाना। धावत बाण तुल्य बनवाना।। Ehi parkaar vinti kapi keri . Jo jann karey lahey sukhh dheri. Yaakey parat veer hanumaana . Dhavat baan tulya banwana. I make appeals like this to you , whosover does it gets plenty of comforts. Who so ever reads this ode to veer hanuman gets the strength of an arrow. मेटत आए दुःख क्षण माहिं। दै दर्शन रघुपति ढिग जाहीं।। पाठ करै बजरंग बाण की। हनुमत रक्षा करै प्राण की।। Metat aaye dukhh shann mahin. De darshan raghupati dhigg jahin. Paath karein bajrang baan ki. Hanumant raksha karein praan ki. You have been erasing sufferings in seconds . Please honor me with your presence. He, who chants this hymn,is well protected by Hanumaan. डीठ, मूठ, टोनादिक नासै। परकृत यंत्र मंत्र नहीं त्रासे।। भैरवादि सुर करै मिताई। आयुस मानि करै सेवकाई।। Dheedh ,muthh tona-adik naasey . Par krat yantra,mantra, nahin trasey. Bhairav adi sur karey mitai . Ayus maane karein sevakai. All types of black magic do not have any effect on those who read this hym. Bhairav and demons become friends and would do the bidding. प्रण कर पाठ करें मन लाई। अल्प-मृत्यु ग्रह दोष नसाई।। आवृत ग्यारह प्रतिदिन जापै। ताकी छाँह काल नहिं चापै।। Prann karr paath karein mann layi . alp mrityu grah dosh nasai. Aavrat gyarah pratidinn jaapey taki shanh kaal nahin chaapey. Whoover recites this hym with deteminantion and resolve has no fear from untimely death ,if one recites it eleven times daily death does not even cast its shadow on that individual before time. दै गूगुल की धूप हमेशा। करै पाठ तन मिटै कलेषा।। यह बजरंग बाण जेहि मारे। ताहि कहौ फिर कौन उबारे।। De guggal ki dhup hamesha. Karein paath tann mitey kalesha. Yeh bajrang baan jehi marey . tahin kaho phirr kaun ubhaarey. Burning incrense of guggal if one recites this hym he becomes free of bodily diseases. He who repeats this hymn is feared by spirits and ghouls and all the who repeats it regularly with oblations of incense is relieved of all physical infirmities. Tell me, who can protect the person who is pierced with Bajaranga’s arrow? शत्रु समूह मिटै सब आपै। देखत ताहि सुरासुर काँपै।। तेज प्रताप बुद्धि अधिकाई। रहै सदा कपिराज सहाई।। Shatru Samooh mitey sabb aapey. Dekhat tahin surasur kaanpey . Tej partaap budhi adhikai . Rahe sada kapiraaj sahai. All enemies vanish on their own. And all demons start fearing you. Your aura,fame ,inteligence and valour are enhanced and king of monkeys is always helpful to you. दोहा प्रेम प्रतीतिहिं कपि भजै। सदा धरैं उर ध्यान।। तेहि के कारज तुरत ही, सिद्ध करैं हनुमान।। Prem prateet kapi bhaje sadha dharein urr dhayan . Tehi ke karaj turrant hi sidhh karein Hanumaan. By J.S.SANDHU He who meditates on the Monkey-King with faith and devotion and with his image in his heart, finds all his noble efforts crowned with success by the grace of Hanuman
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