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Found 17 results

  1. Hi everybody, please do read my post and help me out. I'm a young student studying in the US. I'm attracted to Devi from a long time. One year back, I decided to start reading Lalitha Sahasranamam. I try to read once a week. When I was in India I used to prepare sweets for naividyam but now it's not possible because of time constraints. My question to all Devi devotees- I get dreams of Devi all the time. Once as Kanchi Kaamakshi (in her real form), once as Durga (in her real form, she gave me bangles in the dream, this was after Ashtami when I did Devi oati and offered her dupatta, bangles etc. She gave me all bangles but continued to wear what I offered to her), many snake temples dreams, once as a huge Kali murthi in a strange faraway land, once some lady came in my dreams and told me to keep Utsavmurthi during navaratri, once a eunuch perfoming Durga pooja in my garden, dreams of temple murthis etc. I feel Devi is trying to tell me something. Am I not praying to her enough? I'm not regular in my prayers because of college, but try to chant Lalitha Sahasranamam once a week. Don't drink or eat eggs on Fridays. I'm a vegetarian. Please help me. Any small pooja I can do daily to please my beloved Devi Maa? Any mantra I can chant? I'm going through a rough phase currently with mounting problems but my beloved Devi Maa will bail me out as always I'm sure. However, can all the Devi devotees please please help / guide me? I'm 24, female, unmarried. Please please reply.
  2. Dear members, Could anyone please for Love of God provide me or atleast guide me to getting 15 Khadgamala Mantras in english or sanskrit or malayalam? When I searched in the forums I found a page with the title 15 khadgamalas and some members had translated and posted it in the following thread. but I cannot find the file or any links to download it and that thread is a bit old. Does anybody have this 15 khadgamala mantras file? Moderators if you have it in your computers please could you kindly upload it again. Thank you for reading. Hope someone helps. Take care.
  3. 10,070 downloads

    The book "Kali - Dasa Maha Vidya" in Telugu in PDF format.
  4. 6,253 downloads

    The book "Chinnamasta - Dasa Maha Vidya" in Telugu in PDF format.
  5. 4,120 downloads

    The book "Kamalathmika - Dasa Maha Vidya" in Telugu PDF format.
  6. 4,641 downloads

    The book "Bhuvaneswari - Dasa Maha Vidya" in Telugu in PDF format.
  7. 6,021 downloads

    The book "Tara - Dasa Maha Vidya" in Telugu in PDF format.
  8. 3,844 downloads

    The book "Dhumavathi - Dasa Maha Vidya" in Telugu in PDF format.
  9. 4,568 downloads

    The book "Tripura Bhairavi - Dasa Maha Vidya" in Telugu in PDF format.
  10. 5,269 downloads

    The "Mathangi - Dasa Maha Vidya" in Telugu in PDF format.
  11. 5,104 downloads

    The book "Tripura Sundari - Dasa Maha Vidya" in Telugu in PDF format.
  12. 5,940 downloads

    The book "Bagalamukhi Yantra Puja" in Telugu in PDF format.
  13. 12,810 downloads

    Kalika Stuti chanted in Sanskrit in MP3 format. Mantra for worshipping Goddess Kalika.
  14. 32,473 downloads

    Devi Suktam chanted in Sanskrit in MP3 format. Mantra for worshipping Goddess Durga. Devi Suktam is a sacred hymn from the Rig Veda.
  15. 17,699 downloads

    Bhavani Ashtakam chanted in Sanskrit in MP3 format. Mantra for worshipping Goddess Bhavani.
  16. 1,122 downloads

    Ringtone of Kuthiyottam for mobile phones. Kuthiyottam is one of the main offerings at the Chettikulangara Devi Temple. It is a ritualistic symbolic representation of human bali to goddess Kali in a traditional form of dance. http://www.indiadivine.org/content/files/download/11-kuthiyottam-ringtone.mp3
  17. 4,756 downloads

    Ringtone of bhajan "Mookambike Devi Mookambike" for mobile phones. http://www.indiadivine.org/content/files/download/2-mookambike-devi-mookambike.mp3 Mookambika Devi is a deity of Goddess Parvathi located in Kollur, Karnataka. The legend says that a local demon Kaumasura was living in the area and kept the population of surrounding areas in terror. It was predicted that the demon will be killed by a woman, and, indeed, the demon was killed by Goddess Parvati Devi, after which people started to bring offerings to her at this site. In the particular context of the fight with the demon, Parvati Devi is known as Mookambika Devi.
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