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Found 2 results

  1. Hi everybody, I've read a lot of books on the law of attraction (which believes that what you think and visualize is what you receive in life) but I don't know if I should start believing and practicing it as it go against the law of karma. But then again there is this belief that once in a day the vaastu purush of any house says Tathaastu so we should only speak positive. Also there is the idiom, Shubh Shubh bolo. Please can anyone throw light on this? I'm sorry if this question sounds dumb.
  2. Namaste all, I am in the process of founding the Judeo-Christian Hindu Assembly, an interfaith organization seeking progressive dialogue between members of these three ancient faiths. From the website: The JCHA strives to make inter-religious acceptance mainstream. By uniting three of the world's oldest existing theistic religions, we can move forward as a family and as a planet. The JCHA is established on the following principle: Love fulfills the Law. It is our mission to transform how people interact within their own faith groups, and among those faith groups outside of their own, to enhance a world coming together as a race of lovers in a culture of love. At this point, the JCHA needs as much support as possible. If you can help spread the message, please do. Our URL is Judeo-Christian Hindu Assembly (make sure to include the 'www'). Thanks and peace to you all. Your friend and brother, Acharya Brahmananda
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