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Found 7 results

  1. Pranam to all, I am a hindu follower from birth and i do not belive there should be any stopping from loving or liking someone from another religion, but i would like to know if our scriptures stop us from marrying someone outside our religion or not. I know islam doesnt allow but i wanted to know from our scriptures if there is any resctrictions or not. Thank you
  2. Namaste all, I am in the process of founding the Judeo-Christian Hindu Assembly, an interfaith organization seeking progressive dialogue between members of these three ancient faiths. From the website: The JCHA strives to make inter-religious acceptance mainstream. By uniting three of the world's oldest existing theistic religions, we can move forward as a family and as a planet. The JCHA is established on the following principle: Love fulfills the Law. It is our mission to transform how people interact within their own faith groups, and among those faith groups outside of their own, to enhance a world coming together as a race of lovers in a culture of love. At this point, the JCHA needs as much support as possible. If you can help spread the message, please do. Our URL is Judeo-Christian Hindu Assembly (make sure to include the 'www'). Thanks and peace to you all. Your friend and brother, Acharya Brahmananda
  3. Hi Friends, My name is Saurav.....I am from Bangalore city. I consider myself to be a follower of the Advaita vedanta philosophy but one thing which is really irritating me a lot is the Caste System phenomenon. I used to read a lot of Adi Sankaracharya and I see in his commentary of the Smritis mainly the Brahmasmriti that manu smriti quotes saying that a Shudra should be poured molten metal in the ears to those who hear the vedas etc...... About Adi Sankaracharya it is not clear if he approved the Caste System by birth......Wikipedia says that Sankaracharya only asked those BORN as Brahmins to be his followers...... Now I would like to make a few points clear. I did study Hinduism and also Buddhism and Jainism and their histories. Few points are very clear: 1. There did exist as today in the majority of history of Hinduism the period of Brahmanism where Brahmins abused and subjugated the lower caste and atrocities did take place against them quite frequently . 2. Jainism and Buddhism essentially were born to get rid the society of Caste System. We do know that the Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads do mention that Caste System should be followed by MERIT and MERIT alone and no question of BIRTH comes into picture. I wanted clarification with regards to these: a. Did Adi Shankaracharya Approve the Caste System by birth ? Any up-date on this would be helpful. Thanks
  4. Hello friends, I'm new to this forum and found very interesting articles over site tour. I'm an Hindu Indian currently living in Cebu Philippines, my wife is christian and we are expecting her to give birth to my baby in few months. The issue is, there is no Indian temple in this province though i found something those are related to Sikh/Punjabi temple & satsang ghar, so in this situation how would i decide the name for my baby or in other word the process of NAMKARAN and also would like to pray for my baby by taking my baby to Hindu temple so baby would be blessed by god. Can anybody give guidance on how to decide for baby's name and the prayer i have to make so my baby will be blessed. One more alternative my wife gave me is to have baby baptize but i think it will change the religion of baby and also it would mention Roman Catholic in birth certificate which i don't want. I know i'm not a priest but if there is no other option then i have make research or study the horoscope and ensure the first letter for my baby's name. Please give me your suggestion & ideas on this matter, Your assistance will be highly appreciated. Thanks in Advance
  5. I have come across this beautiful blog http://www.sabhlokcity.com/metaphysics/ My sincere gratitudes for Sh. PK Sabhlok for this educative endevour. From the blog you can also download the wonderful book 'Glimpses of Vedic Metaphysics' I recommend, every educated Hindu must read this book.
  6. 8,705 downloads

    The book titled "An Insight Into Hindu Astrology" in English in PDF format.
  7. 13,688 downloads

    The book titled "Scientific Hindu Astrology: Volume 1" in English in PDF format.
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