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Found 6 results

  1. Hi everybody, I've read a lot of books on the law of attraction (which believes that what you think and visualize is what you receive in life) but I don't know if I should start believing and practicing it as it go against the law of karma. But then again there is this belief that once in a day the vaastu purush of any house says Tathaastu so we should only speak positive. Also there is the idiom, Shubh Shubh bolo. Please can anyone throw light on this? I'm sorry if this question sounds dumb.
  2. Upanishads' philosophy is as old as anything can be, and it so meaningful that its significance cannot be estimated unless one sincerely and seriously approaches it. So how this sacred thought can be best described? Vedas give us a true way of understanding this world and the meaning of human existence in it; it gives us a true sense of human life and the values one should cherish if one wants to stay calm and happy. Vedic philosophy is a way towards true happiness and peace of mind; it regulates human life in a way that enables one to stay in complete control of ones self and ones powers. Vedic philosophy mainly is the philosophy of Atman, the true self or supreme ego. The teachings of Vedas lead a person towards a true understanding of this ultimate reality thus take a person out of the turmoils of meaninglessness of life. It is at times difficult to understand Vedic philosophy, but once one understands it one at once finds that one has achieved something precious. In this preliminary lesson we will start with an important concept ' maya' or false consciousness. People in this world are mainly living in a false consciousness about themselves and about the world. So, the first and the most important thing to do is to leave this false consciousness. What is false consciousness? In Upanishads , the great teachers have described three levels of false consciousness; these are: Nama, Roopa and Karma. Brhad-aranyaka Upanishads writes: " Verily ,this (world) is a triad of Name, Form and Work(nama, rupam, karma). Of these regards names, speech is the source, for from it all names arise. ... it is their Brahman, for it sustains all names." " of the form eye is the source, for from it all shapes arise. ...it is their Brahman" "of works, body is the source for from it all works arise.... it is their Brahman." The Upanishads declares that the real or the existent, the world of matter in which we live , is but a combination of these three ; Nama(Name) , Rupa(Form) and Karma(work). What is self then? The Upanishads goes on to say that ," these three(Rupa, Nama and Karma) are one... the self , though one is this triad." So self is a unity but is also a triad of the three realities(satyam), Rupa , Nama and Karma. However, self is hidden behind these three, it is veiled by Rupa , Nama and Karma. The self , the Atman the Brahman is veiled behind the elements of triad. This gives us the idea that if self is goal of life , then one has to break through this veil , the veil of Rupa , Nama and Karma. It is neither easy to do nor to understand , however, Upanishads emphasizing the knowledge and achievement of self , ask man to understand that what ever man loves, understands and desires, is for nothing but for the Self. Sat, reality or truth is the veil , behind this veil is the Self , Atman. So Upanishads ask us to break this Veil, commonly known as Veil of Maya. How this can be done? Upanishads offer us a detailed and all embracing way to achieve this end. In the nutshell, to break the Veil of Nama one has to abandon belief in personal attributes or qualities like being a this or that type of man or being a this or that type of character. According to some ascetics the only attributes that a person can retain are his or her sexual identity and faith. All other attributions are false including nationality, profession etc. So, the first step towards breaking the Veil of Maya or False Consciousness is to renounce false attributes for the sake of Self. The second step is to renounce worldly pleasures for the sake of Self. Rupa or form , the most pleasing to the eyes , is not desirable in-itself. Rupa or form is desirable for the sake of Self. Thus one should learn to renounce sensuous pleasure of viewing forms. The third step is the renunciation of Karma. Karma is not ان-itself desirable. Karma or action is desirable for the Self. So one should learn to renounce action for the sake of Self. This threefold doctrine is much emphasized through out the Upanishads: Khalid Jamil Rawat
  3. Hello, i am an American and a devotee of Shiva. I feel that I worshipped Shiva and Kali in a past life, but now I am wondering: is it a punishment to have taken birth as a westerner? I am afraid that in my next life I might lose this connection to Mahadeva as a result of such a birth. In this life i feel a great sadness at the lack of opportunity for satsang and blessings of holy places. Thank you for any suggestions.
  4. The subject involving Karma and Astrology together generates a critical interest particularly for people with Indian mindset. The Law of Karma being one of the prime precepts of Sanatan Dharma (popularly and erroneously called 'Hindu Dharma) has been imbibed in the psyche of our people through ages. However, we have, for almost all practical purposes, deformed the concept of Karma. On the other hand, we also believe strongly in 'Fate' . The co-existence of belief in the law of Karma, Fate, Freewill and Astrology creates confusion and ambiguity in life. It would, therefore, be better that we understand these notions in simple terms and then assess its relevance with each other. For this purpose, we need to understand another precept of Sanatan Dharma, 'Reincarnation' past births and the consecutive births. Vedic Astrology has been founded upon precept of 'Reincarnation'. Reincarnation is dependent upon The Law of Karma. The Law of Karma can simply be stated as: "As you sow, so shall you reap." or "For every action there is equal and opposite reaction". People who believe in 'fate', believe that during their life they are subject to experience certain events in a pre-defined way. This means, that happenings are decided long before they occur. Thus, notion of 'Fate' does not allow any scope for the freewill of a person. If we believe in 'Fate', we enter into an unending loop of the primary element of cause and the subsequent happenings. Just think 'What is the cause of creation of the Fate?' If the answer is 'Karma', this question is partially resolved. Every Action has equal Reaction. This way, Karma or action of a man is cause of the creation of Fate. However, what is the cause of the first ever Karma ? Every act once performed (whether at physical level or at mental level) creates its reward on the basis of attitude and intention of the doer. Thus, Karma is a process of transformation of 'Action Energy' into 'Reward Energy'. The generation of Karma initiates at Subtle level i.e. in form of thought, desire, wish, intention etc. Every Act howsoever it be gross, its foundation remains subtle. There is no power that can falsify this transformation. However, the time of fructification of Karma is beyond human judgment. On the basis of time of fructification of reward, Karmas are divided into three categories: Sanchit: Those Karmas where the fructification time of the reward is very long and generally beyond the present life time. Arrears of such past Karmas is the cause of cycle of lives of the spirit. Prarabdha: The portion of Sanchit Karma where the rewards are due to be delivered during the present life. Kriyamana: Are such karmas where the rewards are delivered immediately upon performance of the Karmas. An action is done, reward availed and nothing is left out. These are the actions performed through the free will of a person. These are the actions performed in present time. For the purpose of this article, we are concerned with the portion of the Sanchit Karmas, called Prarabdha. In English, Prarabdha, is called 'Fate'. However, contrary to the common man's belief, the priority and order of fruictification of the Prarabdha does get modified. This is possible through Kriyaman Karmas. As a result of the present actions, a kind of volume gets generated on the time line of human life. The pressure and volume of the resultant rewards pushes the turn of the rewards otherwise destined to be availed as Praarbdh. With this explaination, it would be easy to appreciate the validity of Astrology and Astrological Remedies. Let us understand this with the help of an illustration. Let us assume that a person 'A' is destined to avail the rewards of his prarabdha at his age of 40. The rewards are negative in nature because they are the product of some bad karma performed by the person in past, might be in previous lives. Now, the person takes help of astrology and gets cautioned about the negative period. As advised He performs some remedial measures, let us say, 'chanting of Mahamrintyunjaya Mantra'. This remedy works on different dimensions. Because of his power of faith in astrology and the reverence for the Mantra, positive mental vibrations are generated. The performing of remedy is a Kriyaman Karma because it is done in present time and with an intention to get result in immediate future. As the volume of this Kriyaman Karma increases, the fructification order gets affected. The sequence of fructification of bad karma (destined to be delivered now) gets disturbed. The bad rewards cannot get room to be delivered now. This is the secret of Astrological Remedies. In this illustration, it should be noted that the Kriyaman Karma is performed by the person who is chanting the Mantra. The volume of this act pushes away the negative rewards i.e. Worries, Tension etc. to take place in the life of the person who is chanting the mantra. It cannot affect the Prarabdha of another person even if the mantra is chanted in his name and on his behalf..! However, let us not get befooled to believe that the Prarabdha is mitigated altogether because of performance of remedies. It is only the sequence of fructification that has got changed. Its a big relief for the person concerned, though for the time being. This is what lord Krishna has directed "Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam" योग: कर्मसु कौशलम | Adeptness in Performing Acts is Yoga. Adopting and performing Remedies so as to generate pressure of Kriyaman Karma is a smart way to avoid the bad rewards for the time being.
  5. hai, any one who has experience, please help me, i need to learn any one yoga, but not able to choose correctly, i want to clear my negative karma and attend success in both spiritual and financial? which one is better: kriyayoga vs pranic healing vs shivyog:confused:
  6. 3,651 downloads

    The book titled "Pancha Karma" in English in PDF format.
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