My birth details:
August 24, 1978
time: 07:25 am
time zone: +5:45 GMT
Latitude: 27° 40' N
Longitude: 85° 26' E
Her birth details:
March 9, 1989
time: 00:05 am
time zone: +8:00 GMT
Latitude: 22° 17' N
Longitude: 114° 9' E
I had been very unfortunate in love and experienced disappointments in love. I am still unmarried. But recently, I have been involved with a girl and till every is fine. Till we are good friend, but I am reluctant to go ahead with marriage due to past disappointments. Please suggest me should I marry this girl. Also, there is nadi dosha present in guna milap... Any remedy for this??
Also how would be Rahu Mahadasha for me which is going to start in a year's time. Currently, Mangal Mahadasha is not enjoying. Thanks
Please bless me with your knowledge..