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Found 3 results

  1. Hello friends,I am a 25 years old female from Bursa, Turkey. I am interested in astrology however I do not know much about Hindu astrology. I have some questions on my mind and I need help. I have studied chemical engineering at one of the best universities in my country.I graduated exactly 18 months ago however I was not able to find a job. Meanwhile after my graduation I got engaged to a guy from university at 31.10.2009. After the engagement he went to army for his military job. In May when he came back from military we had no obstacles for marriage. However he didn't want to mary yet. I want to know: * when will i get married and will i get married with this guy? * how and when will i find a job? *I also wonder if i studied the perfect job for my personality? I am also interested and a little talented in arts, which path should i take to live a prosperous life? *also there is agression in my family which i am not responsible for but i am influenced anyway.I can't stop the fight, ı want to leave home but i can't, what can i do? please help me!! My birth data: 27.01.1985 Bursa, Turkey My fiance's birth data: 15.02.1984 Mersin, Turkey I look forward for any kind of help. Best wishes!
  2. hi, respected sirs pls reply i have three big problem..... no money marital disconnection{ditched} not getting proper job....... my dob is 19june1977, time 4:41am,jamshedpur,india pls advice me remedies if ,any.. i wear a diamond and panna but no relief will i get job in telecom sector, for which i m waiting as financial sectors not suits me? pls advice for hopeless situation but still i am having hope for success! regards roshan
  3. Respected Sir I am having problems in my career life, i am not getting job as my qualification and i am underpaid,,i am also having probblems in my health and personal life also,can anyone tell me if these problems can be solved by strengthening jupiter or should i do something else. what is blocking my success??? i will be very thankful to you ... My details are as given below.. Gaurav kataria D.o.b- 14 july 1987 Time- 08:50 Am Place - Nagina(Bijnor),uttar pradesh GAURAV KATARIA_Free_Kundali_20130601200102.pdf
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