Based on some (auto)biographies I read of enlightened Hindu saints, there was a focus on powers they have, mainly healing powers and psychic powers. I have been to see 5 Indian masters and only two of them said anything to me showing psychic vision (maybe three but the third case was kind of unclear). I must also note though that I only met with all of them briefly. I am wondering if anyone has experience with these enlightened saints? It seems to me that the case maybe has been somewhat exaggerated and that they are not as powerful as they have been made out to be. Maybe someone like Neem Karoli Baba, Sai Baba of Shirdi, or Bhagavan Nityananda all had powers, but I don't hear about any modern day saints having these kinds of powers. I would like it if Hindu saints would give an explanation of their powers so that the people who go to see them have an understanding of what to expect and the limitations of what a saint can do. Maybe if anyone knows anything about the Naths, Siddhars, and Aghoris I would be interested to hear more about them too.