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Found 20 results

  1. Dear Sir Myself 1975 born Feb 23, 06;30am, Coimbatore, Male.. My marriage delays and facing lot of obstacles facing right now... Please guide me, when my marriage will happen. Please also indicate, my life partner possible prediction details regards Anand N
  2. Hello Guruji, I am running in Ketu mahadasa, I lost my Job on January/18/2013. My birth date is June/1/1957. Place of birth is Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Time of Birth:08:17 am I am in United States from April/28/1983. I am looking for job, since January and not getting sucess. I am supporting two Sons in their education. I am in real financial crunch. Please let me know when can I get decent Job. Thanks
  3. Namaste I have been running into lots of problem in my life professionally/personally. Then after someone's advice I followed Lal Kitab's remedies. The astrologer suggested me to donate the milk with white butter immersed in it and also wash the barley with milk and drop in flowing water for 27 days. I did some research online and read books as well and found that the Lal Kitab remedies must be done for 40-43 days, so why in my case it was suggested only for 27 days? Please reply.
  4. Namaste I have been running into lots of problem in my life professionally/personally. Then after someone's advice I followed Lal Kitab's remedies. The astrologer suggested me to donate the milk with white butter immersed in it and also wash the barley with milk and drop in flowing water for 27 days. I did some research online and read books as well and found that the Lal Kitab remedies must be done for 40-43 days, so why in my case it was suggested only for 27 days? Please reply.
  5. how would my marraige life be? ive already been in a relationship once twice and now i can't handle any more heart breaks... does venus in 12th house indicate unhappy married life mesh lagna sun and mercury in 11th house in aquarius moon in 9th house in sagittarius mars in 3rd house in gemini jupiter in 6th house in virgo and exalted in navmasa saturn in 10th house in capricon venus exalted in 12th house in pisces rahu and pluto in 2nd house in scorpio ketu in 8th house in taurus uranus and neptune in sagittarius
  6. What is the reason behind failure in career and is there any possibility to get a good job at all ? Can any sagacious person make some light on that 3rd March 1986 , 10:39 AM IST, Chandpara, West Bengal.
  7. Dear Advisors, Namaskar! I hope and pray almighty god that my request you will find in the best of health and happiness. After working over two years in Iraq, my best job-contract was not extended beyond 31 January 2014. Therefore, I have to leave on 01 February 2014. And, my daughter got married in March 2014. I am under Ketu mahadasha and Budh antardasha (Ketu seated with Sukara in 12th house and Budh seated with Surya in 10th house) I feel like a lot of challenges with no positive progress. How to face Ketu mahadasha and Budh antardasha effectively. I wish to request your suggestions and advice please. I recite Gayatri Mantram 108 times and Shree Vishnu Shastranam once every day. My data: Male, dob 08 April 1956, tob 11.55 AM (Noon), pob Rohtak/India. Your guidance is highly appreciated. Thank you so much. Best regards, Prem
  8. My partner and I have a nadi score of 0 out of 8 in our relationship analysis. How critical is this for us? What does it mean in detail & are there any important dates? What would be good remedies? Any other information would help, too. Namaste. ElaineInBliss Birth Details Female Date of Birth: 10 January 1986 Time: 23:45 Location: Miami, Florida, USA DST: 1h Male Date of Birth: 03 December 1984 Time: 4:56 Location: Salisbury, Maryland, USA DST: 1h
  9. To anyone that can help me: My birthday is January 15, 1983 at 4:15pm in Edmonton Alberta Canada. I have just finished Rahu Dasa on February 6, 2010. It is now December 9, 2010 and I am in Guru Dasa. My Rahu was terribly difficult to get through but Guru is supposed to be very good for me. But my concern is that nothing has changed since Guru started. In fact, it's been just as horrible. My life has not moved forward. Is this just going to be my life or will anything change for the better? If the answer is yes, then when and what can I look forward to? Please help!
  10. Hello, I am trying to create an awareness about Das Goravani's work and wisdom. It's just that I feel that he has so much to share and it's all going wasted. Thank you for reading this. ----- This letter might sound very strange to you, but hear me out, please. You probably don’t know me. My name is Shakti and I got to know Das Goravani through his astrology program. My father was the one who introduced me to his program many years back. But here is what’s important. I am writing to you because this Thanksgiving weekend, I had the opportunity to visit Das and Sonia. I stayed with Sonia which lives next door to Das. I have known them by phone and email for quite few months. But in the past 5 days I had the chance to live with them and experience them quite intensely. Their love and hospitality is just heartwarming and exquisite. However, I was able to experience something beautiful with them. And after I came back home I felt the urge of sharing this. Just like you, I have gotten tons of emails from Das about issues, problems that he was dealing with, and what not. You probably know what I am talking about. We have seen his intense writings about many general topics, even about his own private life, which is probably not so private anymore. Did you ever think, or did it ever come to your mind: “What’s with this guy? Who cares about what he thinks about the IRA, or the war in whatever place or his own private issues?” Or, “Why is he writing to me about what’s going on with him or asking for my help when I don’t even know him, met him, or talked to him? All what I wanted is his program, make some money out of it and that’s it!!!”. Well, you are not alone. I’ve seen many react the same way as I followed his journey recently. I want you to know that I never thought like that. I always thought that there is always a reason for someone to do what they do. I will confess that since I knew about him, I always wanted to meet or talk or communicate to him in some way. I have this admiration for him because of what he has given the world. His materials, his services, etc. really caught my attention and I wanted to be in touch with this person who I thought knew so much about so many things. Warning: I am not here to advocate him. I am writing to you to describe what I have seen. You may not believe me, but all I have seen is this man with the most pure heart, good and harmless soul with one aim only: Spread the knowledge and wisdom about spirituality, God. He is obsessed, yes, I agree. But this obsession is for a true cause that you might benefit from. I know I did. He is not a preacher, nor does he want leadership of any kind. He does not want to start a revolution or a war against anything. He wants us to be aware of things that he is that will make our living in this world better. Now think that if you have knowledge of something that will help others in some way or another, wouldn’t you want to say it away? Well, he does too. In his way. In the way that he thinks that will catch our attention. Sometime aggressive, sometime docile. In whatever way he finds effective. People, he has Asperger’s. You don’t know Asperger’s until you see it with your own eyes. It’s HEAVY!!! He also has ADHD which only makes it worse. However, Asperger’s makes him the genius that he is. I cannot even begin to describe the storm of emotions that he goes through. I wanted to help him at that moment and I couldn’t because I was not familiar with how this condition reacts on him. His body becomes so weak! He curls up in a corner and is engulfed in this monster fear of an unsafe world as if he is in the middle of a F5 tornado and you see the world being sucked up in this vacuum with nothing to hold on to. Picture yourself into it. It freaks you out!!! And in that moment it’s totally real!!! I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Oh my God, I have to tell you that Sonia Manzo is this angel that holds him together. Sonia was at the market when this panic attacked him and I didn’t know how to help him. Suddenly, Sonia arrives and sits next to him and start saying things that he starts to listen. They are common words for us, but when they come from the mouth of someone who you feel safe with, they mean the world to you. She holds his hands and speaks to him, and boy, you have to be there to see it. Sonia lights this glow that shine around her like an angel shining his way out of this dark place and pulls him out from this scary hole and brings him back to LIFE!!!!! She has no training in Asperger’s. Just like any of us, but you know what she has? LOVE!!! She has the ability to show a special kind of love that anchors us back to reality. Oh my God, I was amazed to see how this strong, stable, confident person was able to throw this rope of hope at this dark, scary place where he was and pull him out of it. This energy of light that she brings to him is so strong that is almost visible to the common eye. And I am not exaggerating. What I’ve seen is Love, compassion, and spirituality. She showed me that you don’t have to be related with family ties to someone to give what she gives. And she had the same love for me. If I was in the same place that Das was at that moment, she would do the same for me. She will go out of her way to help. She is a special kind of person that I learned to admire more in this visit. But, do you know what he kept saying while in this storm of emotions? “I’ve tried so hard to spread knowledge, wisdom, God, in this world and no one gives a crap about it!!!”. Can you imagine a person, who is emotionally, mentally, in the verge of an abysm, ready to fall because no one listen to him and he is just trying to bring clarity about spirituality to us? If a person dies for a cause, starves to death, sacrifices or do any other extreme action for some cause for the HUMANITY, it makes the news. But why, when a person tries to be less extreme, calls for your attention, asks for some response we turn our backs!!! Just because he didn’t jump off a bridge holding a sign: STOP EATING MEAT, or YOU ARE PART OF GOD, or some other thing that he tries to reach us to listen to him, doesn’t mean what he has to say is meaningless or not worth paying some attention. And even if he caught our attention, why can’t we just react to it. Respond in agreement or disagreement, giving him feedback, an honest one. Why can’t we open our hearts, be a little more human and pay attention on what he says, because he just wants to help us reach a better level of spirituality. If you know him is because in some point in your life you wanted to elevate your spirituality. You probably know him either through his program or in an event or meet or family/friend relation. That means that we all have something in common. So why can’t we try to help him with a small act of response. Get a slight bit involved in what he is saying and if you agree, pay it forward and spread his writings. If we have time to check our facebook newsfeed, can’t we copy and paste his writings on our page and spread it out? If we are getting together somewhere, where all the people are involved in some spiritual work, can’t we invite him to add his wisdom to our party? Don’t you think that people can only be benefited by his knowledge? What harm can it do? If we don’t agree with him in one thing, there’s got to have something else which we agree and can share words with him. His exact words: “…. so that the messages of determinism, jyotish's proper vision and function, proper dealing with all people's based on their god given innate natures, care for all equally as siblings, like some big kids help the little kids, etc., everyone, everywhere, cuzz, that's how we should think, for full life and happiness, the inevitable heaven is like this we who are going home, direct others there it is in gita jesus common sense etc that they the devotees of god will speak about him i have nothing else for i see through all else i have this mission, am fading…..” Somehow, I got my priorities straight and this visit definitely touched me in a manner that I feel I can do more to become a better person. He taught me that in this trip. I truly appreciate his life and what he brought us to this world. I truly appreciate Sonia more for her strength and love towards any of us. She doesn’t choose who to help. She just does it. And does it with perfection, with God in her heart. These both souls are not to take advantage, are not to be leached out and throw them out in the world. These two souls can bring true meaning of God in our lives and help us become better souls. I know I have. I am blessed for having such true loving souls as part of my life now. Thank you for reading this. I truly appreciate it. I hope you can help Das by only connecting with him. He doesn’t ask for much. He doesn’t want your money or any other material thing. He just wants to be connected with people who want to learn more and became spiritually better. God has put Das Goravani on this Earth for a reason. Use him, take him as a tool from God. You will only benefit you and those around you. Respectfully, Shakti
  11. You, who are reading this, probably don’t know me. My name is Shakti and I got to know Das Goravani through his astrology program. My father was the one who introduced me to his program many years back. But here is what’s important. I am writing to you because this Thanksgiving weekend, I had the opportunity to visit Das and Sonia. I stayed with Sonia which lives next door to Das. I have known them by phone and email for quite few months. But in the past 5 days I had the chance to live with them and experience them quite intensely. Their love and hospitality is just heartwarming and exquisite. However, I was able to experience something beautiful with them. And after I came back home I felt the urge of sharing this. Just like you, I have gotten tons of emails from Das about issues, problems that he was dealing with, and what not. You probably know what I am talking about. We have seen his intense writings about many general topics, even about his own private life, which is probably not so private anymore. Did you ever think, or did it ever come to your mind: “What’s with this guy? Who cares about what he thinks about the IRA, or the war in whatever place or his own private issues?” Or, “Why is he writing to me about what’s going on with him or asking for my help when I don’t even know him, met him, or talked to him? All what I wanted is his program, make some money out of it and that’s it!!!”. Well, you are not alone. I’ve seen many react the same way as I followed his journey recently. I want you to know that I never thought like that. I always thought that there is always a reason for someone to do what they do. I will confess that since I knew about him, I always wanted to meet or talk or communicate to him in some way. I have this admiration for him because of what he has given the world. His materials, his services, etc. really caught my attention and I wanted to be in touch with this person who I thought knew so much about so many things. Warning: I am not here to advocate him. I am writing to you to describe what I have seen. You may not believe me, but all I have seen is this man with the most pure heart, good and harmless soul with one aim only: Spread the knowledge and wisdom about spirituality, God. He is obsessed, yes, I agree. But this obsession is for a true cause that you might benefit from. I know I did. He is not a preacher, nor does he want leadership of any kind. He does not want to start a revolution or a war against anything. He wants us to be aware of things that he is that will make our living in this world better. Now think that if you have knowledge of something that will help others in some way or another, wouldn’t you want to say it away? Well, he does too. In his way. In the way that he thinks that will catch our attention. Sometime aggressive, sometime docile. In whatever way he finds effective. People, he has Asperger’s. You don’t know Asperger’s until you see it with your own eyes. It’s HEAVY!!! He also has ADHD which only makes it worse. However, Asperger’s makes him the genius that he is. I cannot even begin to describe the storm of emotions that he goes through. I wanted to help him at that moment and I couldn’t because I was not familiar with how this condition reacts on him. His body becomes so weak! He curls up in a corner and is engulfed in this monster fear of an unsafe world as if he is in the middle of a F5 tornado and you see the world being sucked up in this vacuum with nothing to hold on to. Picture yourself into it. It freaks you out!!! And in that moment it’s totally real!!! I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Oh my God, I have to tell you that Sonia Manzo is this angel that holds him together. Sonia was at the market when this panic attacked him and I didn’t know how to help him. Suddenly, Sonia arrives and sits next to him and start saying things that he starts to listen. They are common words for us, but when they come from the mouth of someone who you feel safe with, they mean the world to you. She holds his hands and speaks to him, and boy, you have to be there to see it. Sonia lights this glow that shine around her like an angel shining his way out of this dark place and pulls him out from this scary hole and brings him back to LIFE!!!!! She has no training in Asperger’s. Just like any of us, but you know what she has? LOVE!!! She has the ability to show a special kind of love that anchors us back to reality. Oh my God, I was amazed to see how this strong, stable, confident person was able to throw this rope of hope at this dark, scary place where he was and pull him out of it. This energy of light that she brings to him is so strong that is almost visible to the common eye. And I am not exaggerating. What I’ve seen is Love, compassion, and spirituality. She showed me that you don’t have to be related with family ties to someone to give what she gives. And she had the same love for me. If I was in the same place that Das was at that moment, she would do the same for me. She will go out of her way to help. She is a special kind of person that I learned to admire more in this visit. But, do you know what he kept saying while in this storm of emotions? “I’ve tried so hard to spread knowledge, wisdom, God, in this world and no one gives a crap about it!!!”. Can you imagine a person, who is emotionally, mentally, in the verge of an abysm, ready to fall because no one listen to him and he is just trying to bring clarity about spirituality to us? If a person dies for a cause, starves to death, sacrifices or do any other extreme action for some cause for the HUMANITY, it makes the news. But why, when a person tries to be less extreme, calls for your attention, asks for some response we turn our backs!!! Just because he didn’t jump off a bridge holding a sign: STOP EATING MEAT, or YOU ARE PART OF GOD, or some other thing that he tries to reach us to listen to him, doesn’t mean what he has to say is meaningless or not worth paying some attention. And even if he caught our attention, why can’t we just react to it. Respond in agreement or disagreement, giving him feedback, an honest one. Why can’t we open our hearts, be a little more human and pay attention on what he says, because he just wants to help us reach a better level of spirituality. If you know him is because in some point in your life you wanted to elevate your spirituality. You probably know him either through his program or in an event or meet or family/friend relation. That means that we all have something in common. So why can’t we try to help him with a small act of response. Get a slight bit involved in what he is saying and if you agree, pay it forward and spread his writings. If we have time to check our facebook newsfeed, can’t we copy and paste his writings on our page and spread it out? If we are getting together somewhere, where all the people are involved in some spiritual work, can’t we invite him to add his wisdom to our party? Don’t you think that people can only be benefited by his knowledge? What harm can it do? If we don’t agree with him in one thing, there’s got to have something else which we agree and can share words with him. His exact words: “…. so that the messages of determinism, jyotish's proper vision and function, proper dealing with all people's based on their god given innate natures, care for all equally as siblings, like some big kids help the little kids, etc., everyone, everywhere, cuzz, that's how we should think, for full life and happiness, the inevitable heaven is like this we who are going home, direct others there it is in gita jesus common sense etc that they the devotees of god will speak about him i have nothing else for i see through all else i have this mission, am fading…..” Somehow, I got my priorities straight and this visit definitely touched me in a manner that I feel I can do more to become a better person. He taught me that in this trip. I truly appreciate his life and what he brought us to this world. I truly appreciate Sonia more for her strength and love towards any of us. She doesn’t choose who to help. She just does it. And does it with perfection, with God in her heart. These both souls are not to take advantage, are not to be leached out and throw them out in the world. These two souls can bring true meaning of God in our lives and help us become better souls. I know I have. I am blessed for having such true loving souls as part of my life now. Thank you for reading this. I truly appreciate it. I hope you can help Das by only connecting with him. He doesn’t ask for much. He doesn’t want your money or any other material thing. He just wants to be connected with people who want to learn more and became spiritually better. Respectfully, Shakti
  12. i have joined my fathers medicines manufacturing business in 2008 and till now i am not able to make an significant improvement in that and also after my coming the business have not improved so plz can anyone tell me what are the prospects of having a good business in future and when i will be able to make good money from this and also any remedy i can so to make the business going good. My DOB: 10th October 1986 TOB: 20:32 hrs/8:32 pm POB: jalandhar, Punjab, India Thanks. Sazzy
  13. My Namaskar to everybody, I appreciate for your time to even look at this post. I had a love marriage and we got married three times to each other(same person), 1st was arya samaj mandir, then court marriage and third proper hindu marriage as per parents wish. I met my husband when I was 16, we use to fight and argure quite a lot but now everything is ok by gods grace and we do love each other immensely even though we dont express that much to each other. My husband is brahmin and I am Rajput, nobody told us that we have nadi dosha in our charts as with my husband DOB ( year seems to be debatable) We were trying for a baby from last 7 months after I had my 1st miscarriage last year, finally when i got pregnant, I was been told when I went for my second ultra sound that babys heartbeat got stopped in 8th week,I was in a state of shock and sorrow...now i have underactive thyroid for which doctors says its normal.... Now i am looking at from all point of view that wht is causing miscarriages... I tried to match our charts again and I took my husbands(both DOB)into consideration and I found out that we have nadi dosha.( even though on his birth year , he is also manglik)...now I dont know if its true or not because i used online software.....my inlaws dont understand this and they think I have a problem in me.... Could anyone help me out with these, I live in a foreign country so getting puja done from a pandit is not possible and even if try to get this done , my financial situation wont allow...i can do puja myself...I can do fast...I can wear gemstones...I can keep yantra....i can recite mantra.....I cant give anything in charity here and neither we have sacred trees here like peepal...nor i can feed cows or crows ...(these are the limitations in living a foreign country) my details Female ( Rajput) Moon Sign: Aries( Mesha) DOB : 21/11/1980 time : 4:55pm Place : New Delhi husbands details Male ( Brahmin) Moon Sign :(Sagitarius) Dhanu as per janampatri....but by called name (Aries) Mesha DOB : 14/11/1977(on papers) or 14/11/1978(in janampatri,but this is a new janampatri as old one got lost) time : 7:05 pm place : New Delhi I really want to have kids , pls help....my husband is also getting weak and both us are not able to get any fruitful results in anything we do - like job interviews, my exams..anything. Many thanks in advance to even look at this post. Regards
  14. date of birth: 8th april 1993 place of birth: ujjain (madhya pradesh) 23° 11' 0" N / 75° 46' 0" E time of birth: 12:38 pm (afternoon/dophar) please tell me can i join dancing as a career??? and will i be able to earn a good amount of wealth in my life....also please tell about the various yogas in my kundali and about my career in dancing and arts... i will be greatly thankfull to the reponser.... thnx a ton!!!!
  15. name :madhur gupta date of birth: 8th april 1993 time of birth: 12:38 p m(afternoon) place of birth: ujjain(madhya pradesh) please tell me will i earn a good amount of wealth in my life and can i make a career in arts field specially dancing?( kathak)....please tell me about my general future and about my career(dancing)... please i need some serious advices.... thnx a ton!!!!!!
  16. my name is :madhur gupta date of birth :8th april 1993 place of birth: ujjain(madhya pradesh) time of birth: 12:38 pm (afternoon) please tell me will i be able to earn a good amount of wealth and can i go and make am a career in arts field specially dancing(kathak)....please tell me about the yogas tht i have in my kundali and please please tell me about my future in general and career( dance).... thnx a ton!!!
  17. Hello, My jupiter is in Virgo ( kanya rasi) in 8th house in navamsa chart? what are the results? Any health issues? Thanks
  18. Hello, Jupiter combust with Sun in 9th house in Pisces in my horoscope. I'm attaching the planetary position ( the degrees). Can any one tell me how severe the combust is in my chart? also how is my Jupiter maha dasa is going to be ? Is it going be all bad? Any remedies? Thanks
  19. Here is a new thread for those who are genuine seeker of Muhurt. Muhurt or Muhurtha is selected for auspicious & important life activities which are generally once performed in life-time. As per the dictums om Muhurt treatises, all the life activities are covered in Muhurt. Aspirants are requested to selectively use this free service. Aspirants should give his or her date of birth, time of birth & place of birth. Also; DST, latitude & longitude may also be given to assist in making correct birth chart(s). Other necessary inputs are also welcome. The activity to be performed and the expected time limit within which the said activity is expected to be performed must also be given. I shall make an sincere effort to assist the aspirants. V K Shridhar ………………………… Author of “Hindu Electional Astrology” – a compendium on Muhurtas (elections). For details may log on to http://www.bestime-election.com
  20. Today in a TV programme Shri K N Rao has blasted those so called knowledgeable in Vedic / India astrology professing adverse effects on people born with different Janama Rashis & advocating remedial measures to annihilate the adverse effects of forthcoming solar eclipse on July 22, 2009. He is the most read astrologer having engaged in Vedic astrology having written over 40 books, research work and teaching thousands of students in Bharti Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi. He has earlier removed similar doubts on Kaal Sarpa Dosha through electronic media to the masses. He has again vociferously opined that ill-read astrologers (Ponga Pandits) are exploiting the masses, who do not have access to original treatises of astrology. Thus bringing disrepute to the Vedic astrology. He felt pity on such astrologers who are exploiting ignorance of the masses for their personal benefits; and called them as Ponga Pandits. He opined that : Effects of eclipse is covered in Samhitas for study of mundane astrology; and not for effects on individuals based on the sign on which the eclipse falls. Effects of eclipses are not covered under Hora branch of astrology. Since the eclipse is falling in 3rd house of India, 4th house of Pakistan & 7th house of China’s horoscopes; these countries may have adverse effects related to the said houses. Duration of eclipse should be used for Pooja & donations etc. Public should not fall in their traps and start seeking remedial measures propagated by the so called Ponga Pandits. Three to five eclipses occur every year since inception of the world. That does not mean that people belonging to the specific Janma Rashis must perish as effect of such eclipses; every time the eclipse falls in their birth sign. I wish he continues to remove such misconceptions spread by such Ponga Pandits. The purpose of my repeating extracts of the TV programme is because in this forum also there had been a discussion on thread titled “Triple eclipses - pls share your knowledge - 06-23-2009 “ ; and put up the facts through this forum. In my opinion following precautions should be taken on an eclipse: a) Do not see the solar eclipse with naked eye. (Eve modern science agrees with this) b) Purification bath be taken after expiry of the eclipse. c) Engage yourself in Punya Karmas like donations & worships. d) Do not undertake / initiate any important life activity especially during currency of eclipse, and also during the fort-night (Paksha) between two eclipses. All Muhurt (electional) treatises advises the same. e) Umbral eclipses have no effects. ( Like the two Lunar eclipses which are falling before & after the solar eclipse on July, 22, 2009). … V K Shridhar
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