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> ===================


> The Buddha said :


> "There are twenty difficult things which are hard for human beings:

> 1. It is hard to practise charity when one is poor.

> 2. It is hard to study the Way when occupying a position of

> great authority.

> 3. It is hard to surrender life at the approach of inevitable death.

> 4. It is hard to get an opportunity of reading the sutras.

> 5. It is hard to be born directly into Buddhist surroundings.

> 6. It is hard to bear lust and desire without yielding to them.

> 7. It is hard to see something attractive without desiring it.

> 8. It is hard to bear insult without making an angry reply.

> 9. It is hard to have power and not pay regard to it.

> 10. It is hard to come in contact with things and yet remain

> unaffected by them.

> 11. It is hard to study widely and investigate everything thoroughly.

> 12. It is hard to overcome selfishness and sloth.

> 13. It is hard to avoid making light without having studied the

> Way enough.

> 14. It is hard to keep the mind evenly balanced.

> 15. It is hard to refrain from defining things as being something or

> not being something.

> 16. It is hard to come into contact with clear perception of the Way.

> 17. It is hard to perceive one's own nature and through such

> perception to study the Way.

> 18. It is hard to help others towards Enlightenment according to

> their various needs.

> 19. It is hard to see the end of the Way without being moved.

> 20. It is hard to discard successfully the shackles that bind us

> to the wheel of life and death as opportunities present themselves."


> (The Sutra of 42 Sections)


The above sounds like some of my own complaints about the path.

"Oh Gawwwwwd... it is soooo hard!"

Again, just as all the times before, it fell on deaf ears

whether I was talking to myself or another.

No one could give me an answer to life's little and big problems.

They would just sigh and say, ''yes, I know."


I pondered why it is so hard.

Which only got me the because's.

Because you do 'this' and not 'that'.

(Well, duh... I know that!)


"But why, oh why is it so hard to 'just do that'?"


I wouldn't let go.

I refused to get an answer that did not help me with at least some kind of



I was reminded of the time after my kundalini awakened... a time where I had

literally lost my mind. Insanity is definitely not a fun trip. Sanity is

all I wanted. Forget about God and 'all that'. And in forgetting about

'finding mySelf', I found mySelf... well at least that sane part of me. :-)


I began focusing on sanity only. Any thought that wasn't sane was released.

Because pretty much every single thought was fearful and insane, I didn't

have many thoughts to keep. The road was extremely (!) narrow -- it felt as

narrow as a razor blade. I had to keep 100% focused on my goal. If I

didn't, I would fall once again into the abyss of psychosis.


Months of becoming aware of all my thoughts -- keeping the ones that were

sane, and releasing those that were not, was extremely difficult but was

something I wanted with all my heart and soul. It felt like a full-time job

with a lot of overtime... and not getting paid for all my work. It was such

hard and tiring work deciphering which thoughts were sane and which were

insane, and I finally had to admit that I really did not know which were

which. It was like I was constantly having to bring myself back on the path

after wandering off. After contemplating this dilema I found myself in, I

finally decided to just let all thoughts go. :-) Now it felt more like a

voluntary job -- I was there just for the joy of it. The quickening finally



Eventually the road was felt to be wider and wider as the days, weeks, and

months passed. The unwanted thoughts and fears came fewer and further




It occurred to me that I do not do this intense focusing in the areas of my

life that are NOT working. And if I did, it would work! I saw that the

'middle way' is THE path we are to be on. The middle way is what you desire

with all your heart and soul... it is your soul urging. The middle way is

'being'. Everything that is not 'being', this 'who we are', is just not

done... it's as simple as that. It is the thoughts that come that get in

the way and get us off our path and back on the difficult 'beaten' path.


We cannot pretend to be the Godself we do not know. But we can be the

person, part of our own Godself, we truly want to be by releasing all

thoughts, which lead to action, that are not part of our path, our goal, who

we are. We begin acting in a way that is only the path AND the goal.

There is no waiting time to 'become'. When we are being who we want to be,

we are already there. We just can't always see it for all the mucky

thoughts that come into our mind -- we grasp onto those, and down the fearful

off-the-road we go.


Follow the yellow brick road, follow the yellow brick road!


For me previously, the yellow brick road was sanity. The goal of Oz was

sanity. I AM sane. The path, goal, and who we are, are the same. Any goal

or path other than that is insane. THAT is the middle way, the simple way

with no difficulties but letting go of all our thoughts for just a little

while. Once beginning, any thought that is of a different color that we

grasp onto, takes us where we are not. No wonder it is so difficult. We

find ourself in the brush, walking through a jungle that won't let us pass.


Finally! An answer that made sense to me.




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How true..how true...



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On Behalf Of Gregory Goode

Thursday, October 12, 2000 8:51 PM

NondualitySalon ;



>From the _The Sutra of 42 Sections_

(Recently posted on the Dharma-Direct list)





The Buddha said :


"There are twenty difficult things which are hard for human beings:

1. It is hard to practise charity when one is poor.

2. It is hard to study the Way when occupying a position of

great authority.

3. It is hard to surrender life at the approach of inevitable death.

4. It is hard to get an opportunity of reading the sutras.

5. It is hard to be born directly into Buddhist surroundings.

6. It is hard to bear lust and desire without yielding to them.

7. It is hard to see something attractive without desiring it.

8. It is hard to bear insult without making an angry reply.

9. It is hard to have power and not pay regard to it.

10. It is hard to come in contact with things and yet remain

unaffected by them.

11. It is hard to study widely and investigate everything thoroughly.

12. It is hard to overcome selfishness and sloth.

13. It is hard to avoid making light without having studied the

Way enough.

14. It is hard to keep the mind evenly balanced.

15. It is hard to refrain from defining things as being something or

not being something.

16. It is hard to come into contact with clear perception of the Way.

17. It is hard to perceive one's own nature and through such

perception to study the Way.

18. It is hard to help others towards Enlightenment according to

their various needs.

19. It is hard to see the end of the Way without being moved.

20. It is hard to discard successfully the shackles that bind us

to the wheel of life and death as opportunities present themselves."


(The Sutra of 42 Sections)


Greg Goode (e-mail: goode)

Computer Support

Phone: 4-5723





All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.


To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

www., and select the User Center link from the

menu bar

on the left. This menu will also let you change your


between digest and normal mode.

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We cannot pretend to be the Godself we do not know. But we can be the

person, part of our own Godself, we truly want to be by releasing all

thoughts, which lead to action, that are not part of our path, our goal, who

we are. We begin acting in a way that is only the path AND the goal.

There is no waiting time to 'become'. When we are being who we want to be,

we are already there. We just can't always see it for all the mucky

thoughts that come into our mind -- we grasp onto those, and down the fearful

off-the-road we go.


Follow the yellow brick road, follow the yellow brick road!


For me previously, the yellow brick road was sanity. The goal of Oz was

sanity. I AM sane. The path, goal, and who we are, are the same. Any goal

or path other than that is insane. THAT is the middle way, the simple way

with no difficulties but letting go of all our thoughts for just a little

while. Once beginning, any thought that is of a different color that we

grasp onto, takes us where we are not. No wonder it is so difficult. We

find ourself in the brush, walking through a jungle that won't let us pass.


Finally! An answer that made sense to me.







Wow, teegee, your wisdom simply shines brighter and brighter!! You ARE yellow

brick road!!!!


"There is no waiting time to 'become'. When we are being who we want to be,

we are already there. "


May I share your post with the Buddhist list, the personal part you add is so

clarify about how to find and be the path. You are so quotable, you are going up

on the refrigerator!


Love you,


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On 10/12/00 at 9:51 AM Gregory Goode wrote:


º>From the _The Sutra of 42 Sections_

º(Recently posted on the Dharma-Direct list)





ºThe Buddha said :


º"There are twenty difficult things which are hard for human beings:

º 1. It is hard to practise charity when one is poor.

j: Not when there are so many helpless stray animals...


º 2. It is hard to study the Way when occupying a position of

º great authority.

j: Not when there is no feeling for reverence and authority


º 3. It is hard to surrender life at the approach of inevitable death.

j: Not when life offered a choice for surrender much earlier...


º 4. It is hard to get an opportunity of reading the sutras.

j: Not when life itself is seen to form an unceasing sutra


º 5. It is hard to be born directly into Buddhist surroundings.

j: Not when realizing Buddha nature is what makes Buddha surroundings


º 6. It is hard to bear lust and desire without yielding to them.

j: Not when they they can be seen as the other side of the coin called sentient

life, the other side being suffering


º 7. It is hard to see something attractive without desiring it.

j: Not when it seen that attraction only runs skin deep, and often even less


º 8. It is hard to bear insult without making an angry reply.

j: Not when having seen the grief in the eyes of someone , one did insult



º 9. It is hard to have power and not pay regard to it.

j: Not when having been crushed by power and having survived by surrendering


º10. It is hard to come in contact with things and yet remain

º unaffected by them.

j: Not after one of those contacts seemed attractive but turned out to be fire


º11. It is hard to study widely and investigate everything thoroughly.

j: Not when it is seen that life is the teacher and suffering equals the refusal

to learn from it


º12. It is hard to overcome selfishness and sloth.

j: Not when having seen someone sentencing him/herself to death by selfishness

and sloth


º13. It is hard to avoid making light without having studied the

º Way enough.

j: Not when it is seen there is a light that even illuminates a shadow


º14. It is hard to keep the mind evenly balanced.

j: Not when having allowed the mind to run riot and observing one comes out

unaffected after all


º15. It is hard to refrain from defining things as being something or

º not being something.

j: Not when realizing there is no obligation for interpretation


º16. It is hard to come into contact with clear perception of the Way.

j: Not when realizing there is nothing outside the Way.


º17. It is hard to perceive one's own nature and through such

º perception to study the Way.

j: When battered enough by the rocks in the meanders of the river of life, one

cannot possibly escape one's true nature.


º18. It is hard to help others towards Enlightenment according to

º their various needs.

j: Be a lamp onto yourself and enough light will spread to assist others


º19. It is hard to see the end of the Way without being moved.

j: The end of the Way does away with all notions, including those pertaining to

being moved or moving



º20. It is hard to discard successfully the shackles that bind us

º to the wheel of life and death as opportunities present themselves."

j: What are shackles from one perspective, are Life buoys from another - that

truly is seeing opportunities




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I d to this wonderful group only two days ago. The beauty and truth

that abounds here is a shining light for all of us. I am not wise enough to ad

to your dialogue. However, I invite you to share my art at

http://home.pacbell.net/willl. In some sense, I guess I am with you.


Thanks for sharing your beauty and wisdom.


Bill Burt



jb wrote:

> On 10/12/00 at 9:51 AM Gregory Goode wrote:


> º>From the _The Sutra of 42 Sections_

> º(Recently posted on the Dharma-Direct list)

> º


> º===================

> º

> ºThe Buddha said :

> º

> º"There are twenty difficult things which are hard for human beings:

> º 1. It is hard to practise charity when one is poor.

> j: Not when there are so many helpless stray animals...


> º 2. It is hard to study the Way when occupying a position of

> º great authority.

> j: Not when there is no feeling for reverence and authority


> º 3. It is hard to surrender life at the approach of inevitable death.

> j: Not when life offered a choice for surrender much earlier...


> º 4. It is hard to get an opportunity of reading the sutras.

> j: Not when life itself is seen to form an unceasing sutra


> º 5. It is hard to be born directly into Buddhist surroundings.

> j: Not when realizing Buddha nature is what makes Buddha surroundings


> º 6. It is hard to bear lust and desire without yielding to them.

> j: Not when they they can be seen as the other side of the coin called

sentient life, the other side being suffering


> º 7. It is hard to see something attractive without desiring it.

> j: Not when it seen that attraction only runs skin deep, and often even less


> º 8. It is hard to bear insult without making an angry reply.

> j: Not when having seen the grief in the eyes of someone , one did insult



> º 9. It is hard to have power and not pay regard to it.

> j: Not when having been crushed by power and having survived by surrendering


> º10. It is hard to come in contact with things and yet remain

> º unaffected by them.

> j: Not after one of those contacts seemed attractive but turned out to be fire


> º11. It is hard to study widely and investigate everything thoroughly.

> j: Not when it is seen that life is the teacher and suffering equals the

refusal to learn from it


> º12. It is hard to overcome selfishness and sloth.

> j: Not when having seen someone sentencing him/herself to death by selfishness

and sloth


> º13. It is hard to avoid making light without having studied the

> º Way enough.

> j: Not when it is seen there is a light that even illuminates a shadow


> º14. It is hard to keep the mind evenly balanced.

> j: Not when having allowed the mind to run riot and observing one comes out

unaffected after all


> º15. It is hard to refrain from defining things as being something or

> º not being something.

> j: Not when realizing there is no obligation for interpretation


> º16. It is hard to come into contact with clear perception of the Way.

> j: Not when realizing there is nothing outside the Way.


> º17. It is hard to perceive one's own nature and through such

> º perception to study the Way.

> j: When battered enough by the rocks in the meanders of the river of life, one

cannot possibly escape one's true nature.


> º18. It is hard to help others towards Enlightenment according to

> º their various needs.

> j: Be a lamp onto yourself and enough light will spread to assist others


> º19. It is hard to see the end of the Way without being moved.

> j: The end of the Way does away with all notions, including those pertaining

to being moved or moving


> º20. It is hard to discard successfully the shackles that bind us

> º to the wheel of life and death as opportunities present themselves."

> j: What are shackles from one perspective, are Life buoys from another - that

truly is seeing opportunities


> Love,

> Jan



> //


> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the ocean,

all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness does

not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is.

Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into

It Self. Welcome all to a.


> To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

> www., and select the User Center link from the

menu bar

> on the left. This menu will also let you change your


> between digest and normal mode.

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jb [janb]





:The Buddha said :


:18. It is hard to help others towards Enlightenment according to

: their various needs.


Jan: Be a lamp onto yourself and enough light will spread to assist others!







Thanks for these gems Jan. I think you outdid the Buddha! :-).

By the way, the Buddha did tell his follower, "Be a light on to yourself."

Am I right, buddhist scholars?




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Not only did he say that Harsha, but one day when he brushed away an insect that


landed on his head, he said "Bee, alight onto yourself."





Harsha wrote:

> Thanks for these gems Jan. I think you outdid the Buddha! :-).

> By the way, the Buddha did tell his follower, "Be a light on to yourself."

> Am I right, buddhist scholars?


> Love

> Harsha


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On 10/13/00 at 11:18 AM Harsha wrote:



ºjb [janb]





º:The Buddha said :


º:18. It is hard to help others towards Enlightenment according to

º: their various needs.


ºJan: Be a lamp onto yourself and enough light will spread to assist others!







ºThanks for these gems Jan. I think you outdid the Buddha! :-).

ºBy the way, the Buddha did tell his follower, "Be a light on to yourself."

ºAm I right, buddhist scholars?





Dear Harsha,


When reading texts like "it is difficult/ it is hard", a response is immediate,

knowing that such ideas can be self-fulfilling, hence a serious obstacle to

seeing "what is". When having 'no choice', one doesn't think about "difficult".

When accepting the events in life "as are", any thought about hard/difficult is

superfluous - it would indicate one isn't accepting :) Whatever happens in life,

one can learn from and what is learned can be taught. A Rosicrucian once

remarked (in my words) that although Self-realization will not liberate the

world, it certainly will make "liberation" easier for others ...


But in quite a few texts one word missing: devotion. No doubt everyone having

known the Buddha will have been devoted to him; devotion alone will melt blocks,

conditioning and difficulties like ice melts down in a tropical sun...




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On 10/13/00 at 4:39 PM Skyeryder wrote:

A friend sent the below quote when I was contemplating the 20 Difficult Things. Robert

"Do not inflict what you identify as your spirituality upon other

people. Live in simplicity. Live in the truth of your own beingness,

and let your actions speak for you." By John-Roger.

But by speaking out publicly, wouldn't that contradict the quote?

Especially, the "recommendations" :))


[harsha-hkl (AT) home (DOT) com]Friday, October 13, 2000 10:19

AM Subject: RE: 20


[janb (AT) axarnet (DOT) com]:20 DIFFICULT

THINGS:===================::The Buddha said :::18. It is hard to help

others towards Enlightenment according to: their various needs.Jan:

Be a lamp onto yourself and enough light will spread to assist

others!Love,JanThanks for these gems Jan. I think you outdid the

Buddha! :-).By the way, the Buddha did tell his follower, "Be a light

on to yourself."Am I right, buddhist


All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of

the nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always

Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart

to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the

Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It

Self. Welcome all to a.To from this list,

go to the ONElist web site, at www., and

select the User Center link from the menu bar on the

left. This menu will also let you change your subscription

between digest and normal

mode.// All paths go

somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights, perceptions,

and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It

is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self.

Welcome all to a.To from this list, go to

the ONElist web site, at www., and

select the User Center link from the menu bar on

the left. This menu will also let you change your subscription

between digest and normal mode.

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A friend sent the below quote when I was contemplating the 20 Difficult Things. Robert

"Do not inflict what you identify as your spirituality upon other

people. Live in simplicity. Live in the truth of your own beingness,

and let your actions speak for you." By John-Roger.


[harsha-hkl (AT) home (DOT) com]Friday, October 13, 2000 10:19

AM Subject: RE: 20


[janb (AT) axarnet (DOT) com]:20 DIFFICULT

THINGS:===================::The Buddha said :::18. It is hard to help

others towards Enlightenment according to: their various needs.Jan:

Be a lamp onto yourself and enough light will spread to assist

others!Love,JanThanks for these gems Jan. I think you outdid the

Buddha! :-).By the way, the Buddha did tell his follower, "Be a light

on to yourself."Am I right, buddhist


All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of

the nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always

Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart

to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the

Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It

Self. Welcome all to a.To from this list,

go to the ONElist web site, at www., and

select the User Center link from the menu bar on the

left. This menu will also let you change your subscription

between digest and normal mode.

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