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Jacqui/ Middle East

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Thank you for sharing your story Jacqui of what went on in South Africa. I

can imagine how difficult and dangerous it must have been for a South

African White to stand with the oppressed South African blacks against the

police. Your sharing and the price you have paid is deeply moving. Thank you

for being here.


I join you in prayers that there will be a time when there is peace for

humanity and people will treat each other of different religions and races

and background as their very own. All of us are light onto ourselves. If our

light burns pure and bright, it helps others to see and become light unto

themselves. Just like one candle lights another, we are linked in that

universal and divine chain, that goes back to the ancient sages who held

compassion and kindness to be the highest principle. It is the fragrance of

the purest teachings of nonviolence that has the gentle power to light up

all the beautiful candles of humanity simultaneously. It is a gift we give

to ourselves.






Jacqui [protea]


Dear Harsha,

I was touched by your post in more than one way. I know what it is

like to be amongst those that protest for their rights, armed with

nothing, facing fanatical soldiers and police shouting abuse and

threatening to kill. Up till today the sound of guns being readied to

shoot and the smell of blood in the hot summer sun remains with me.

I am a South African white that chose to stand on the side of my

oppressed brothers and sisters and felt the hate much more because

the others were use to it. It meant that I had to leave my country

and I went into prefered exile. For forty years I had to be weary of

letter and parcel bombs, always look over my shoulder and never stand

near the curb while waiting to cross the road. It left me devastated

with serious Post Traumatic Disorder and I never saw my family again.

This is what human beings can do to each other, then, now and in the


So let us all not loose hope and pray together that the time will

come that peace will prevail on earth and humanity will be truly

humane and magnificent.



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