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hair shirt.

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In a message dated 10/19/00 12:33:51 PM, Mystress



<< Excellent. That is what I want to know. How do I peel off this damn

hair shirt? I've spent much of this year trying to figger that one out, how

to get rid of the excessive psychic empathy that makes me go berserk.

Getting into arguments with my inner child who is a little Christian

schoolgirl who thinks suffering and martyrdom are good. She is very


Greetings to all.. >>


Meditate on the metaphor and transfer the energy and take it off. It takes

some concentration and you still have it if you choose. And thats the rub we

often choose to suffer. Keep Up you are Infinite!

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In a message dated 10/19/2000 3:34:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Mystress writes:

> Excellent. That is what I want to know. How do I peel off this damn

> hair shirt? I've spent much of this year trying to figger that one out,


> to get rid of the excessive psychic empathy that makes me go berserk.

> Getting into arguments with my inner child who is a little Christian

> schoolgirl who thinks suffering and martyrdom are good. She is very


> ..

> Greetings to all..


Flaloha Lovely Lady...


This has been one of my great dilemmas. I found it came from not being who I

am. When we are not being who we are, we can't help but want to be some

'body'. The suffering, the desires, the empathy are all keys that we are not

'being'. Once we are 'being', all suffering, desires, and empathy, cease to



To 'be' requires not that we give up our desires, but that we begin being

that desire itself. Where there is being, there can be no wanted desires,

nor unwanted suffering.


Love you lots,


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Going thru some old digests... this caught my eye.

>Message: 9

> Mon, 16 Oct 2000 21:21:00 EDT

> SJSKhalsa

>Re: Re: Middle East / Ahimsa



>In a message dated 10/15/00 7:07:29 PM, mmealer writes:


><< Rainbolily wrote:


> > My son is psychic and he absorbs these energies almost physically in his

> > body, and when this kind of energy breaks out, he bounces literally off the

> > walls, and cries in his sleep.

> > >>


>i too suffered from this and my beloved spiritual teacher said " It is just

>a hair shirt---Take it off.


Excellent. That is what I want to know. How do I peel off this damn

hair shirt? I've spent much of this year trying to figger that one out, how

to get rid of the excessive psychic empathy that makes me go berserk.

Getting into arguments with my inner child who is a little Christian

schoolgirl who thinks suffering and martyrdom are good. She is very stubborn...

Greetings to all..

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In a message dated 10/19/2000 6:21:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Mystress writes:



The metaphor is very rich. From age 12 till 3 years ago I had

excema.. a constant torture of itching.. I finally traced it to a

pattern of self critical thoughts that are how Germans express love.

Untangling my DNA..

Thankyou for the insights..


Hi Angelique, Udo's mixed oils, at the health food store,

in the refrigerator, will get rid of it instantly and make the skin

soft and smooth. Tastes like hell but it works <g> beats

the hair :-) Love and Light and Laughter, Annette

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In a message dated 10/19/2000 5:04:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

leteegee writes:



This has been one of my great dilemmas. I found it came from not being who


am. When we are not being who we are, we can't help but want to be some

'body'. The suffering, the desires, the empathy are all keys that we are


'being'. Once we are 'being', all suffering, desires, and empathy, cease




To 'be' requires not that we give up our desires, but that we begin being

that desire itself. Where there is being, there can be no wanted desires,

nor unwanted suffering. >>


Yikes! This rang a bell so loud I could feel it clanging all the way back to

graduate school in 1976. You are a marvel, TeeGee, I'd like to get your

words to every budding psychotherapist alive because we do the work for some

very wrong reasons, as well as right ones. Many thanks and love, Holly

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, Mystress Angelique Serpent

<Mystress@k...> wrote:

> Going thru some old digests... this caught my eye.

> That is what I want to know. How do I peel off this


> hair shirt? I've spent much of this year trying to figger that one

out, how

> to get rid of the excessive psychic empathy that makes me go


> Getting into arguments with my inner child who is a little


> schoolgirl who thinks suffering and martyrdom are good. She is very


> Greetings to all..


Hi Angelique. Do you have an archetype who unconditionally loves this

little girl & can offer her some words of wisdom & embracement? I


when I do art work or voice dialogue with dream symbols that the

higher Self is constantly feeding us clues to aid our process.


Love it seems to be all about love, cause we were taught to


judge ourselves through that type of conditioning you were mentioning.


Thanks for sharing.


I am meeting Michael Read tommorrow who has hit these shores.





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, SJSKhalsa@a... wrote:


> In a message dated 10/19/00 12:33:51 PM, Mystress@k...

> writes:


> << Excellent. That is what I want to know. How do I peel off

this damn

> hair shirt? I've spent much of this year trying to figger that one

out, how

> to get rid of the excessive psychic empathy that makes me go


> Getting into arguments with my inner child who is a little


> schoolgirl who thinks suffering and martyrdom are good. She is very

> stubborn...

> Greetings to all.. >>


> Meditate on the metaphor and transfer the energy and take it off.

It takes

> some concentration and you still have it if you choose. And thats

the rub we

> often choose to suffer. Keep Up you are Infinite!


The metaphor is very rich. From age 12 till 3 years ago I had

excema.. a constant torture of itching.. I finally traced it to a

pattern of self critical thoughts that are how Germans express love.

Untangling my DNA..

Thankyou for the insights..

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Mystress Angelique Serpent wrote:

> Excellent. That is what I want to know. How do I peel off this damn

> hair shirt? I've spent much of this year trying to figger that one out, how

> to get rid of the excessive psychic empathy that makes me go berserk.

> Getting into arguments with my inner child who is a little Christian

> schoolgirl who thinks suffering and martyrdom are good. She is very


> Greetings to all..



Why put out your eyes,

if you see ugly things

look closer, If they remain ugly

maybe you're not looking close enough.

Why give an old error

personification and thereby

strengthen it with your own resolve,

Life's path is difficult enough

without casting contentious


When one can

walk toward the sun

and leave them behind.



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Mystress Angelique Serpent wrote:


> Excellent. That is what I want to know. How do I peel off this damn

> hair shirt? I've spent much of this year trying to figger that one out, how

> to get rid of the excessive psychic empathy that makes me go berserk.

> Getting into arguments with my inner child who is a little Christian

> schoolgirl who thinks suffering and martyrdom are good. She is very


> Greetings to all..



Is empathy the hair shirt or is the feeling that it is excessive the hair shirt?

To me

hair shirt implies something uncomfortable enclosing one. Empathy to any degree

is not

enclosing is it ?



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, Rainbolily@a... wrote:

> >>

> Hi Angelique, Udo's mixed oils, at the health food store,

> in the refrigerator, will get rid of it instantly and make the skin

> soft and smooth. Tastes like hell but it works <g> beats

> the hair :-) Love and Light and Laughter, Annette


Thankyou Annette.. I was just contemplating the metaphor. I got

rid of the excema a few years ago. A combination of changing thought

patterns, flax seed oil and dandruff shampoo killed it... which was a

huge blessing.

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In a message dated 10/20/2000 12:13:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Mystress writes:


<< Thankyou Annette.. I was just contemplating the metaphor. I got

rid of the excema a few years ago. A combination of changing thought

patterns, flax seed oil and dandruff shampoo killed it... which was a

huge blessing.


Thank you for bringing it up, Angelique. I know on the metaphor,

I thought it was a nice twist you put on it and i like those twists,

Flax is great for excema, the mixed oils of UDO's are incredible.

The excema is just obvious, it also effects the liver and kidneys,

and body reactions with hormones (sleep, eat, awakening, health

and so on). The mixed also have Evening Primrose Oil which is

incredible for all the hormone processes (forgive me, my training

is as a biochemist <g>).


On the energies and intuitions, I've taught Nicolas as did a therapist

I brought him to for the actions Nic witnessed as a baby by his father,

how to sheild. Carol was truly fabulous, and Holly, yes, I agree, we

need more like that, but it's still rare. I thought Nicolas needed someone

outside just Mom so that he would know we were not the only ones who

intuited and that if he learned to recognize this in others and be supported

by them that it would make life easier.


It's a tough balance for adults to get, how much information do we let

in and how much do we shield? For a child, even more difficult. But,

i don't think he would have it if he wasn't ready, so, I watch him make

choices. I think most children have intuition, at least to some degree,

but less adults honor their intuition or spend the time to be aware of it.


The other issue we have as adults is how much do we protect the child?

Jesus was not allowed to leave home, I know that I probably overprotect

Nicolas, and when he is with his father, he is underprotected, even has

to cope with his father's rage, but as my mother said, perhaps it makes

him stronger so he can cope in the world, she felt i was too protected,

too sensitive.


The other approach is to process the energy and go through it, but, it is

limited, I find. Remember the beautiful meditation you gave of the Sun

passing through an individual to the core of the Earth and then back,



During the Eclipse of August 1999, (whichever system

you use those planets were still in a Fixed Cross - Tibetan, Chinese,

American, doesn't matter) anyway, I then poured light on Earth, and

honestly, the Pentagon was like a black hole, it was the only place

I couldn't place any light in, it was rather scary to witness during medi-

tation. Even calling in immense beings of consciousness, Divine,

still the hole. My perspective of violence is seeing it as unhealed,

e.g., the Middle East.


I find the courage of the heart of those of us who are working rather

remarkeable and I'm really grateful we have each other to speak with

honestly straight.


Soooo, TeeGee, how is it we witness the Pentagon already healed as

time is an illusion? I got lost on the uptake ... or the downpour :-)


Much Love*Light*Laughter,


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In a message dated 10/19/00 6:17:40 PM, a.macnab writes:


<< Is empathy the hair shirt or is the feeling that it is excessive the hair

shirt? To me

hair shirt implies something uncomfortable enclosing one. Empathy to any

degree is not

enclosing is it ? >>


The hair shirt is feeling others thoughts and suffering to the point it

interfers with your life.

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In a message dated 10/20/2000 10:31:21 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Rainbolily writes:

> Soooo, TeeGee, how is it we witness the Pentagon already healed as

> time is an illusion? I got lost on the uptake ... or the downpour :-)


Well besides all of us getting together to toilet paper the Pentagon yard?

(I like that idea!)


I was reminded of a friend of mine. Linda owns and operates the local

Montessori School for pre-schoolers, and is also a student/teacher of A

Course in Miracles.


At times, the kids get wild and rowdy, fighting or frustrated with each

other. When this occurs, she has them all sit in a circle on the floor, legs

folded, with their hands in their laps, eyes closed. She tells them to only

concentrate on theirSelf for just a minute, and not to worry what the other

people are doing. Inevitably, more fighting occurs... "Joey's hands are not

in his lap!" "Suzie's talking!" "Mary's eyes are open!" etc etc...


She reminds them once again to ONLY concentrate about themself and NOT what

the other person is doing. When they finally understand this simple request,

peace and quiet ensues.


After just this minute of quiet, she releases them to begin playing again.

She is always amazed at how just this moment of quiet brings them to a state

of loving and playing with each other again, instead of fighting and

frustrations abounding, regardless of what was going on before.


The kids didn't have to pray for each other for peace or healing... nor did

Linda have to pray by herself or with them for the fighting to stop. She

just reminded them to remember who they are for a moment, without having to

worry about what the world outside of them was doing.


So I ask each of you that are reading this now if you've gotten this far, to

take just a minute of your time... not to pray for nor heal the world, but to

sit in quiet without worrying about anything happening in the world outside

of us. To just remember during this moment of centering, You and only You.


When you finish reading this post, close your eyes, fold your hands in your

lap, and sit quietly for just a minute. If you find yourself thinking "well

no one else on the list is going to do this!" or "the (people fighting the

wars, or the idiots running the government) aren't doing this!", remember the

children that said the same thing -- it's no different. Just forget about

them and concentrate on yourSelf. I'm going to do the same.


Love & Peace,


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In a message dated 10/20/2000 2:46:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

leteegee writes:


<< Rainbolily writes:

> Soooo, TeeGee, how is it we witness the Pentagon already healed as

> time is an illusion? I got lost on the uptake ... or the downpour :-)


Well besides all of us getting together to toilet paper the Pentagon yard?

(I like that idea!)


Best idea yet, much better than a concert for peace <g>


I love the idea of quiet time :-) thanks love, annette

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SJSKhalsa wrote:


> In a message dated 10/19/00 6:17:40 PM, a.macnab writes:


> << Is empathy the hair shirt or is the feeling that it is excessive the hair

> shirt? To me

> hair shirt implies something uncomfortable enclosing one. Empathy to any

> degree is not

> enclosing is it ? >>


> The hair shirt is feeling others thoughts and suffering to the point it

> interfers with your life.



How does one determine that some thoughts and suffering one feels belong to


Is there really a mine and yours here?

I suggest that the hair shirt is the movement to divide self and other. Others

thoughts and suffering interfere with my life when I see myself as a separate


entity. Suffering under that delusion I further separate myself by putting up


to others thoughts and suffering.




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In a message dated 10/20/00 2:05:01 PM, a.macnab writes:


<< How does one determine that some thoughts and suffering one feels belong

to others?

Is there really a mine and yours here?

I suggest that the hair shirt is the movement to divide self and other. Others

thoughts and suffering interfere with my life when I see myself as a separate


entity. Suffering under that delusion I further separate myself by putting up


to others thoughts and suffering. >>


The point of connection with all humanity is at the God Head level not the

fact they have indigestion. There can be no separation. We are one. this is a

subtle experience of consciousness on the way to enlightenment, it is not a


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In a message dated 10/21/2000 6:15:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

cloudhand writes:



When you finish reading this post, close your eyes, fold your hands in your


and sit quietly for just a minute. If you find yourself thinking "well no


else on the list is going to do this!" or "the (people fighting the wars, or


idiots running the government) aren't doing this!", remember the children


said the same thing -- it's no different. Just forget about them and

concentrate on yourSelf. I'm going to do the same.


Love & Peace,



Dear TeeGee,


Thank you! That is a very powerful message.


Your friend, Linda, is a very wise woman. Has been a long time

since I read and did the lessons of ACIM, unfortunately, I think i lent

it out.


Who said, "Silence is Golden?" My father loved that person <g>.

With six kids anyone would :-)



~ bo ~

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