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RE: Words & Celibacy

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Dear Nasir,


At your request, I (in a previous post) posted more words from my teacher,

that I felt were applicable to postings here as of late. Robert Adams spoke

those words. From his earliest recollections, he remembered a little man

standing at the edge of his bed and speaking gibberish to him. The little

man stayed with him until he was 7, at which time, Robert developed a

siddhi; whenever he wanted anything, be it a musical instrument, a candy

bar, or answers to questions on tests, he would chant the name of the Lord 3

times, and he would receive whatever it was that he wanted. One day, when he

was 14 years old, he went to take a math exam. He proceeded to do his usual

recitation of the Name of the Lord 3 times, but this time, instead of

getting the answers to the exam, he went into an experience of complete

realization. The story goes on. It turns out, that the little man that stood

at the edge of Robert's bed and spoke gibberish to him was Ramana Maharshi.


Robert left his body in April of 1997. A devotee has dedicated a website to

him at www.leelaa.net where there are many more words of wisdom that you can

read and hear if you have sound on your computer. Robert was a Jnani, as was

Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj.


Indeed Dear brother Nasir, words can't do all, but certain words can

powerfully point the way. The essence of Robert's message to the ajnani, was

"do whatever it takes to get into the Silence." Just listening to Robert's

words, opens my heart and 'something happens' that 'appears' to allow my

mind/me to momentarily disappear and Silence Is.


(P.S. He had Parkinson's Disease and toward the end of his life( because it

was difficult to understand him) had to have an interpreter. This is why his

voice sounds so monotone.)


P.P.S. Ojas, from A Brief Dictionary of Hinduism:


ojas (o' jas) Lit., "the illuminating" or "bright"; the highest form of

energy in the human body. In the spiritual aspirant who constantly practices

continence and purity, other forms of energy are transmuted into ojas and

stored in the brain, expressing as spiritual and intellectual power.


Again Nasir, this is pertaining to another kind of practice. I believe, our

dear Harsha (correct me if I'm wrong) was talking about Kundalini Yoga, and

the ojas pertaining to or resulting from the practice, but Harsha, himself

would be considered in alignment with jnana marga. Again, Ramana Maharshi,

Robert Adams & Nisargadatta Maharaj, were all considered Jnanis. According

to these Sages, celibacy was not necessary. It is another path. Ahh! The

many wonders, all dissolving into the One! ~ : ) ~ ~ ~ or ~ : ( ~ ~ ~

or ~ : 0 ~ ~ ~ (different experiences of kundalini rising) ; )


Love & Om Shanti to you & to All,






"Nasir Chang" <nasir


Thursday, October 19, 2000 6:59 PM

RE: Buddhism/Words


> Dear Sister Jessica,


> Thanks for your kind words, that's what I've been waiting for. LOL. :-)

> What a wonderful wisewords you got from your teacher, could you please


> me a bit about your teacher? Please tell him/her that I love the words so

> much and I'm waiting for another words of wisdom he/she wishes to share.

> And I'd like to share this from my teacher "Forest Gump" :-)

> " Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you gonna get."

> I was thinking about words yesterday, and this is what I thought;

> "Words can't do all, but can do much".


> Have a nice weekend...


> Om Shanti,

> Nasir


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Dear Sister Jessica,


Thanks very much for sharing this beautiful story and the explanation about


I'm sorry to hear that your teacher has left his body, but I'm sure the

wisdom and knowledge he shared will last forever in his disciples heart.

For He Is Always Here.


Om Shanti,


> ----------

> Jessica White[sMTP:ellam-ondre]

> Saturday, October 21, 2000 11:50 AM


> Re: RE: Words & Celibacy


> Dear Nasir,


> At your request, I (in a previous post) posted more words from my teacher,

> that I felt were applicable to postings here as of late. Robert Adams

> spoke

> those words. From his earliest recollections, he remembered a little man

> standing at the edge of his bed and speaking gibberish to him. The little

> man stayed with him until he was 7, at which time, Robert developed a

> siddhi; whenever he wanted anything, be it a musical instrument, a candy

> bar, or answers to questions on tests, he would chant the name of the Lord

> 3

> times, and he would receive whatever it was that he wanted. One day, when

> he

> was 14 years old, he went to take a math exam. He proceeded to do his

> usual

> recitation of the Name of the Lord 3 times, but this time, instead of

> getting the answers to the exam, he went into an experience of complete

> realization. The story goes on. It turns out, that the little man that

> stood

> at the edge of Robert's bed and spoke gibberish to him was Ramana

> Maharshi.


> Robert left his body in April of 1997. A devotee has dedicated a website

> to

> him at www.leelaa.net where there are many more words of wisdom that you

> can

> read and hear if you have sound on your computer. Robert was a Jnani, as

> was

> Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj.


> Indeed Dear brother Nasir, words can't do all, but certain words can

> powerfully point the way. The essence of Robert's message to the ajnani,

> was

> "do whatever it takes to get into the Silence." Just listening to Robert's

> words, opens my heart and 'something happens' that 'appears' to allow my

> mind/me to momentarily disappear and Silence Is.


> (P.S. He had Parkinson's Disease and toward the end of his life( because

> it

> was difficult to understand him) had to have an interpreter. This is why

> his

> voice sounds so monotone.)


> P.P.S. Ojas, from A Brief Dictionary of Hinduism:


> ojas (o' jas) Lit., "the illuminating" or "bright"; the highest form of

> energy in the human body. In the spiritual aspirant who constantly

> practices

> continence and purity, other forms of energy are transmuted into ojas and

> stored in the brain, expressing as spiritual and intellectual power.


> Again Nasir, this is pertaining to another kind of practice. I believe,

> our

> dear Harsha (correct me if I'm wrong) was talking about Kundalini Yoga,

> and

> the ojas pertaining to or resulting from the practice, but Harsha, himself

> would be considered in alignment with jnana marga. Again, Ramana Maharshi,

> Robert Adams & Nisargadatta Maharaj, were all considered Jnanis. According

> to these Sages, celibacy was not necessary. It is another path. Ahh! The

> many wonders, all dissolving into the One! ~ : ) ~ ~ ~ or ~ : ( ~ ~

> ~

> or ~ : 0 ~ ~ ~ (different experiences of kundalini rising) ; )


> Love & Om Shanti to you & to All,


> ~jessica



> -

> "Nasir Chang" <nasir


> Thursday, October 19, 2000 6:59 PM

> RE: Buddhism/Words



> > Dear Sister Jessica,

> >

> > Thanks for your kind words, that's what I've been waiting for. LOL. :-)

> > What a wonderful wisewords you got from your teacher, could you please

> tell

> > me a bit about your teacher? Please tell him/her that I love the words

> so

> > much and I'm waiting for another words of wisdom he/she wishes to share.

> > And I'd like to share this from my teacher "Forest Gump" :-)

> > " Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you gonna get."

> > I was thinking about words yesterday, and this is what I thought;

> > "Words can't do all, but can do much".

> >

> > Have a nice weekend...

> >

> > Om Shanti,

> > Nasir

> >





> //


> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

> subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

> different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the

> nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present.

> It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

> Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

> Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self. Welcome

> all to a.


> To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

> www., and select the User Center link from

> the menu bar

> on the left. This menu will also let you change your

> subscription

> between digest and normal mode.





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Nasir Chang [nasir]


Dear Sister Jessica,


Thanks very much for sharing this beautiful story and the explanation about


I'm sorry to hear that your teacher has left his body, but I'm sure the

wisdom and knowledge he shared will last forever in his disciples heart.

For He Is Always Here.


Om Shanti,



Hi Nasir,


I join you in thanking Jessica for her contributions. Ojas is a very well

known concept in Eastern traditions, and especially relevant in Kundalini

Yoga. Accumulated Ojas is said to give success not just in yoga but in all

aspects of learning and knowledge. You can find a good description of

Kundalini related matters in Swami Sivananda's books.


Love to all


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