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Patanjali and Samskaras

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Namaste All,


With the subject of samkaras, I thought I would check Patanjali and


says thus:


'The other type of samadhi/entasy, has a residuum of subliminal

activators; it follows the former coginitive samadhi/entasy, upon the

practice of the presented-idea of cessation.1:18'G Feurstein


Feurstein says, 'at this point the identity of the yogin has almost

completely shifted to the Self, and there seems to be a merely

marginal awareness of the mind complex or what is left of it in this

culminatory experience.


This supports what I was saying about samskaras, that they cannot be

eliminated whilst there is any desire or attachments. Patanjali is

indicating here that they be as much as eliminated, but only on the

doorstep of final realisation.


OM Namah Sivaya, Tony.

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In a message dated 10/20/00 1:31:07 PM, aoclery writes:


<< Ganesh and suchlike concepts are useful to those who need them. They

do however belong in the world of beliefs and are not real in

themselves. >>


Guru Gobind Singh (the Idol smaser) is my father

but I must admit I love to rub Ganeshes belly

and that meditation worked for me with my limited understanding

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