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My interest in astronomy and the Hubble pictures can hardly be called a truly

scientific one. What drives me and allures me is more akin to the hunger of a

thrillseeker, just to be there alters the inner landscape of my being in ways



So one place we went on our recent trip to New York, was the new planetarium. It


one thing to talk about light-years in the millions, which frankly is so mind

boggling as to be incomprehensible, in the sense of having no frame of reference

with which to imagine what is meant. It is quite another to be given the visual

and kinesthetic sense of travelling such vast distances and seeing the universe,

not just from the earth view, but from "out there" looking back, towards where


entire galaxy is a tiny star among millions of others. This view of the entire


startles, in that unlike our usual view of a star filled sky, it is not

homogeneous in

appearance. Three dimensionally, picture a foam of bubbles, with the "stars"


being actually myriads of galaxies containing stars, and these forming a loosely

connected skin around the bubble surfaces with vast, dark empty spaces between

them. It is an image reminding one of a net, perhaps that of Indra's net of



Still stunned by the visual impact of seeing such vast space, one emerges to

take a walk thru time. Only on this walkway, one step is approximately 75


years. So with your 360 steps, you cover the events of a 13 billion year

evolution of the universe. At the end, all of known human existence till now is

the width of.... one human hair.

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