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Einsteins biggest blunder?

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Hi guys,

A nice site regarding the possibility that the speed of light isn't a

constant nor that the laws of nature are static, nor that the Big

Bang is a "begin", is:


click on "Equinox" for the article...

An excerpt:

Dr Joao Magueijo: So in some of these scenarios in the beginning there

is just a vacuum — but the vacuum is not nothing, it's actually

the cosmological constant, this pull of energy in the vacuum. And in

these theories, it is this energy that drives changes in the speed of

light; it makes a drop in value. And what that does is that makes all

the energy in the cosmological constant drop as well. It has to go

somewhere. Where does it go? It goes into all the matter of the

Universe, so it caused a Big Bang. So in this scenario it's actually

this sudden drop in the speed of light — this change in the

speed of light — that causes the Big Bang.

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Here's one of Einsteins biggest blunder, according to my point of view.

What IS a "point"?


We find a certain "point" in Space and a certain "point" in Time. This

is the foundation of his Space-Time theory of relativity.


What is the THIRD "point". Easy. Temperature !


Blessings from Norway

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"Magne Aga" <magneaga


<< Here's one of Einsteins biggest blunder, according to my point of view.

What IS a "point"?


We find a certain "point" in Space and a certain "point" in Time. This is

the foundation of his Space-Time theory of relativity.


What is the THIRD "point". Easy. Temperature !


Blessings from Norway >>


Hello Magne Aga


In the special theory of relativity of Einstein, a point in time or in

space may be a point, a line or a volume, all depends of the observer speed

relatively to the observed.


Going into a bit of details, from the Lorenz transformation, to express the

relativistic spacetime expressed by Einstein.


T' = T / (square root(1-V²/C²) and

X' = X * (square root(1-V²/C²)



T' : the time observer by the moving osberver at the speed of V compared

to the observed "point"


Thus a point in time for an obsever moving at the speed of light relatively

would be


T' = T / square root (1-C²/C²), for V = C in this exemple


which comes to:


T' = T/0


Which comes to


T = infinity


In the general theory of relativity from Einstein a point in time or in

space may be a wormhole, a point, a line or a volume all depends of the

relative gravitationnal forces implied from the world of the observer to

the obseved. In other words the gravitational "lines" that we may observe

in this universe, as the one coming from the sun, or the ones we are

"feeling" from the sensation of weight on this planet, define the flow of

time and the contraction of space observed from a newton/cartesian



A point may be hard to define, as long as one maintains a point of view in

the relative world. In the newtonian/cartesian world it was all the

contrary, one needed a point of view to define a point.




Temperature as an interesting "point" which is different in quality than

the defined space and time. It is more "holistic". To define the

Temperature of an object one as to grasp the overall "state" the object is

in. Finding that point is intersting indeed.


Lest not forget also Imagination, whom up to know just does wonder in

creathing this wonderfull world we live in.


Where is the point in Imagination creating a point?


Blessings from Canada,



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