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Uncertainty or ....... Possibility?

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Wim Borsboom <aurasphere

Kundalini-Gateway <Kundalini-Gateway >

Wednesday, October 25, 2000 10:22 PM

Re: [K-list] Re: Einstein and the Point - Another Koan?


>Remember in Einstein's theories it is all about relativity, relationship,

>interactivity: that things(?) interfere with, relate to and with each


>Location is a relative intersection between energetic entities in some kind

>of phase state formation, where either space or time are uncertain


>to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. (Einstein did not like that.)



Yep. However, *uncertainty* gives negative connotations... I think it should

be renamed to the POSSIBILITY-principle.


Heisenberg spoke about teleportation, in a sense: When an electron moves

from A to B, it's not a particle which moves, but a WAVE - a disturbance.

Imagine a queue of people from New York to LA. You stand as the first person

in the line, giving the person in front of you a slap on his shoulders -

after which you DISAPPEARS ! These person gives the next one a slap on his

shoulders etc. until these *disturbance* reach LA. And - abracadabra, You

are in LA ! No physical object moves, but a wave, a disturbance. An electron

can be BOTH a particle and wave-energy.


However, when it orbits around the center of the atom - WHERE is it at a

given point of time? Is it a particle-less disturbance? Where is the

beginning and the end in a circle? Nowhere !


Robert Oppenheimer wrote:


"If we, for example, asks if the position of the electron remains the same,

we must answer "no"; if we ask if its position changes over time, we must

answer "no"; if we asks if it is at a spesific place, we must answer "no";

if we ask if it moves, we must answer "no".


The author of Isa-Upanishad wrote:


It moves. It doesn't move.

It is far away. It is very close.

It is within everything. It's outside everything.


So, when mystics experience paradoxes, and we all do when entering the spiri

tual world, the result is either solving the paradox and experience

Enlightment - or becoming instantanious insane.


When we listen to rain falling down on the roof or the walls or outside in

nature - isn't it amazing that no drop of rain, takes predictable routes?

This is a beautifull meditation which I perform in the relaxation technique

of Yoga Nidra: Listening, and experience what's happen HERE and NOW - not

for a while ago, not in the future, but.... just here... and now... - a

moment which never repeats itself, unique, resting in itself, the wonderfull

and inconceivable spontanity of the Universe.


Then we can redefine *uncertainty* as possibility, miracles, creativity.

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Dear Magne,


(So glad you are back from lurkdom, what happened?)


You wrote:

> Heisenberg spoke about teleportation, in a sense: When an electron moves

> from A to B, it's not a particle which moves, but a WAVE - a disturbance.

> Imagine a queue of people from New York to LA. You stand as the first


> in the line, giving the person in front of you a slap on his or her

shoulders -

> after which you DISAPPEAR ! This person gives the next one a slap on his

or her

> shoulders etc. until this *disturbance* reaches LA. And - abracadabra, You

> are in LA ! No physical object moves, but a wave, a disturbance. An


> can be BOTH a particle and wave-energy.


Now, as we as humans are rather complex conglomerates of electrons, and as

we as humans .... I will pick this line up later...


We as humans,...did I not post some time ago a little story about my matter

consciousness experience? Maybe not...I had the conscious experience of

being a grain of sand, "I WAS A GRAIN OF SAND", somewhere on a beach in

California, Long Beach? Oh, that was so neat, to be grain of sand and

knowing somehow that a wave (a real one, I mean water) was coming and

getting myself and my sand buddies ready for the rippally tumble... hmmmmm

surrender... and no objection to it, the way we humans so often resist to go

with the flow.


So, we are humans as well as electronic and energetic conglomerates... and

the more we go with the flow (sorry for the cliche) and give in willingly to

the energetic forces around and within us, the more (Heisenberg's?)

tele-wave-portation becomes (re)discovered by us, re-cognized as reality.

OK, no BS here, we will NOT move our bodies through some air space yet

without first having bought a plane seat and pay some airline. We will

though invent physical teleportation later. I am sure of that: the

tunnelling effect on the electron level is well researched and proven.

BS? No, not if you have a broom or are Milarepa, then indeed you can do it.

Halloween is coming up so I guess I will give it a try.

Kidding aside, I have been clairvoyant now for a while, and I soul/astral

travel quite a bit (without and within) and while I do that the 'phase

state' I am in is exactly like a wavely blobbiness. The extra two elements -

light and pure consciousness... there is quite a variety along those lines

suggested by the pundits (this btw, is a fairly recent idea in the aura and

chakra world) - the two extra elements which Hindu philosophers and some

Tibettan lamas attach to the brow and crown chakras are on the right track.

and my wavely blobbiness fits right in when I project myself outwards and

inwards hyper-dimensionally.

This topic of phase states is important. The set of five elements (earth,

water, fire, air, space) is just one of various oriental versions of phase

states. The latin word 'quintessence' is a sign that early western nature

philosophers were also onto something like phase states. They used terms

like fire, rain, wind and snow if I remember well; quintessence was the

'fifth essence'.

Anyway about my blobbiness essence: I do actually partition myself off in my

auric phase state like a flame going off on its own from a campfire, but

these parted off blobs of mine can persist whereas flames, well... they just

go up in flames :-). I pro-generate so to say, soul matter for newborns...

Man are supposed to do that actually. The mother provides for the matter

phase state of a new being, the father provides for the spirit phase state.

No problem here though, if a father does not provide a mother can do it as

well. (Men are after some point rather superfluous beings:-) If a father

does not provide for the soul phase than Tibettan lamas tend to step in. (No

kidding.) This is has been happening in Tibet in some male and female

monasteries for a long time. One of the mudras (the-flying-up mudra) refers

to it in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.

I also expand and shrink my aura very easily, and it is in fact in my more

condensed version that I find it easier to pinpoint my direction... but I am

riding the waves... Powerlines form quite an attraction for me, also those

wire grids that are used for trolley busses and electric trains and trams.

By the way, the foods I peruse in those circumstances resembles very much

the finest deserts. (It is indeed heaven, and the beings I meet are indeed

most often angeliquely heavenly.)


What I mean to say is that the things yogis and rishis (and many K.lites) do

is nothing else than some proof of some scientific principle just discovered

over the last 100 years or so in the West.

> Oppenheimer:

> "If we, for example, asks if the position of the electron remains the


> we must answer "no"; if we ask if its position changes over time, we must

> answer "no"; if we asks if it is at a spesific place, we must answer "no";

> if we ask if it moves, we must answer "no".


*All true*, as there is no question. No need to ask...

*None of it true* as there is no question, No need to ask...

No *no* needed as only is is.

> The author of Isa-Upanishad wrote:

> It moves. It doesn't move.

> It is far away. It is very close.

> It is within everything. It's outside everything.


That is way more true (can we say that?) than the way Openheimer puts it.

> So, when mystics experience paradoxes, and we all do when entering the

> spiritual world, the result is either solving the paradox and experience

> Enlightment - or becoming instantanious insane.


Ah, the clarity of a paradox

> Then we can redefine *uncertainty* as possibility, miracles, creativity.







(A bit too much rambling on my side, maybe. But hey, this is no sweat ...

just surrender.)

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, "Magne Aga" <magneaga@m...> wrote:


> The author of Isa-Upanishad wrote:


> It moves. It doesn't move.

> It is far away. It is very close.

> It is within everything. It's outside everything.


Hi. I love this. It moves, it doesn't. It's so funny!:-) & so



> So, when mystics experience paradoxes, and we all do when entering

the spiri

> tual world, the result is either solving the paradox and experience

> Enlightment - or becoming instantanious insane.


I wonder whether we might start talking about what it takes to 'solve'

the paradox as you put, it so as to allow accepting the infinite Gift

That Is Self? What does it & did it take for others?


I meet some who didn't have a Guru, some who do .. some who had a

paradigm mapped out for them by a mentor or great Rishi so as to help

them when the time came .. Then I meet a few who had awakenings in

childhood & had to go it alone so to speak .. It's fascinating. I have

a friend who was experiencing what I did at 40 when he was 4.


Even Realised folk can play not realised & favor the prior thought

patterns (which seek) what is already 'found'. What does it take to

accept & stop seeking?


I think this is an interesting topic for discussion. I feel that Love

is essential. Love may not be an experiential Reality at a certain

level of purity. That's why duality provides the play it seems for






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Wim Borsboom <aurasphere

Magne Aga <magneaga; Kundalini-Gateway

<Kundalini-Gateway >


Thursday, October 26, 2000 8:39 AM

Re: Uncertainty or ....... Possibility?


>Dear Magne,


>(So glad you are back from lurkdom, what happened?)



Doesn't matter. No one would believe it anyway.

>Now, as we as humans are rather complex conglomerates of electrons <...>

>I had the conscious experience of

>being a grain of sand, "I WAS A GRAIN OF SAND", somewhere on a beach in

>California, Long Beach? Oh, that was so neat, to be grain of sand and

>knowing somehow that a wave (a real one, I mean water) was coming and

>getting myself and my sand buddies ready for the rippally tumble... hmmmmm

>surrender... and no objection to it, the way we humans so often resist to


>with the flow.


My proposal is that the Delta brainwave state is the consciousness of the

mineral kingdom. My experience of the Delta realm, is that there are no

*here* nor *there*. When I type these lines, I watch on a computer monitor.

When I walk on the street, I see objects around me, etc...

However, in Delta, when looking on an object, for instance the statue of the

goddess Athena on the top of my desk, there is no *me* and *it*. I *am* the

statue of Athena in the same moment I observe it. There's no difference

between *here* (ego-reference) and *there*, there's no reference at all !

The first time I entered Delta during the awake state (Beta + Delta) was in

the middle of a crowd of people. Suddendly....... Where Am I? I was everyone

! Everyone and everything I watched was *me*, and *I* was



So - in a sense, since the minerals do not have an *ego*, this was de facto

an experience which *I* never have had ! (another koan)........


Here's an extract from some postings to a group in the US:


* September 19th, 2000



Today, 10 35 AM, my father passed away at the hospital. I and my mother was

at his bed until his last breath.


There's more than 4 years since he got a serious stroke. The doctors thought

he would not survive the stroke in 1996. But thank's to healing he survived



However, he has now left the pain in these world. The last days, having

contemplated on Chuang Tze's - the ancient Chinese Taoist's, dream about

beeing a butterfly, I now see these tale from another perspective.


It's difficult to put words on his pain and suffering the last weeks. But

one image popped up. The butterfly leaves the chrysalis. The pain of

attachement is left behind. The bridges are burn. The suffering is over.

Peace with his soul.


"Life is a cold, short moment; death is a long, warm rest", as the song



You will get your requested postings. I just need time to digest his

transition for myself and others.






* September 21, 2000

Re: one quick question


Thank's for your concern about my dad. A few minutes after his death, with

my mother and my uncle crying in his room, I could sense his presence, as if

the pranic aura had not left him yet.


When I went to sleep last night, my Crown chakra was filled from above with

violet and white energy. And 7 is the last sacrament, the *last oil*.


I awoke these morning in these characteristic, these distinctive state -

which yet lacks any description. Something changed inside, yet unable to put

any finger on it. *Bliss* is the closest word....


But, in a sense, it's combined with a vague depression - having lost the

person I've healed, nursed, helped for years.... I've even protected him

from any information about my own grotesque everyday life.


Before I went to sleep, I focused on helping him traverse through the four

lower astral planes ASAP. Nobody needs more suffering than necessary.


Transformation.... According to the shamans in ancient Mexico, all we do -

and all we need do, in order to perform miracles, to transform into

something else - anything else, is *moving the assemblage point of



AmerIndians have ancient tales about shamans transforming theirselves into

animals. Modern physics states that subnuclear particles changes *suddendly*

into other particles, by entering the unknown X they call *quants*. These

unknown X, is called Tao in China and Nagual on the American continent. And

in the words of the Taoist Chuang Tzu (about 300 BC), we find the same

shamanistic view:


Once I, Chuang Chou, dreamed I was a butterfly and was happy as a butterfly.

I was conscious that I was quite pleased with myself, but I did not know

that I was Chuang Chou. Suddenly I awoke, and there was I, visibly Chuang

Chou. I do not know whether it was Chuang Chou dreaming that he was a

butterfly or the butterfly dreaming that he was Chuang Chou. Between Chuang

Chou and the butterfly there must be some distinction. This is called the

transformation of things.


(attached image: butterfly2.jpg)


- Chuang Tzu, Chapter 2


Such are my thoughts about my dad - a butterfly who attained freedom,

released from misery..... In fact, I and my uncle was at the hospital

picking up his last remaining things there, during the writing of these

E-mail (my mother could not bear another visit)....

>we will NOT move our bodies through some air space yet

>without first having bought a plane seat and pay some airline.



>The extra two elements -

>light and pure consciousness... there is quite a variety along those lines

>suggested by the pundits (this btw, is a fairly recent idea in the aura and

>chakra world) - the two extra elements which Hindu philosophers and some

>Tibettan lamas attach to the brow and crown chakras are on the right track.

>and my wavely blobbiness fits right in when I project myself outwards and

>inwards hyper-dimensionally.


I call it EMPTINESS and consciousness (the crystal clear, formless,

limitless, possibility-infinite, light seen during transition or

initiation), and these light is the very consciousness itself.

>This topic of phase states is important. The set of five elements (earth,

>water, fire, air, space) is just one of various oriental versions of phase

>states. The latin word 'quintessence' is a sign that early western nature

>philosophers were also onto something like phase states. They used terms

>like fire, rain, wind and snow if I remember well; quintessence was the

>'fifth essence'.


In Kriya Yoga we transforms 5 emotions from negative to positive emotions.

The negative is not the opposite of the positive - without the negative

there would be nothing to transform. Hatred is not *no-love*; the opposite

of love is indifference.

>I do actually partition myself off in my

>auric phase state like a flame going off on its own from a campfire, but

>these parted off blobs of mine can persist whereas flames, well... they


>go up in flames :-). I pro-generate so to say, soul matter for newborns...


Just be aware of the fact that while the pineal gland causes Diversity, the

pituitary gland represents Unity. The 3 states Delta (minerals), Theta

(vegetables), Alpha (animals) may be splintered to such a degree that

different *personalities* occurs on each levels - *the 3 faces of Eve*. The

only resurrection from these diversity, depicted in Egyptian mythology by

the story of Osiris beeing cut into pieces by a sword, is the Goddess Isis

collecting the pieces together again. That is - the *waterline* of Kundalini

in the head Unites the two chakras, making the resurrection possible. And

Isis is the feminine part, since the I AM is the new-born identity or

newborn child of *immaculate conception*.


Our Higher Guardian Angel, these mirror-game, these phase-shifting

reflection of the fragments of past, present, and future, throw the Pearl of

Compassion downwards, hitting the Pineal gland, causing the sound *OM*, the

*Big Bang*, Creation............ while the *horisontal bar*, the

Anja-Sahasrara-link prepares the newborn Unity. Through the *two of us* (our

Guardian Angel and our I AM), we encompass cosmos..........

>I also expand and shrink my aura very easily, and it is in fact in my more

>condensed version that I find it easier to pinpoint my direction... but I


>riding the waves... Powerlines form quite an attraction for me, also those

>wire grids that are used for trolley busses and electric trains and trams.

>By the way, the foods I peruse in those circumstances resembles very much

>the finest deserts. (It is indeed heaven, and the beings I meet are indeed

>most often angeliquely heavenly.)


Interesting! Then you have managed to move the focus of your etheric web

into the head. Brilliant indeeed.......... This is the first of 4 steps,

corresponding to the 4-bladed lotus, the *root*.


I wrote earlier, some time in '99:




In everything that exists there are duality. Taoists use the Yin-Yang symbol

to express mutually dependant poles, which needs to be balanced. Some

healing techniques focus on the two poles in our hands and brain

hemispheres. Kriya Yoga and similar techniques dwell with balancing the two

poles of upstream (Kundalini) and downstream (Light Body) energy flows.


But there’s another duality in each of the 7 chakras. The different chakras

varies in the number of "blades". Everyone of them consists of PAIRS of

blades. Here we experience polarity again, because the two poles in each

chakra have a CONSCIOUS (male) and an UNCONSCIOUS (female) half.

In other words, one half of a chakra can evolve by conscious means. The

other pole unfolds during sleep. This is an extremly important discovery for

me personally, since - when Kundalini reach my throath chakra, I sometimes

goes into a trance-like state of consciousness, unable to be conscious on

the physical plane.


Chakra means "wheel" or "rotation". I haven’t met anyone yet, able to

explain the different degrees of velocity speeds. When the "rotations" in my

throath reach a certain speed, my assemblage point of consciousness goes

into another dimension, leaving the physical world completly behind for a



2600 Years Ago, after his Enlightment, Gautama Buddha preached the 4 Noble

Truths in the Benares Park. The 4th Noble Truth is the "Way of the 8 Laws or



1 Samyag Drishti (Perfect Sight)

2 Samyak Samkalpa (Perfect Understanding)

3 Samyag Vak (Perfect Speech)

4 Samyak Karmanta (Perfect Action)

5 Samyagajiva (Perfect way of living)

6 Samyag Vyayama (Perfect practice)

7 Samyak Smriti (Perfect concentration of mind)

8 Samyak Samadhi (Perfect contemplation)


.....These 8 codes of conduct corresponds to 8 "blades" of our Throath

(Vishuddhi) Chakra, or more precisely, the Pole of the lotus of 16-blades

which can be developed by CONSCIOUS means.


The other 8 "blades" CAN NOT evolve by conscious means. They unfold during

our unconscious, "dark" side, the feminine YIN pole of sleep.




"Perfect Sight" is eqivalent to clear attention. To see the world just AS IT

IS, "Suchness" or "yathabhutam", just like a Child who see the World for the

first time, without beeing disturbed by personal, cultural or ethical

coloured "opinions".


When performing Kriya Yoga for the first time, I wrote in my diary that I

have just seen my little Village for the first time in my life ! I entered a

trip of cosmic consciousness, an ecstasy of Joy and Beauty of the "small

things" in our environment. It was a vivacious, perfectly awaken attention

of evrythings inherent Beauty of "Suchness", without beeing entrapped by the

lower personality’s endless subdividing of things into catecories or names

or classifications (maya or relative measurments or "points of view").




Gautama Buddhas 4th Noble Truth, the "Way of the 8 Laws or dharma’s", are

also divided into Shila (ethical rules) - Samadhi (contemplation) - Prajna



Prajna is to Realize the 4 "general states" (samyana-lakshana) of Existence:


1) Everything which are formed by causality is perishable

2) Everything which are formed by causality is connected with suffering


3) Everything is Anatman (No Atman); or - rather: Every relative concept

about Atman cannot be Atman. ("The Tao which can be named is not the Eternal


4) Nirvana is Peacefull


The first habit is the ability to discern between transitory, perishable

"values" - political, social, cultural "moral" fashions and racial trends,

our present culture - and Values of Endurance. Man-made "laws" versus

Cosmic, Universal Laws.


The Law of the Universe is Change. It's ebb and flow. The energy goes one

way, reach a climax, returns, goes the opposite way, reach a climax, and

returns ... A Reiki-healer told me once, after I've received a giant Light

influx, that she became "Sea-sick" of my energy flow of upwards and

downwards the Chakra-system.


Instead of drifting helpless with the Energy, we can step aside as an

OBSERVER. This is True Meditation. A meditation of Steadfastness and

stability. The All-seeing, non-interfering observer of transitory values.

Beeing the Chakra of the Root, "muladhara" (the fundamental root), it's the

center of GROUNDING. The center of beeing anchored in SAT, the absolute.


The second habit follows logically from the first, since the withdrawal from

relative values causes *detachment*; the cease of all the disappointments

and suffering we experience when clinging to values which cannot last due to

a Universal Law. The Law of the Energy's pendulum.


The 4 habits also concerns the "Cocoon of White Light Meditation", which

exists in several forms - a Tibetan one among many.......


The first habit creates - in these protecting Cocoon, an energy focus in the

6-bladed Manas Chakra - one of the secondary chakras in the head. My

personal experience of these Chakra-awakening was confusion, the feeling of

going around in a mental fog, which I even saw Clairvoiantly as a fog, a

plasma. This awakening, and the confusion of the lower ego, was due to a 180

degrees, a U-turn, in my life. The 4th Initiation is to manifest why on

Earth, one's *vision of Birth*. And Understanding (Manas) is essensial in

order to implement it.


The second habit moves the focus to Lalana Chakra, the secondary lotus of

the throath. During these process, the cocoon becomes a "scin", so to say.

While the stream of Prana - Life-Force - normally goes in and out the body

as the pendulum ebb and flow of Life-energy from the outer Ocean of Life, it

must now pass the protecting "skin", making it possible to FEEL the

influences from outside. Besides, it awakens the ability to move the etheric

body consciously - while it earlier was influenced by outer, unconscious

influences. The ability to rotate the etheric body is possible by 48 streams

of energy (nadis) going downwards both hands from the "2-bladed" lotus of

Ajna, the 3rd eye.


The "skin" also defines the size of the auric envelope. And the more

developed You are spiritually, the larger the Aura. A highly initiated can

Enlighten a whole City. Sananda can raise a whole planet (Earth).

The 3rd habit is connected with the Hearth Chakra (Anahata), the home of

Jivatman - and it's 6 *habits*.


When incorporating the 4th character trait, the rest in SUNNYATA (Emptiness)

or Freedom, we are released from our lower ego, our *favourite*

EBB-AND-FLOW-MADE theories/ideologies/viewpoints. We are free from the

frustrating attempts to cling to values which can not last.

*Favorite*, relative *teachings* from our relative ego is meaningless in the

Liberation of Sunnyata, because there's no one to react to anything, no

place to go, no yearning to change anything. Nor is there any concern in

that state for the misery of mediocrity of daily life as it is usually

lived, that is, in a constant attachment to objects.


No *explanations* of the relative mind can lead to a life of Sunnyata. It

does not begin unless all ideas, beliefs and attachments cease to be. It

implies that the relative mind is no longer, and something else takes its

place. It would seem to be a temptation for the mind, when confronted with

CHAOS (NO-THING), to create new ideas in order to *explain* it. This void

could be so deeply uncomfortable, that it could be tempting to fill it up

with new concepts. It is tempting to create new *ideas* out of the notion

that all ideas are to be given up !


Sunnyata or CHAOS is Emptiness, that is - nothing to cling to, no reference.

Together with the Law of Change, Accelrating Changes due to ebb and flow,

the lower, relative Ego may also be scared. The lower Ego may be scared of

the Abyss [beneath the *waterline* in the head], attempting to *escape* from

the Void, experiencing the frustrating effects of the proverb: "The more

things change, the more they remain the same".


Eliminating attachments, creates a tremendous vacuum in one's life. A

formidable problem is how difficult it is to really see it for oneself,

since there is no help from any scripture, guru, or tradition. However,

descriptions of the relative mind (all descriptions are the descriptions of

the relative mind), are not the described. And even when the description is

inspiring, it is never itself the life of Sunnyata.


Being left without any concept to depend on, feels so "wrong" to the

concept-bound relative ego, that it may assume that there must be something

wrong with the death of all of its preciously-held attachments. But as long

as one follows a *facit*, it is the relative mind, the ego, that's in

charge. One might want a facit for how life will be without the relative

mind. But it's impossible to predetermine, because it is always original,





[ And, in these discussions of uncertainty, possibility, we could add that -

according to fractal geometry, everything is unique, uncomparable, including

these very *here and now* ]


This is urgent NOW, since Life itself has reached the point of no return in

our journey into the 4th Dimension. The ascended masters have announced that

Karma - good or bad - in the meaning of preordained roles and credits,

doesn't hold anymore. We are at the Dawn of a New 25 920 Years Cycle of

Evolution including the incoming Age of Aquarius.


When Sunnyata / Chaos is the only absolute reference, the final focus of our

etheric *skin* blossoms in the SECONDARY Heart-chakra, The Chakra of Beauty

(hridayam) with 8 blades. The Auras 101 primordial nadis becomes centered


>> Then we can redefine *uncertainty* as possibility, miracles, creativity.




In emptiness (shunyata) everything is possible. Do we need cups of Tea

FILLED with Tea in the kitchen-cupboard? NO !

Attachment: (image/jpeg) butterfly2.jpg [not stored]

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colette <colette

Thursday, October 26, 2000 9:41 PM

Re: Uncertainty or ....... Possibility?


> , "Magne Aga" <magneaga@m...> wrote:


>> The author of Isa-Upanishad wrote:


>> It moves. It doesn't move.

>> It is far away. It is very close.

>> It is within everything. It's outside everything.


>Hi. I love this. It moves, it doesn't. It's so funny!:-) & so




>> So, when mystics experience paradoxes, and we all do when entering

>the spiri

>> tual world, the result is either solving the paradox and experience

>> Enlightment - or becoming instantanious insane.


>I wonder whether we might start talking about what it takes to 'solve'

>the paradox as you put, it so as to allow accepting the infinite Gift

>That Is Self? What does it & did it take for others?




My answer is complete Silence. Read what I wrote about shunyata: It can not

be predetermined because every awakening is unique. Every man is a star !

Every initiation is as unique as a snow crystal; and not two of them alike.

>I think this is an interesting topic for discussion. I feel that Love

>is essential. Love may not be an experiential Reality at a certain

>level of purity. That's why duality provides the play it seems for



Peace-Love-Cooperation-Coordination........ I think this is the matrix.

First of all, stop all quarreling, conflicts. Second, Respect each others as

unique beeings. Remember, even each incarnation is unique, with a spesific

mission. And nothing repeats itself.....................

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