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You Are Love In Essence

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You Are Love In Essence


Excerpts from, "Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry," Part One, Soami Bagh:


Listen to the importance of Bhakti (devotion). All Saints have

testified to it.


The Path of Bhakti alone is Guru Mat (Sant Mat [the Way of the Saints]).


The essence of Atma and Parmatma is Prem (love). Sat Nam (True Name)


is the embodiment of Bhakti (devotion).


You are also Prem (love) in essence, so are all Jivas [souls].


-- Swami Ji Maharaj


James Bean








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As in the Gita, there are different yogas depending on one's

personality. Bhakti may suit one and Raja another.If done properly all

yogas end up containing each other and reaching the same goal, by a

different path.


Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.



, "James Bean" <santmat@z...>



> You Are Love In Essence


> Excerpts from, "Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry," Part One, Soami Bagh:


> Listen to the importance of Bhakti (devotion). All Saints have

> testified to it.


> The Path of Bhakti alone is Guru Mat (Sant Mat [the Way of the



> The essence of Atma and Parmatma is Prem (love). Sat Nam (True



> is the embodiment of Bhakti (devotion).


> You are also Prem (love) in essence, so are all Jivas [souls].


> -- Swami Ji Maharaj


> James Bean

> santmat@z...

> santmatfellowship





> _________________

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> all in one place - sign up today at http://www.zdnetonebox.com

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Dear James,


You wrote a while ago:

> You Are Love In Essence


You quoted Ji Maharaj a while ago:

> The essence of Atma and Parmatma is Prem (love).


> You are also Prem (love) in essence, so are all Jivas [souls].




Vowel Sounds:

Pretty well any indo-german word and many latin words that starts off with

or contain the vowels pr, br, fr, mr, vr as main characters have their roots

in Sanskrit and are connected to Prem (love):

FRiend, MotheR, FatheR, BRother, FRee, VRede(peace), VReugde (joy), VRouw

(wife), FateR, MutteR, FReude (joy), FRiede (peace), FReiheit (freedom),

FRau (wife), FRaulein (girl), PateR (father), MateR (mother), FRere, MeRe,

PeRe, etc.

I would not be surprised (hehehe) if BRahman has something to do with

essential and unconditional divine love.


Spontaneous Mudras:

When I went through the Kundalini process, in my visionary experiences,

first Vishnu, then Shiva and finally Brahman appeared to me in epiphanies as

well as dreams as well as memories. Vishnu had very much to do with

spontaneous mudras in which extended index fingers were pointing and moving

out from my solar plexus, Shiva caused mudras with my two hands brought

together in an inverted V shape directed out from the chest and pointing

upwards and Brahman was expressed with spontaneous mudras in which my hands

folded as in catholic prayer (fingers intercrossed) pointing out from my

upper chest, moving upward to my forehead and finally brought heavenwards.

All of this finally culminating in triangular mudras expressed with my arms

and hands in many formations, the triangles pointing upwards and downwards,

forwards, backwards, leftwards and rightwards as if to form a three

dimensional six pointed star rotating through all axes at once, a full

bodied Sri Yantra.

I would then dream of or wake up and remember my father Brahman who had just

invented the hollow, unsupported dome (built like the dome of Florence) as

well as the cubic altar. I was so proud of him and adored him. I remember,

me being just a lad, hitting my head against the top rim of that stone

block, torches illuminating the inside of the dome. I remember his domed

mausoleum, now hidden, after it was clumsily repaired, under a solid looking

mound somewhere in India.


Visionary symbols:

Frequently a rotating and very dynamic crystalline and scintillating form

would descend into me and (strangely really) the words "Star of David" would

resound through the cosmos. In my spine I would feel the presence of a

formidable tree, a trunk with my roots deeply into the earth as well

surrounding and holding the earth, my branches would lift themselves upwards

as though inviting the heavens to be embraced by me. A great cosmic

intercourse. And (again strangely) the words "Tree of Jesse" would resound,

the vibrations as though joining earth and universe in a loving embrace....

Then a sound would emanate from me that started off with BR. I would get

flashes of memories of Abraham as well as Brahman. A low, purring and

vibrating sound, starting the way a peacock produces a hum with its

vibrating tail, would be coming in, eventually from all sides as well as

from my center as though it was a self replenishing wellspring of enormous



James as you say:

"You Are Love in Essence"

and also in Existence.


Thanks, for allowing me to use your words and quote to serve as a

springboard for expressing some of my memories.




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