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Why is linear better than the moment?

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On Fri, 27 Oct 2000 20:32:33 Tony O'Clery wrote:

>Would it not be better at an advanced age to try and live in the

>moment instead of linearly satisfying lifetime desires. I know

>people understand that for they live linearly also. Why is it better

>to live a dream, surely it would be better to end one and become

>realised 'Who am I?'. It is the living of dreams that keeps us trapped

>in this false world of illusion and samsara.


>It is better to fix a goal then forget about it, and live in the

>moment surrendering to the Divine Sakti. We cannot change what is to

>happen only our attitude to it. That is the secret of the path to

>liberation, cessation not building dreams.


Hi, Tony and Jacqui



Your friend's dream was indeed a big dream and good dream, which with the help

of many ppl having a similar vision of the future came true.


I think Tony agrees on the validity to refuse to accept living in an apartheid

system and working to change it.


Yeah, cessation of attachment to aspirations and ambitions, what go as "dreams",

and acceptance of what appears in the moment must be the best thing since fish

grew legs. ;)


I wonder, though, if activities that can be seen by some as aspirations, i.e.

dreams, do not continue even after realization, only detached from individual

doers and detached from the outcome of whatever activity is carried out. It's

simply done.

Maybe that would make the activity not belong to the definition of "aspiration

and ambition", though, only being.













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Dear Tony,


I am drawn to Self-enquiry and the Adwaitic path as you appear to be, Tony,

but with coming into understanding the

"teachings" surrounding Self-enquiry,"Who Am I", there has also come an

understanding regarding

non-doership, destiny, bodily karma, everything being pre-ordained, no free

will etc. and yet the ultimate "teaching" is Silence. In understanding

Adwaita ~

Ramana Maharshi lineage ~ ( and i admit to a falling out of that

understanding/a sense of personal doership does rear it's head from time to


there is awareness that we have no choice over who our teachers are or what

path we follow, although it appears we do.



"Tony O'Clery" <aoclery


Friday, October 27, 2000 1:32 PM

Why is linear better than the moment?


> Namaste All,


> I also enjoyed the story of the elderly lady at university. Without

> sounding cynical it comes under warm fuzzies.

> I don't know what was in her mind so I can't comment on her but I can

> speak generally.


> Would it not be better at an advanced age to try and live in the

> moment instead of linearly satisfying lifetime desires. I know

> people understand that for they live linearly also. Why is it better

> to live a dream, surely it would be better to end one and become

> realised 'Who am I?'. It is the living of dreams that keeps us trapped

> in this false world of illusion and samsara.


> It is better to fix a goal then forget about it, and live in the

> moment surrendering to the Divine Sakti. We cannot change what is to

> happen only our attitude to it. That is the secret of the path to

> liberation, cessation not building dreams.


> Just my opinion.


> Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.



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