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[K-list] Mini "Tree" Poll

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In a message dated 10/30/00 12:22:34 AM Pacific Standard Time,

aurasphere writes:


<< In my spine I would feel the presence of a

formidable tree, a trunk with my roots deeply into the earth as well

surrounding and holding the earth, my branches would lift themselves upwards

as though inviting the heavens to be embraced by me. A great cosmic

intercourse. And (again strangely) the words "Tree of Jesse" would resound,

the vibrations as though joining earth and universe in a loving embrace....



Dear Lists,


How curious. Mystical "Tree" experiences were recently shared on the

Eheshare list. I was wondering how many people have experienced something



In the 60's my husband and I lived in a cabin among some wonderful redwood

trees. Some friends were visiting and one of them had brought along some

LSD. Gil told me later that while on LSD the friends had both turned into

tree elves.


So...... the mini poll question is:


Have you ever had a "mystical" tree experience? And, of course, what was it

like? :)).


Love, Hillary

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Dear Hillary,


You asked:

> Have you ever had a "mystical" tree experience? And, of course, what was


> like? :)).



Well yes, as I wrote:

> In my spine I would feel the presence of a

> formidable tree, a trunk with my roots deeply into the earth as well

> surrounding and holding the earth, my branches would lift themselves


> as though inviting the heavens to be embraced by me. A great cosmic

> intercourse. And (again strangely) the words "Tree of Jesse" would


> the vibrations as though joining earth and universe in a loving



And my God, that got us another poll.



On another note:

I do sometimes feel that I write too much about myself. But then, "Who am I

apart from you?"

I also know that writings help readers remember and recognize themselves.

We all have so much in common...

More than what we think we know...

Beyond our personal thinking and knowing...

All that we have in common...


Imagine that when I write, I love and hug, embrace and kiss. The experiences

I write about come from that unconditional love that God so graces us with,

that we discover that we are that love 'in this form now here'.

I write about our divine graces, so that must be good... so why am I still

wondering? Oh there is still enough self judgement in me to be gotten rid


It about us that I write, in this loving universe of ours, and us, tiny

fishes almost always feeling so lost in it... but returning to the springs

and streams of our being, our common source.

Here in British Columbia the salmon are coming back home again...


(I also have an aquarium in my study/office/bedroom.)


Love, Wim

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"Gil told me later that while on LSD the friends had both turned into

tree elves".


This is not unique. Legends of meeting or even turning into tree elves go

back to at least the Anchorites.


Had an experience with the late Terrence McKennah where he not only told us

we would meet the tree elves but described them in great and accurate detail

before the experience. The drug was an Ayayasca [sp?] brew. Yes, it was a

shared "hallucination".


Coming out of a bad period 13 years ago a white oak adopted me. My current

main tree is a black hickory. I meditate with it by leaning against its

trunk as a run my Chakras. Powerful energies flow as I pull up through the

muldahara and send love back through it.


Trees communicate with other trees of the same and different species through

chemical signals in their root systems. I think we can tap [whoops!] into

this on a nonverbal level.


Saving trees is a metaphysical mandate as well as an ecological one.



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>In a message dated 10/30/00 12:22:34 AM Pacific Standard Time,

>aurasphere writes:


><< In my spine I would feel the presence of a

> formidable tree, a trunk with my roots deeply into the earth as well

> surrounding and holding the earth, my branches would lift themselves


> as though inviting the heavens to be embraced by me. A great cosmic

> intercourse. And (again strangely) the words "Tree of Jesse" would


> the vibrations as though joining earth and universe in a loving




>Dear Lists,


>How curious. Mystical "Tree" experiences were recently shared on the

>Eheshare list. I was wondering how many people have experienced something



>In the 60's my husband and I lived in a cabin among some wonderful redwood

>trees. Some friends were visiting and one of them had brought along some

>LSD. Gil told me later that while on LSD the friends had both turned into

>tree elves.


>So...... the mini poll question is:


>Have you ever had a "mystical" tree experience? And, of course, what was


>like? :)).


>Love, Hillary

Perhaps not in the same vein as these other experiences, but often times

after quite a good meditation I will be full of energy and often decided to

walk it off. I often feel extremely drawn to trees, and will stand against

the trunk. The feelings elicited are quite spectacular, calmness stillness,

I can feel the individual branches moving as if they were arms of my own

body. The tree can feel different ways, often times I have held a tree and

felt pain and then to find a recently chopped limb(?). Well I don't

considered myself a tree hugging hippy (non-derogatory), but this is

sometimes that I find drawn to do.


Steve Mclachlan

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