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Clear explanation - with joy

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"Tony O'Clery" wrote:

> Namaste All, Mumble cat,


> I cannot see how neurobiology and psychology, can anyway be

connected with moksha in the way described. How can it be possible


the mind to discuss a condition that is of 'no mind', it is


and is only a preliminary sadhana, like the thorn. It is above

intuition which is of the vijnanamayakosa even. As intellectually

satisfying as it may be.



In THAT state of being - all things are possible. IT is beyond

the conditioned or the unconditioned.

> This is exactly what I mean when I say it doesn't come near the

Indian Jivanmuktis, it is just an ersatz western version still

connected to the subtle ego playing it tricks and hiding in the




Oy vey! And just what is the so-called 'ego' made from?

> Some spiritual sadhana is necessary, and even effort to overcome




Yes, one must knock. Often and loudly with a singular purpose one


knock. And, the door will open. Will 'you' step through to the state

of no 'you'.

> This is why I don't involve myself of the NDS so much. However

> something is happening here on this satsang it seems, as well.


> OM Namah Sivaya, Tony. Just my accumulated opinion!!I am still a

> sadhaka.



No, you are not! You are the eternal Self. What is looking out of


eyes is the eternal Self. NOW! Not at some future date or time. NOW!


YOU are playing in this field of bliss. This is true for all beings,

human or otherwise. The drunkard in his cups - the yoga in his


- each one is the other - the eternal Self.


YOU know this. There is no illusion and there is no end to the

illusion. There is no ultimate state of being and there is no end of

the ulitmate state of being. There is no state of enlightenment and

there is no end to the state of enlightenment. There are no realized

beings and there is no end of realized beings. There is no liberation

and there is no end of liberation.


There is no reality and there is no end to reality.


You are already what you seek.




Peace - Michael

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