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What has happened to this satsang?

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In a message dated 10/31/2000 4:38:53 PM Eastern Standard Time,

mark.otter writes:

> ppps I think Tony's trying to make me feel guilty. It worked. I'm in

> shame now. Hey Tony, join me!!!! I'll save some worms for you. Hey

> Harsha, if you hadn't started this list, none of this would have

> happened. You can eat some worms too. Let's all eat worms.


Hey, now that we have enough guilt running around here, we can start our own





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Dear Tony,


Please Tony do not leave or retire, you cannot keep doing that.

You do not know how close this list is to the teachings of Ramana Maharshi,

as you seem to find that so important. And it is.

You just do not get it yet.


Please read all the posts send to you again, the clues are all in there...



and everybody would hate to see you leave this Satsang


Love, Wim



Tony O'Clery <aoclery


October 31, 2000 9:27 AM

What has happened to this satsang?


> Namaste All,


> It seems to have become the NDS with an admixture of the K-List.


> I shall retire for a while.


> Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.




> //


> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.


> To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

> www., and select the User Center link from

the menu bar

> on the left. This menu will also let you change your


> between digest and normal mode.






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Dear Everyone,


If I am the cause (or part of the cause) of Tony's temporary (I hope)

retirement, I would rather go back to lurker state.

This is not a matter voting me in or out. Just a few suggestions would


If what I write is not in line with the preamble of this list please tell me



I know I write sometimes rather directly, that is probably a certain

Dutchness, calling a spade a spade.


But then maybe I should beat around the bush, rather than ruffle the

feathers and scare the birds away.


Love, Wim

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Hi Wim and Tony and everyone else :)


Wim, I'm glad we do not have to choose between keeping you on the

list or not.


And I'm glad Tony is still staying (lurking or not).


Maybe the listowner, Harsha, has some thoughts about this...


but my feeling is that everyone can stay here if they so wish.


A good discussion livens up the list, that is sure. :)


But in the time I have been on the net, I have yet to see an exchange

of viewpoints that, without there being a great degree of trust

between the "arguers", and one part actually asking the other part a

question, i.e. signalling a willingness to actively listen and absorb

the viewpoints of the other, managed to make one of the discussers

change her or is point of view.


I believe this is even more true for lists where topics of religious

or spiritual subjects are on the agenda, because these subjects are

in the domain of belief (and personal experience) and beliefs are

difficult to argue one's way around. In addition (or perhaps because

of this ?), most people hold tightly onto their beliefs and the

harder they are questioned, the tighter the grip becomes.



Few people can attain anything by way of spiritual insight or

spiritual life or simply life, when being dragged in a leash. The

walker must walk the walk on her own two feet and there must be trust

or there will be no guidance and no walking (raising one's feet in

the air... :) ). In the end, everything but trust must remain. :)


I'm getting sentimental here, it's because I have a romantic balled

on in the background as I write this. :)


Anyway, I just wanted to say I have followed the discussion with

interest, am glad people want to stay on the list and hope everyone

can get to walk some more, but feeling comfortable in doing so.


I admire the both of you, Wim and Tony. :)






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Hello William:

I do not believe that you are the cause of Tony taking a break. There

has been nothing inappropriate in your posts and certainly there would

be no reason for you to go back to lurking. IMHO your thoughts are

not only provocative they also are presented with respect and

compassion. This type of situation can just become difficult at

times and while we all know that the intellectual mind must be left

behind it seems that we also have to convince it first that there is

a good reason to do so :-). The on-going mind game we play with

ourselves and others eventually can lead us to fearfully defending

our viewpoint before we take the dive.

This is a wonderful list and generally peace resumes so I hope that

you choose to continue to hang out with us.



>Dear Everyone,>If I am the cause (or part of the cause) of Tony's

temporary (I hope)>retirement, I would rather go back to lurker

state.>This is not a matter voting me in or out. Just a few

suggestions would>suffice.>If what I write is not in line with the

preamble of this list please tell >me>so.>I know I write sometimes

rather directly, that is probably a certain>Dutchness, calling a

spade a spade.>But then maybe I should beat around the bush, rather

than ruffle the>feathers and scare the birds away.>Love,

Wim// All paths go

somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights, perceptions,

and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It

is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self.

Welcome all to a.To from this list, go to

the ONElist web site, at www., and

select the User Center link from the menu bar on

the left. This menu will also let you change your subscription

between digest and normal mode.

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Tony O'Clery wrote:

> Namaste All,


> It seems to have become the NDS with an admixture of the K-List.


> I shall retire for a while.


> Om Namah Sivaya, Tony.



It won't help.

The walls are a bilious green

and this is a crazy business.



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Hey!!! what are you guys doing?


None of you can take the responsibility for this, would it be NDS, K-List,

Tony, Wim, Amanda, Linda or others.


You guys are funny... Thinking it could be so.


Truly, it's me who his responsible for all this. I just finished my one

year tree travel,




And since then all the world is coming to an end.


Ok, so it's me and not you. I confess...



Jokes on the side,


I may use my delete key, but have not done and do not intend to. Really, I

do enjoy reading eacxh one of you guys.



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Hmmmmm... I dunno. I think this whole thing about being One is too

hard. Even being kind is too much trouble. It's like putting milk back

in the carton after spilling it. It's diluted by the tears, you see, so

it doesn't fit. I recommend that EVERYONE (except me) quit this list

immediately. (Then I would be One! HUURRAAAAY!!!) I win, I win, I

win!!!! (I won!) (I One) did anybody notice that I won? is there

anybody in there? hello?


oh poop,


ps so where is that hooligan Harsha when we need him to kick people off

the list? (oh, I kicked him off. never mind)

pps, okay, I admit it, I'm the one responsible for turning this nice

satsang into another NDS. I did it on purpose too. I'm a meanie. no

wonder there's no one around. Hmmm... I'm hungry... think I'll eat some


ppps I think Tony's trying to make me feel guilty. It worked. I'm in

shame now. Hey Tony, join me!!!! I'll save some worms for you. Hey

Harsha, if you hadn't started this list, none of this would have

happened. You can eat some worms too. Let's all eat worms.


Nobody likes me,

Everybody hates me,

I'm gonna eat some worms.

Big ones, small ones,

Short ones, long ones,

Even itty bitty ones,

I'm gonna eat some worms.


Hmmm, that doesn't sound quite right. Anyone know the lyrics?


Oh, this is from the web, so it must be right:


Nobody likes me

Everybody hates me

I'm gonna eat some worms


Long fat juicy ones

Itsy bitsy slimy ones

see how they wiggle and squirm


First you bite their heads off

Then you suk their guts out

See how they wiggle and squirm


Nobody likes me

Everybody hates me

I'm gonna eat some worms


pppps If there is going to be a policy of eating innocent worms on this

list, I will have to quit asap. I will not tolerate the mastication of

any members of the phylum Annelida. that's it, I am OUT OF HERE!!! (and

damn good riddance I might add...) You won't have Mark Otter to kick

around anymore. I quit!!!!


ppppps now where is that genus Lumbricus cookbook anyway? I gotta

straighten this place out...


mmmmmm.... juicy pink worms.... yum...


pppppps Hey Harsha, remind me to join again when the ruckus blows over.

I have a nice recipe I want to share...


Antoine Carré wrote:

> Hey!!! what are you guys doing?


> None of you can take the responsibility for this, would it be NDS,

> K-List,

> Tony, Wim, Amanda, Linda or others.


> You guys are funny... Thinking it could be so.


> Truly, it's me who his responsible for all this. I just finished my

> one

> year tree travel,


> http://pages.infinit.net/carrea/tree/tree.htm


> And since then all the world is coming to an end.


> Ok, so it's me and not you. I confess...



> Jokes on the side,


> I may use my delete key, but have not done and do not intend to.

> Really, I

> do enjoy reading eacxh one of you guys.


> Antoine


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Hi Mark,


That was fun to read Mark.

Is this now an official Worm site?

Or a Worm Hole site ?

Or a Black Hole site?


Can we all disappear now into a Worm Hole, into Nothingness and pop out some

other illusive 'End' and be Everythingness.


Well maybe the scientists have it right?


Ah this illusion thing! Whoever got us so confused with that in the first


I think we should take all the writings that contain the word 'illusion'

into MS WORD and do a REPLACE ALL to substitute 'illusion" it with



We could have some fun trying it on a test document. At one point (I was

teaching word-processing) we did something like that for fun. We found a

nice article on roses. Well, you know everyone loves roses (even Tony, he

keeps talking about thorns :). We took the document and replaced every

occurrence of the word rose with dandelion. We laughed so hard when we read

the result.


Love and fun,




Mark, I do not even know you, so do not leave yet.


happy worm



sad worm

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Hoi Wim,


Don't leave - the Dutch contingent is small already :)

"Rattling cages" once in a while is quite useful. What "we" are after, is no

less than unconditional happiness, right? That isn't an invitation to "do"

self-enquiry while visiting the discotheque but you get the drift... If one

doesn't experience "Peace" in circumstances that once caused the mind to run

riot, one has to question the effectiveness of sadhana...


I don't mind having the feathers ruffled now and then :))











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On 10/31/00 at 6:01 PM leteegee wrote:



ºHey, now that we have enough guilt running around here, we can start our own






The sect of the owl perhaps ?:)







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In a message dated 10/31/2000 6:12:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, mary


> Aren't there already enough of those religions? There's quite a choice out

> there.

> OOPs, I'm sorry I said that. I didn't mean it, really! Maybe I shouldn't

> have said that. Will I go to hell? Will they make me eat worms?

>Guilty, Mary



Just say three Hail Mary's

and go sin no more.




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Aren't there already enough of those religions? There's quite a choice out



OOPs, I'm sorry I said that. I didn't mean it, really! Maybe I shouldn't have

said that. Will I go to hell? Will they make me eat worms?

Guilty, Mary


leteegee wrote:

> In a message dated 10/31/2000 4:38:53 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> mark.otter writes:


> > ppps I think Tony's trying to make me feel guilty. It worked. I'm in

> > shame now. Hey Tony, join me!!!! I'll save some worms for you. Hey

> > Harsha, if you hadn't started this list, none of this would have

> > happened. You can eat some worms too. Let's all eat worms.


> Hey, now that we have enough guilt running around here, we can start our own

> religion.


> Love,

> xxxtg



> //


> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the ocean,

all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness does

not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is.

Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into

It Self. Welcome all to a.


> To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

> www., and select the User Center link from the

menu bar

> on the left. This menu will also let you change your


> between digest and normal mode.

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Dear tg

> Hey, now that we have enough guilt running around here, we can start our


> religion.


yes let's do that

but we'll turn it the other way around

instead of the goodies at the top and the guilties at the bottom

we'll put the goodies at the bottom

and the guilties at the top



getting confused here

got it wrong

it is like that already

let's not start a religion then






Love, Wim

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Pshaw! Religions are old hat. It's self-help groups these days! I say

let's rename the Satsang "Worm eaters anonymous"... Hmmm... the acronym

needs work though. How about "worm eaters anonymous of Kansas?" No, I

don't think we are in Kansas anymore...


Love, Mark


Mary Bianco wrote:

> Aren't there already enough of those religions? There's quite a choice

> out there.


> OOPs, I'm sorry I said that. I didn't mean it, really! Maybe I

> shouldn't have said that. Will I go to hell? Will they make me eat

> worms?

> Guilty, Mary


> leteegee wrote:


> > In a message dated 10/31/2000 4:38:53 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> > mark.otter writes:

> >

> > > ppps I think Tony's trying to make me feel guilty. It worked.

> I'm in

> > > shame now. Hey Tony, join me!!!! I'll save some worms for you.

> Hey

> > > Harsha, if you hadn't started this list, none of this would have

> > > happened. You can eat some worms too. Let's all eat worms.

> >

> > Hey, now that we have enough guilt running around here, we can start

> our own

> > religion.

> >

> > Love,

> > xxxtg

> >

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In a message dated 10/31/00 5:22:11 PM, mark.otter writes:

>Pshaw! Religions are old hat. It's self-help groups these days! I say

>let's rename the Satsang "Worm eaters anonymous"... Hmmm... the acronym

>needs work though. How about "worm eaters anonymous of Kansas?" No, I

>don't think we are in Kansas anymore...


For sure, Mark, I don't think that you are in Kansas.... I'm not even sure of

your presence with us here on this planet ;-)


But wherever you are writing from, you make me laugh my friend, and

that is a good thing. Thanks for the chuckles.... now if you'll just let me

know how to keep my monkey mind from continuing to sing:


....Long fat juicy ones


Itsy bitsy slimy ones


see how they wiggle and squirm...


It's bad enough that (because of my lack of surrender) I am burdened

with almost constant, non-volitional thoughts. But now not only can't

I stop my thoughts, but I'm singing The Worm Song instead of thinking

about something that will at least reward my illusions with money or

fame. Life is Grande, no?





>Hmmm... the acronym needs work though.


ps: how about: Worm-Hungry Online, Always-Mysterious Imbeciles?

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Dear Amanda,


You wrote:

> But in the time I have been on the net, I have yet to see an exchange

> of viewpoints that, without there being a great degree of trust

> between the "arguers", and one part actually asking the other part a

> question, i.e. signalling a willingness to actively listen and absorb

> the viewpoints of the other, managed to make one of the discussers

> change her or his point of view.


You could be right, the persons involved in the mutual cajolement do not

usually change viewpoints, or so it seems. On the other hand though, the

readers watching the exchanges do get something out of it. Very often in

'them' it seems that some transformation takes place or previous

transformations firm up or get get affirmed. To see viewpoints stand up

against each other makes the onlooker get the points (whatever) quicker. The

analysis of a topic is done by two clear minded (in their own eyes at least)

people and the listener will do the integration, maybe even at a cost to

both "arguers' (positive meaning of the word.)

As a witness to many arguments (positive meaning of the word again) I have

observed that with myself often enough. If it would not have been for me

standing long enough by the sidelines, I would not now feel comfortable and

fearless inside the arena. The Tony's and the Wim's and the 'Lobsters' do

serve that purpose, neither of 'these guys or gals' care much about winning

or losing (each of them can not lose, you see, of that they are convinced.)

It is the onlookers though that have the advantage, it is between and in

them that the real dynamics of transformation takes place. Now it would not

be good if the onlookers were politically or religiously taking sides,

luckily we are all beyond adolescent behaviour and away from the growth

preventive environment of peer pressure and group control.

I know that what I am trying to say is somewhat debatable but I think that

there is enough value in my 'windowdressing' to allow these kind of hot and

energetic exchanges. To be honest, in all the years that I have been

involved in this world I have never been afraid to start an honest 'this is

what I stand for' exchange. The more I loved..., the more I re-covered the

unconditional nature of love, the better I got at it, and the more the

general benefits increased. So, even though Tony may want a time-out, I

think he is a heck of a good player in this arena of truth about who we are.

In any case, these type of exchanges happen because they have to happen,

otherwise they would not happen. (AHA)

> I believe this is even more true for lists where topics of religious

> or spiritual subjects are on the agenda, because these subjects are

> in the domain of belief (and personal experience) and beliefs are

> difficult to argue one's way around. In addition (or perhaps because

> of this ?), most people hold tightly onto their beliefs and the

> harder they are questioned, the tighter the grip becomes.


Try to take a bone out of a dog's snout !

> Few people can attain anything by way of spiritual insight or

> spiritual life or simply life, when being dragged in a leash.


Funny though, often with me, (and I noticed that in Tony as well) after a

cooling off period, the point that I was fighting started to make some

sense. A tenuous start, some hesitating beginning of self integration. And

as I was seeing that happen in me, I also started to observe that in my

'opponents'. You start to love your enemy, and you notice that it is

reciprocal. Now there is a great guy who suggested that before. (Just forgot

his name, he was from Judea or so :-)

Truly though, this happens easier with searchers for the truth than

preventers of it. Or maybe not, either way, one gets in a league with the


> walker must walk the walk on her own two feet and there must be trust

> or there will be no guidance and no walking (raising one's feet in

> the air... :) ). In the end, everything but trust must remain. :)


Trust, right, because we are after truth... philo sophia... hagia sophia.

> I'm getting sentimental here, it's because I have a romantic ballad

> on in the background as I write this. :)


You think it was the ballad?

I do not think so, love is just so 'frustratingly' unconditional it makes

you bawl :...-( :-)

> I admire the both of you, Wim and Tony. :)


Thanks for your clarity, welcome and love, Amanda and all others.


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Wim Borsboom wrote:

> Dear Amanda,


> You wrote:

> > But in the time I have been on the net, I have yet to see an exchange

> > of viewpoints that, without there being a great degree of trust

> > between the "arguers", and one part actually asking the other part a

> > question, i.e. signalling a willingness to actively listen and absorb

> > the viewpoints of the other, managed to make one of the discussers

> > change her or his point of view.


> You could be right, the persons involved in the mutual cajolement do not

> usually change viewpoints, or so it seems. On the other hand though, the

> readers watching the exchanges do get something out of it. Very often in

> 'them' it seems that some transformation takes place or previous

> transformations firm up or get get affirmed. To see viewpoints stand up

> against each other makes the onlooker get the points (whatever) quicker. The

> analysis of a topic is done by two clear minded (in their own eyes at least)

> people and the listener will do the integration, maybe even at a cost to

> both "arguers' (positive meaning of the word.)

> As a witness to many arguments (positive meaning of the word again) I have

> observed that with myself often enough. If it would not have been for me

> standing long enough by the sidelines, I would not now feel comfortable and

> fearless inside the arena. The Tony's and the Wim's and the 'Lobsters' do

> serve that purpose, neither of 'these guys or gals' care much about winning

> or losing (each of them can not lose, you see, of that they are convinced.)

> It is the onlookers though that have the advantage, it is between and in

> them that the real dynamics of transformation takes place. Now it would not

> be good if the onlookers were politically or religiously taking sides,

> luckily we are all beyond adolescent behaviour and away from the growth

> preventive environment of peer pressure and group control.

> I know that what I am trying to say is somewhat debatable but I think that

> there is enough value in my 'windowdressing' to allow these kind of hot and

> energetic exchanges. To be honest, in all the years that I have been

> involved in this world I have never been afraid to start an honest 'this is

> what I stand for' exchange. The more I loved..., the more I re-covered the

> unconditional nature of love, the better I got at it, and the more the

> general benefits increased. So, even though Tony may want a time-out, I

> think he is a heck of a good player in this arena of truth about who we are.

> In any case, these type of exchanges happen because they have to happen,

> otherwise they would not happen. (AHA)



I disagree



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