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Dear Tony,


vedah na lokah na sura na yajnah

varnasraamo naiva kulam na jatih

no dhuma-margo na ca dipti-margo

brahmaika-rupan parmartha-tattvam




tvam ekah saphalam yadi

pratyaksam caparoksam ca

atmanam manyase katham


na ghato na ghatakaso

no jivo jiva-vigrahah

kevalam brhma samviddhi



atmany evatmana sarvam

tvaya purnam nirantaram

dhyata dhyanam na te cittam

nirlajjah dhyayate katham


visuddhosi samam tattvam

videhas tvam ajovyayah

janamiha najanamity

atmanam manyase katham


samyogas ca viyogas co

vartate na ca te na me

na tvam naham jagan nedam

sarvam atmaiva kevalam




aham ekam idam sarvam

vyomatitam nirantaram

pasyami katham atmanam

pratyaksam va tirohitam


tvam evam ekam hi katham na buddhyase

samam hi sarvesu vimrstam avyayam

sadoditosi tvam akhanditah prabho

diva ca naktam co katham hi manyase





We are One


Love - Michael

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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

There really is only one religion and that is Sanathana Dharma or

Eternal Wisdom, where Huxley got his perennial wisdom expression from.

All other religious constructs, including Hindu constructs are just

mind training that's all..Re ligio= bind back....ONS....Tony.

Well, thank you for telling me that. I think you might mean there is

only One Truth? There are mang things that mind clings to


"The best that you can do is to listen attentively to the jhani-of

whom Sri Nisargadatta is a living example -and to trust and believe

him. By such listening you will realize that his reality is your

reality. he helps you in seeing the nature of the world and of the

'I am'. He urges you to study the workings of the body and the mind

with solemn and intense concentration, to recognize that you are

neither of them and to cast them off." From Intro-I Am That Talks

with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Hard at work with this good advice...wish the best for you Tony, as I know you wish the best for me.


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