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Pointing to stillness

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Hi Victor,


On Wed, 01 Nov 2000 11:49:00 vtorrico wrote:

>Ya know --- I really enjoy good expository writing that points us

>towards who and what we are giving us clues what to do or what not to

>do. Hey we all feel better when we're motivated to do or to simply

>be --- motivational enlightenment so to speak. When you're wrestling

>an octopus you do a better job if you know how each of its arms





I know what you mean, Victor.


I like it to read such expository writing too, simple stuff, without all the


Avoiding the metaphors and just putting it down in clear words. :)

Flowering descriptions have a way of obscuring the message, all looks, but no


>Virginia's favorite time of the day is morning during

>sunrise --- simply being silent and watching the play of changing

>light and colors bathing the clouds and horizon. Sort of a reverie

>without the kick of the ego into hard pyschological thought. No

>problems in this happening. Everyone has their own way of backing

>into glimpsing their enlightenment.


Aren't sunrises like that the best moment. :)


I feel that moments like the beautiful sunrise you describe and going into

relaxed reverie, when you don't think, don't calculate, don't wonder "is this

enlightenment ?" or think about much else, but just relax and enjoy, is it.



Maybe being outside in nature and enjoying moments of natural beauty can go a

long way to linking us to ourselves. At least, I find moments in nature to be

more healing to the mind than the agitated buzz of city living.


What child would not enjoy the sight of a sunset ?

I think (there it is again, the thinking. :) ) we need to sit down and stop

thinking and just enjoy, like children do.

And not feel guilty about it either.



I enjoy talking with you. :)












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