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Wim & The Sacred Tree

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Wim hi. I want to ask you something. What does Tree of Jesse mean?


>"Wim Borsboom" <aurasphere

>(The Diamond Star of David floating over a rain forest of Jesse's






Have you ever met Mother earth?

I had a sort of wood nymph experience recently, yet it felt too

unbelieveable to share.


I wish to know what others have found out is our relationship to the

Mother as her children (her 'trees':-). You see I read today about

muladhara described as our roots (into the earth). And I just came

across a book in a library today which shows many traditions

describing us as sacred 'trees' in our journeying.


Could She be our source & nourishing Mother? What do others think? Wim

have you ever met any of the Saints or Masters like the ones below?

> Clara (the one with Francis)

> Theresa of Avilla

> Francis himself

> Hildegard of Bingen





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Dear Colette,


You wrote:

> Wim hi. I want to ask you something. What does Tree of Jesse mean?


The following is from the Encyclopedia Brittanica.


.... In the Old Testament, the father of King David... He was a farmer and

sheep breeder in Bethlehem. David was the youngest of Jesse's eight sons....

When David became king. It became a standard poetic metaphor in the Bible.

Phrases such as "root of Jesse" and "stump of Jesse" (Isaiah 11:1,10) expand

the metaphor. All evoke the figure of David. That the family of David would

endure forever was an article of faith in monarchic circles (2 Samuel 7),

supported by the fact that his dynasty had occupied the throne on Mount Zion

in unbroken succession for over four centuries.

Because Jesus Christ belonged to one of the family branches descended from

King David, it became customary for medieval artists to visually depict

Jesus' genealogy as beginning with Jesse in such works as the stained-glass

windows known as Jesse windows. >>>>>



The curious thing is that when I went through some of the visionary stages

of the Kundalini process, words, symbols and energies to do with 'Tree of

Jesse' and 'Star of David' came up spontaneously. In the connection between

Adam and Jesus (alpha and omega), Jesse and David act, so to say, as the

links - the trunk between the root ball and the cluster of branches. All

this is so mystical. To understand myself I had to read many books by and

about other mystics to corroborate my experiences. (Hildegard of Bingen,

approx. AD 1000, probably the most important for me.) Gradually I could

accept the stuff that happened to me as 'not too far off the wall'. I have

been a mystic from the third day of my life as I remember but the

experiences increase as a slowly rotating cluster of unfolding spirals. (On

that third day I flew out from my chestof myself as a small butterfly, thus

my connectedness also with Psyche (butterfly) from that wonderful Greek

story of Amor and Psyche.

Of course with the kind of catholic background such I have one can expect

some mysticism... but to be honest I do not know too many facts about those

topics. When I look up some stuff in encyclopedias though bells start

ringing. Also subsequent visions may come in. It is a mysterious thing.

King David (Star of David, Ishtar) before he became king is sometimes

compared to Robin Hood, a figure who in my earlly life, thanks to Walt

Disney, meant very much to me as a childhood hero.

It is all so mystical and mysterious, we do not have to know everything.

Ah, such is the play of humankind grappling with its divine origins.


Colette, thank you for asking. Not too many ppl. take me very serious... "It

all has to be so empty, silent, zen, serious, meditative, serene, holy. :)",

"Not too much enthusiasm please, lest you disturb my serenity!" :) I think

what is happening with me is that whatever Krishna stood for - 'danced for'

I should say - (it was at least wonderful play) is running through me as

well. Well, I'am playing along and I invite everybody to play and dance with

me. This life is serious fun.


Love and fun,


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Dear Wim, nice to hear from you.


, "Wim Borsboom" <aurasphere@h...>


> Dear Colette,


> You wrote:

> > Wim hi. I want to ask you something. What does Tree of Jesse mean?


> The following is from the Encyclopedia Brittanica.


> >>>*Jesse*

> ... In the Old Testament, the father of King David... He was a

farmer and

> sheep breeder in Bethlehem. David was the youngest of Jesse's eight


> When David became king. It became a standard poetic metaphor in the


> Phrases such as "root of Jesse" and "stump of Jesse" (Isaiah

11:1,10) expand

> the metaphor. All evoke the figure of David. That the family of

David would

> endure forever was an article of faith in monarchic circles (2

Samuel 7),

> supported by the fact that his dynasty had occupied the throne on

Mount Zion

> in unbroken succession for over four centuries.

> Because Jesus Christ belonged to one of the family branches

descended from

> King David, it became customary for medieval artists to visually


> Jesus' genealogy as beginning with Jesse in such works as the


> windows known as Jesse windows. >>>>>

> .......



I would like to see some of these windows. Sometimes I get dream

symbols of sacred archetypes in stained glass. Yet they feel vibrant

with meaning. I had conditioning from the catholic religion too. I

wish they did not teach children to fear their source or to

continually hold it as separate & beyond.

> The curious thing is that when I went through some of the visionary


> of the Kundalini process, words, symbols and energies to do with

'Tree of

> Jesse' and 'Star of David' came up spontaneously.


I see. I suppose you have seen the writings of Christopher Wynter.

Chris sometimes talks about how we may be purifying from our genes

more than just our own experiences .. it may be family stuff as well.

He often talks about catholic symbolism too. He gets rather fiery :-)

at times re the catholic church. I don't know if it relates to your

very interesting experiences though. It is lovely reading about them.


In the connection


> Adam and Jesus (alpha and omega), Jesse and David act, so to say, as


> links - the trunk between the root ball and the cluster of branches.


> this is so mystical. To understand myself I had to read many books

by and

> about other mystics to corroborate my experiences. (Hildegard of


> approx. AD 1000, probably the most important for me.)


Oh. How did you find Her?


Gradually I


> accept the stuff that happened to me as 'not too far off the wall'.

I have

> been a mystic from the third day of my life as I remember but the

> experiences increase as a slowly rotating cluster of unfolding

spirals. (On

> that third day I flew out from my chest of myself as a small

butterfly, thus

> my connectedness also with Psyche (butterfly) from that wonderful


> story of Amor and Psyche.


Hmmm. How precious. I love the animals. I haven't heard that story.

Can you tell us more, & why there is a butterfly? What is amor

symbolised as?

> Of course with the kind of catholic background such I have one can


> some mysticism... but to be honest I do not know too many facts

about those

> topics. When I look up some stuff in encyclopedias though bells


> ringing. Also subsequent visions may come in. It is a mysterious


> King David (Star of David, Ishtar) before he became king is


> compared to Robin Hood, a figure who in my earlly life, thanks to


> Disney, meant very much to me as a childhood hero.


Robin Hood eh? I like him too. Did you find you had to integrate your

masculine & your feminine as non conflicting? Did you see feminine

symbols as well? I noticed you used the word Ishtar. What does that


> It is all so mystical and mysterious, we do not have to know



haha! And there lies the joy. The interplay between the excitement of

understanding like an AHA! & the eternally mysterious never found ...



> Ah, such is the play of humankind grappling with its divine origins.


> Colette, thank you for asking. Not too many ppl. take me very

serious... "It

> all has to be so empty, silent, zen, serious, meditative, serene,

holy. :)",

> "Not too much enthusiasm please, lest you disturb my serenity!" :)


Hmmmmmm .. ! I like laughing loudly myself. When silent within, play

as you wish.




> what is happening with me is that whatever Krishna stood for -

'danced for'

> I should say - (it was at least wonderful play) is running through

me as

> well. Well, I'am playing along and I invite everybody to play and

dance with

> me. This life is serious fun.


Oh Wim I do understand! We are dancers. We dance our Self as symbols.


It seems to me our formless Being communicates through 'us' as

symbols. Formless Is form dancing creatively .. for the joy. We are

symbolic ..


It seems to me (from a dream I was sent), that when we see (or when

the Eye Sees,) in the art of Seeing, we create symbolic forms from the

Self. I mean this is the projection of pure consciousness as form. And

we dance as That form, & we Are pure consciousness too.


I understand about what you mean about needing to read others'

mystical experiences to help us intgerate dreaming new symbols &

visions that arise ..


Have you ever read Jung? He talks about the unconscious as the Self it

seems. It seems that Brahman (Shiva) cannot be seen unless Shakti His

consort dances as form. I guess Jung referred to Shiva/Brahman perhaps

as the unconscious Self.


I myself get dream symbols & visions that are wondrous & reveal

aspects to myself I have been unconscious to. It seems the unconscious

& the conscious collaborate & consciousness expands ..


If we are All One, then the playground of meeting Self can be endless.

I think we play a creative role in this dreaming ...


> Love and fun,

> Wim


:-) cookies & butterflies


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