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[K-list] Angelique's Serpent Quest

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At 07:02 PM 11/3/00, Wim Borsboom wrote:

>Dear Angelique,


>Yes you are stepping into your dream and before you know the reality of the

>dream becomes unavoidable...


yes, that is how it has been.. becoming the woman I dreamt of..

> then the work starts... and you will be as one

>of those saints:

>Clara (the one with Francis)

>Theresa of Avilla

>Francis himself

>Hildegard of Bingen


Is that what you see? That is how it seemed to the child who dreamt,

as well.. amazing spiritual energy... except for the stiletto boots and

the whipping... how could that be spiritual? How do you explain it to a 9

year old who lives in fear of yardstick spankings? She didn't believe it,

that she was to become some kind of holy person... What she had become was

too much to take in.

The confirmation name I chose was Francis of Asissi.. they didn't

approve of my choosing a male saint but I was insistent... he was the only

one I appreciated. The story of the birds landing on his arms. They spelled

it with an e on the paper anyhow.

Little pagan girl who thought she was Christian.. trying hard and

freaking out coz she knows it won't last and she'll end up a blissfully

happy cherished and admired psycho sadist cult leader.


Ah, the adult is just as cynical... I've gotten wary of titles.. Saint

Mystress? Nah.. :)


Saint Angelique just sounds corny.


Saint Serpent.. ? Heh heh heh... could have some fun with that one..

>As we once had the Renaissance as the end of the Middle Ages and rebirth of

>the Classical Age, we now witness the Rebirth of that glorious Medieval

>Age.... with a totally new emphasis though... not the emphasis on the

>suffering human but the emphasis on the epiphany and re-arrival of the

>Glorious Human.


In service to the mass consciousness shift, as Goddess Wills.

>Glorious Humanity showing off its Divine sparks. Not just a Golden Age but

>an Age that sparks its diamantine essence.

>The Diamantine Age


>(The Diamond Star of David floating over a rain forest of Jesse's Trees)


:) I'll respond to that as soon as I figger out what it means..:)

Love to you!

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