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Renaissance Nascens *Stars*

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Hi All,


Still catching up on digests, kind of flipping back and forth between old

and new, someone mentioned Renaissance and the Star of David and

Ishtar ... Ishtar is the older form of Aphrodite and Venus, very beautiful



On astrology, here Tarnas writes about the old Renaissance, which we

will begin to experience again, as the children of today grow up and

begin manifesting. No matter which system of astrology you use, these

same planets were conjunct, and as no signs are mentioned all systems



I wrote this to another list, these outer planets are just "discovered" so

their energies are now coming from UNconscious to conscious for

many people. I'm just going to cut and paste, I hope it's clear.


Hi All,


This is truly fascinating and incredible material. I'll give one quick

little example and then an overview.


Forgive an example, I find otherwise the emails get too dry,

without any human touch.


These children are now _about_ six to eight years old. Some with Grand Earth

[my Virgo will look it up in the ephemeris later -- or you may <g>]

Trines will be great creationists, Grand Water Trines, healers, conjunctions

with all seven planets which aligned at 21d Capricorn, are incredibly

brilliant. I know one young girl, Natasha, who took an IQ test.

She got one answer wrong. She came home and told her mother,

Saskia, "no, the test is wrong." She asked her mother to please call

the school and tell the teacher. Saskia called the school, told the teacher,

told her what Natasha stated about the question. Teacher called the

IQ board of testers and indeed they agreed, Natasha was right and they

were wrong. She'll be nine in January. Laughing, poor Saskia, she

has a real little female rocket scientist.


Written by Richard Tarnas: _Prometheus_The_Awakener_


Quote: Yet I believe that a larger historical perspective of the Uranus-

Neptune cycle gives much grounds for hope. As we consider the

potential archetypal significance of this combination in terms of

fundamental paradigm shift, spiritual and psychological awakening,

and the accelerated emergence of an archetypal awareness into

cultural psyche, it is useful to recall the extraordinary confluence

of events that coincided with the last Uranus-Neptune opposition

which extended throughout the first decade and half of the twentieth

century: the revolution in human self-understanding mediated by

depth psychology, especially Jung's archetypal psychology and his

deepening of Freud's psychoanalytic breakthrough (which continued

its own important evolution during these years); the revolutions in

physics and cosmology (Einstein's relativity theory, Plank's

Quantum theory), in painting and the visual arts (Cezanne, Picasso,

Matisse, Braque, Kandinsky), literature (Joyce [who brought his

daughter to Jung, funny quote, I'll post later] Kafka, Rilke, Yeats,

Eliot, Pound, Stevens), music (Debussy, Stravinsky, Schoenberg)

philosophy (William James, Bergson, Husserl), spiritual activism

(Gandhi, Tolstoy), esotericism and mysticism (Rudolph Steiner,

Aurobindo). The remarkable coalescing of these and many other

related events and trends precipitated a radical transformation of

vision for the entire culture, as well as the seeds for future profound

changes in the cultural psyche.


If we move back to the immediately preceding Uranus-Neptune

conjunction, that of 1815-1829, centered around the year 182, we

find a similar emergence of archetypal, mythic, transcendent and

numinous into the collective psyche with the great age of Romanticism

at its height. Here was Shelley, reading Plato at sea and writing

_Prometheus_Unbound_, seeking to combine the ideal spiritual

realm with a revolution in consciousness bringing new freedom

to humanity. Here was Keats writing his great odes, beginning with

"On First Looking into Chapman's Homer" (where he compares his

awakening to the numinous mythic realm to the discovery of Uranus:

"Then felt I like a watcher of the skies ... "). Here also was Keats's

influential conception of "Soul-making," described in a letter to

his brother in 1819, later to become so central to the

archetypal psychology of the late twentieth century. Here were Byron,

Schubert, Stendhal, Scott, as well as Coleridge working out a profound

Romantic philosophical perspective in his _Biographia Literia_; Hegel

articulating his absolute Idealism in his _Encyclopedia_; Goethe and

Beethoven in their inspired culminating years -- the completion of

"Faust," the Ninth Symphony, the Missa Solemnis, the late quartets.

And here was the great wave of births of individuals whose extraordinary

imaginative visions would so enrich world literature in the nineteenth

century -- Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Melville, Flaubert, Turgenev, the Brontes,

George Eliot, Baudelaire, Whitman.


The emergence of an archetypal consciousness, whether it takes the

form of an enhanced awareness of the ideal, the resurgence of Platonism,

a new appreciation of the mythic, or a heightened access to the imaginal,

seems especially characteristic of Uranus-Neptune alignments, and

nowhere is that more evident than in the Uranus-Neptune conjunction

of the 1470s and 1480s, at the heart of the Renaissance (a conjunction

closely resembling our own with Uranus and Neptune in harmonious

sextile to Pluto).

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