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** Renaissance Nascens *Stars*

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1821 was the date,


1992-1995 - 1991 was wide uranus 10d - Neptune 14d Capricorn in November 1991


1995 finished with Uranus at 29d Cap and Neptune at 24d Cap; also a bit

wide but certainly active. Astrologers use differing degrees to describe

conjunctions and trines, as we get more "conscious" and assimilate the

energies of these recently discovered outer planets, the degree variance

used to describe conjunctions (unions, two planets or more close to

the same place) I've sometimes seen as wide as 10 degrees. This is up

to the astrologer and also depends on whose chart is being read.


Back to how this conjunction has operated in past times to see how

it may be a part of the cocreationist capacities of today.


Richard Tarnas, _Prometheus_The_Awakener_


Quote: [...] Here was that [Renaissance] luminous period that saw the

Florentine Academy's Neoplatonic revival at its heightened reign of

Lorenzo the Magnificent with Ficino writing the "Theologia

Platonica" and publishing the first complete translation of Plato in

the West, Pico della Mirandola composing the manifesto of Renaissance

Humanism, the "Oration on the Dignity of Man," Leonardo da Vinci

beginning his career with "The Adoration of the Magi," and Botticelli

painting "The Birth of Venus," the paradigmatic embodiment of the

Renaissance rebirth of archetypal beauty. And here also we find

the births of those artists who would fulfill the Renaissance idealist

imaginative vision, Raphael and Michelangelo, as well as of Copernicus

and Luther, the two men who would initiate the great paradigm

revolutions beginning the modern era, the Scientific Revolution

and the Reformation.


So also with the major religious awakenings of history. We see the

characteristic signs of Uranus-Neptune, for example, in the Great

Awakening that swept America during the conjunction of the 1730s

and 1740s, or in the great wave of mystical fervor that swept Europe

in the first two decades of the fourteenth century (during the

conjunction that also brought Dante's "Divine Comedy" and the

birth of Petrarch), or in the birth and rapid spread of Islam under the

prophet Muhammad during the conjunction of 620s and 630s.


Moreover, we find that the birth of Christianity itself took place

during the Uranus-Neptune alignment of c.15-35 A.D., an opposition,

encompassing most of the events described in the New Testament,

including the period of Jesus of Nazareth's ministry, his crucifixion

(during the Saturn-Pluto opposition of 29-30) and the revelatory

events immediately following and the conversion of St. Paul.


Moving back yet farther, we find that Uranus and Neptune were again

in conjunction in the last decade of the fifth century B.C. and the

first decade of the fourth, which encompassed that historic period

in ancient Greece that brought Socrates' most influential teaching

as well as his death, in 399 B.C. in Athens -- this event initiating

the birth of Platonism, and indeed of the entire Western philosophical

tradition that is rooted in Socrates and Plato.


Finally we move back one more cycle to that [this is breath-taking]

epoch-making Uranus-Neptune alignment that was joined by Pluto

in the only triple conjunction of the outermost planets in historical

times, extending from the 580s to the 560s B.C. Here we find the

heart of the great "axial age" that brought forth so many of the

world's principal religious and spiritual traditions: the age of


Gautama Buddha in India


LaoTse in China


Zoroaster in Persia


the age of the major prophets of ancient Israel:






Second Isaiah;


when the


Hebrew Scriptures


began to be compiled; the age when the


Oracle of Delphi


was at the height of its influence in ancient Greece; the age of the

earliest Greek philosophers,








Thus there is reason to believe that our own experience of

Uranus and Neptune conjunction will not be without its enduring



End Quote.


More later, but frankly, I find that a phenomenal list of minds, and

it gives great hope for the coming century ... for those of you with

children of this age, many blessings, that you live to see their fruits

multiply, this age saw the Cold War end, the Iron Curtain fall, and

many millions have achieved at least the hope of freedom.

L*L*L Annette

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