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My reply to Annette re my SCHIZO TALK

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Dear Ivan,


Funny! C'est la vie. Maureen, my friend, is in charge of a Schizophrenic

Center in Australia, a brilliant therapist. And, awhile ago, we had discussed

doing charts to see what could be discovered with this approach. Which

we've now begun this work with another astrologer, a very wise woman

in her 80s.


There are children now who are seeing visuals very young, my concern

is that they are "open" and see what others cannot and that unfortunately

they will become drugged. You can see in my recent astrology posts

that many of these children have active Neptunes, the planet of

boundary-lessness, and creativity and imagination. Not all the children

will have these planets in close aspect to their Sun or Moon, but many



As you can see from the recent posts, and there are more examples

than those cited, that many Masters, have active outer planets, and

this is probably something they choose or have earned and are born

with, which creates a high energy field.


In the 60s, many children with Pluto-Uranus conjunct in Virgo were

diagnosed with ADD. Most who have these planets trine or conjunct

the Sun, with Neptune in Scorpio, are exceptionally good metaphysicists,

now in their 30s, and were like radio wave receivers, receiving many

more psychic impressions than the average person.


So, to make a long story short, we are looking at the aspects to determine

what common threads exist and what other paths are valid for healing.


Love and Light,



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Hi Annette,


Thank you for liking my prosaic "poem" SCHIZO TALK and sending it to

your Australian friend. No problem. She already wrote a lovely e-

mail to me, and I am going to write back to her just now.


I have never been formally diagnosed or ever treated for

schizophrenia. I don't have two "personalities" unaware of each

other, just lots of conflicting needs, thoughts and feellings, and

roles I am "playing". I am using the term schizophrenia as an

exaggerated metaphor for what is,in my opinion, the dualistic

predicament of almost every so-called "normal" individual - and to

emphasize the importance of clear awareness of our internal

contradictions, conflicts,uncertainties and unpredictability as an

integrating factor for all these dualities and multiplicities - and

the need for expressing our uniqueness, even downright "madness".


I don't think you can be totally mad, if you are aware of

your "madness"... and you certainly don't have to shy away from

expressing your "madness" (uniqueness), or from being

called "mad"... I see it as a compliment - I don't need or want to

be like anyone else. I am not "trying" to be different - I just am.

And yet, nothing human is alien to me, and I have a lot in common

with all peoplr, even those formally diagnosed as schizophrenics.









, Rainbolily@a... wrote:

> Dear Ivan,


> Found your poem beautiful and sent it to a friend, someone

> I have known a long time, she is a specialist in Schizophrenia

> and a Professor in Australia. I hope you do not mind, you

> will find she is an incredible Shamaness as well ... she will

> most certainly honor and respect the integrity of your work,

> as well as keep your authorship clear, with your permission.


> Love,

> Annette

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