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Hi all,


The following is used with permission. Yogajyotti has a unique way of

writing about spirituality and actuality. He posts a daily email

called "Ray of Light" as well as a weekly email "Private Postings" to

whoever requests them. I find them very useful. His web site is:




The following is todays email from "Private Postings".


In kindness,






Greetings Ye Seekers of Truth and Understanding,


These "Private Postings" are supplemental to all of the other Light

Mission endeavors to distribute information to Help in the Unfolding of

Inner Awareness -- The Awakening. I hope that you find them helpful and

interesting. Dwell on them WithIN and See what Realizations Unfold.




Look not, for that which you look for will always elude you. As

there is nothing to be found for there is nothing to be possessed. As

there is nothing to look for. We contrive such searches and an object of

our search via our conditioned thinking, which is an Illusion only Real in

our own minds. When we stop searching, when we let go of the search for

this or that, let go of our conditioned notions, we Realize What-IS AS it

IS and not as we *think* it should be. So it is not a matter of looking

but a matter of BEing that for which you look.


If not at the computer, at what would you waste your time ? Wasting

time here is better than wasting time there ? No matter where you go,

there you are. So wasting time is wasting time no matter how or where you

waste it. Sleeping is time spent, no matter what you do or where you are

is wasting time. Awakening is time Lived, no matter what you do or where

you are is not wasting time. So spending life focussed in the past or

future controlled and manipulated by our conditioned ideas and images and

meanings is waste, as Living Life AS it IS focussed in this very instant

Moment from Moment to Moment is BEing Life anew each Moment.


BEing Life is a most Spiritual Direct Experience. It is only in our

conditioned mind that we contrive the definitions and boundaries of the

conditioned ideas and images and meanings of what we *think* is spiritual.

Yet to BE What-IS just precisely AS it IS is as Spiritual as you can get.

Let go of the preconceived notion of what is spiritual, let go of past

thoughts as well as future dreams of this or that, focussed this very

Moment NOW, BEing that very Moment, gaze upon your wife as BEing that

Moment also, THEN you will Understand what is Spiritual.


BEing What-IS, without projecting our conditioned notions into/onto

where we ARE is most Spiritual whether as oneself or in a crowd. "As a

man thinketh, so is he". We start by BEing that Spiritual Community

ourself, then emanating that BEing in every aspect of our Life, infecting

everything and everyone and everywhere. Then our household IS that

Spiritual Community, then our neighborhood and city and world. We beguile

ourself by our preconceived notions as to what is Spiritual.


Why be satisfied with a *practice run* when we can Directly Experience

the Real ? We can practice and practice for the Big Event all our life

and never get the opportunity to "Just DO It". Take the Leap, BE that

which you practice and no matter what you do or think or say will BE your



When we ARE our practice whatever happens IS our practice. At your

computer, going to work, eating dinner, helping your wife with the dishes,

whatever, IS your practice. This very instant present Moment IS the very

instant present first Moment of the rest of your Life, Practice it Well and

Mindful from Moment to Moment.


Your mind is simply being your mind, doing what the mind does. Your

mind can not stop itself from being itself. BUT the mind can discipline

itself to BE Silent rather than generate chatter. Life is busy and so the

mind trains itself to be busy. It can just as easily train itself to be

Silent. But do not expect it to just stop doing what it has been trained

to do all your life, it takes disciplining to train it otherwise.


Discipline your mind and you would. For IN the Silence we Hear, as

IN the Void we See, as Awakening we ARE.


What if you slept, and what if in your sleep you dreamed, and what if

in your dream you went to heaven and there you plucked a strange and

beautiful flower, and what if when you awoke you had the flower in your

hand ? What then ? What if you Slept, and in this state you were

unkept, and what if in your Sleep you Dreamed, as in Sleep not all is what

it seemed. And what if in your Dream you glimpsed a Truth of most

profound proportion in your youth, and there you Realized a most strange,

and Wondrous ever Eternal Change. A beautiful miraculous Moment arose of

nothing past or future chose, nothing there was either right or wrong, just

our own Dance and our own Song. Yet what if when you awoke from this

seeming, you Realized that you had not been Dreaming ? Wondering if a

Door had been Shut. Then what ?


You ARE, you just have not Realized it yet. You would be surprised

at what you would Realize when you let go of all the conditioned ideas and

images and meanings and notions of all sorts. An awesome View when we

take down the Veils that Hide our Awakening. An awesome View when we get

a glimpse of our True Nature. When we live our lives in a programmed

automatonic state of Sleep as it arises, we are living our own contrived

Illusions and not actual Life AS it IS. So we are simply living our

conditioned notions, as we have for millennia, as the vicious circle of war

and conflict and conceptualization and intellectualization and

rationalization that we *think* life is. This is not Life but rather our

conditioned projected conceptualization of it.


Is it not time we start calling a spade a spade rather than calling it

a shovel because a shovel is what we have been conditioned to call it ?

That is, we can mouth the words of *this* or *that* and speak of the

impermanence and therefore the Illusion of manifested form -- the

formlessness of form. But when we still cling to our conditioned notions

these words are but echoes in the Valley of the Shadow of Death uttered by

none other than the Grand Trickster our conditioned mind. The Grand

Master of the Causes of our Suffering. In an Esoteric way, unbeknownst to

him perhaps, David Copperfield is telling us something.


Wake-Up and perhaps you will notice them. Sleeping, we bump into

Awakening people all the time and never Realize it. Sleepwalking we could

never Recognize the Truly Awakening for our reality is our dreams and

illusions and conditioned notions as to what Awakening is. Perhaps there

is one right there where you ARE.


Nice places to visit indeed, India and Nepal. But if you are looking

for anything other than a visit you will most likely not find it, for

Awakening is right where you ARE. We can travel the world over, yet where

you will Realize Awakening is right where you started -- right where you

ARE. And you will not Realize it outside yourself. It is not abroad

Dear Friend, it is Within.


Loving others is loving yourself, as loving yourself is loving others.

Real Love is simply Love, directed nowhere. So in BEing Love, we Love All

that IS (which is quite inclusive).


Indeed, if only we would let go of our conditioned ideas and images

and meanings and notion that Veil our Awakening we would not have to dwell

in wishful thinking. A habitual escape from ourself is to dream of that

which could be and/or regret that which has been. Then we do not have to

face Truth and Reality that IS the very instant present Moment. For when

we Truly Look into the Mirror of Truth we See what controlled and

manipulated robots we ARE this Moment -- scary. So scary that most turn

away and go back to Sleep, and continue their Dream so as to escape.


Indeed it is drearisome to dedicate much time and effort toward some

seeming righteous quest of enlightenment only to Realize that you used the

wrong road map. Perhaps the map maker was in error, or perhaps the

traveler was deluded in thinking that the map maker could not error.

Perhaps the problem is that there is no road map, or that there is no

quest, or that there is no enlightenment. Perhaps it is simply a matter

of Waking-Up from the Illusions that we have contrived for ourself.

Perhaps by letting go of our fantasies we can Truly "know thyself" (our

True Nature).


"When one realizes completely the Dharma-body, he sees no object. He,

himself, is the source of all things, and his true nature is another name

of the eternal Buddha. Material things and mental phenomena come and go

like clouds in the blue sky. Greed, anger and ignorance - these three foams

appear and disappear like a mirage on the ocean." -- Yoka-daishi


"If you wish to see the Buddha, you must look into your own inner-nature;

this nature is the Buddha himself. If you have not seen your own nature,

what is the use of thinking of Buddha, or reciting sutras, or fasting, or

keeping precepts?" -- Bodhi-Dharma


Volition is actually the state that must be established so that there

is choice. That is, we must be able to choose before we can choose.

Since choice is but a contrivance of our conditioned mind, so is the

condition established whereby we could make such choices contrivances of

our conditioned thinking. When we Realize that we that our choices and

our ability to make choices is but a fantasy contrived by our conditionings

so that we can *think* that we have some control over our lives, we

establish the Fact that we have no volition to make choices. Sleeping, we

have no choices because we are controlled and manipulated by our

conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts.

Awakening, we have no choices because we simply do what must be done.

Sleeping or Awakening we have no choice in the matter, so obviously we have

no volition to make a choice. *It is all in our head*.


Impermanence is that which will not remain the same. Since Moment to

Moment each Moment is anew, not even the Moment is permanent. Nothing is

stationary or stagnant or static, All is a Movement, a Dance, a Cosmic

Dance of Life or Consciousness. All is a Flow, as we can not step into

the same water of a river a second time we can not Directly Experience the

same Moment twice. For All is an Eternal Movement so we can cling to

nothing. All comes and goes in a rhythmic Pulse of Potential. All is in

a transitional seeming duration of a Moment from Moment to Moment, though

even within the Moment the Moment is renewed. ONLY when we do not Flow

IN/AS the every anew Moment, fixated by a passing Moment, Attention resting

on that Moment, we *think* the Moment is permanent. When we are amazed at

the Wonder of ever renewing anew Moment from Moment to Moment, fixing our

Attention not on any Moment, Flowing IN/AS this Cosmic Dance, we ARE each

Moment anew from Moment to Moment.


So it is with any given incarnation, with any given manifested form,

that which is not affected by our conditioned notions is transitory and can

not remain as manifested form as it was. As our conditioned notions are

but Illusions. We as human sentient beings are, as All manifested form

is, but visitors to this manifested state and will Flow through and beyond

it. Likened to walking a trail in the sunshine only to find that we have

walked right into a rainstorm. And so we keep walking only to find that

we have walked through and beyond the rainstorm into the sunshine. While

waking through this rain we get wet, gathering something as we walked

through it, but when again we are not waking in the rain the gathered

wetness will dry and that which we gathered during the walk in the rain

will not remain. So too, in any given incarnation we gather that which is

part of the incarnation. But when we are no longer that incarnation, that

which we gathered while we were that incarnation does not remain.


So attachment to anything gathered during any given incarnation

establishes the volition to *possess*. Which as already offered, is but a

contrivance of our conditioned thinking. Since we can not take it with us

when we leave there is little use in clinging to it while we are here.

That is the Nature of Impermanence. Shatinath once said: "If every person

really understands that 'we will all die someday...' then why do we worry

about events and objects? We are like tourists; we come and go on this

planet earth. Make the best of your visit, and when you have to go make

sure you have with you something that cannot die. Meditation can help you

to find it." That which does not die is your True Nature, your Awakening.


Shanti, Namaste, Metta, Zikr --

As Namaste is to say *may the Divine Essence IN me Embrace the Divine

Essence IN you as a Divine Essence of One*, so too Metta is to say *may the

Loving Kindness IN me Embrace the Loving Kindness IN you as Loving Kindness

of One*, so too Zikr is to say *may the Self Remembering IN me Embrace the

Self Remembering IN you as a Self Remembrance of One*. It is in the Inner

Embracing of each other that we Realize that we are all cut from the same

bolt of cloth yet most do not Realize it yet.

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