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Ivan's SCHIZO TALK / Michael

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Hi All,


I can understand Michael's concern about the frivolous use of words that

describe terrible mind states, as I lost an elder brother to mental

illness (diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic 29 years ago, and not

heard from for over 10 years...), but I want to weigh in on the side of

those who are seriously looking at their own minds and gaining clarity

about how they operate. I dislike the mental model, wherein there are

healthy "normal" people, and that deviation from some perceived static

"health" is considered pathological and requiring of immediate reversal,

often via drugs. I wonder if the treatment my brother had wasn't part

of his problem? I have seen in the holotropic breathwork I have done

that my own inner healer and the inner healer of others I have sat for

sometimes takes us into "pathological" mind states, which often upon

"re-entry" leaves us more healthy rather than less healthy. I find the

"safe container", the creation of which is the main goal of the

facilitators, to be the thing that allows s a frightening, potentially

dangerous state of mind to be a healing experience. I wish for our

healing professionals the grace to learn how to allow nature's design to

unfold within a loving and safe environment to the extent possible. On

the other hand, I can see that one man's temporary healing mental state

may be another's organic damage beyond the ability of man and nature to

heal. and for these tragically affected folks, I can only offer my

deepest compassion and my sincere hopes that our understanding of the

brain and mind will improve to allow for succor. Any way, I suspect my

brother's case was of the former rather than the latter, but will never

know and I encourage us all to learn what we can about our minds so that

we can relieve both our own and other's suffering.


Michael, you know I love you, and Ivan, I find that I love you as well.

Now, that hooligan Harsha is a different matter... (oh, just kidding you

gentle man. I love you too. - now THAT's psychosis... he, he, he...)


Love, Mark


mumble cat wrote:


> On Mon, 6 Nov 2000 14:00:30 Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar) wrote:


> >Thanks Michael for offering this. Mental imbalances and illnesses can

> be

> >quite serious for individuals and their families. I had a friend in

> college

> >who had been diagnosed with something similar to that and he had to

> take

> >medication on a consistent basis, otherwise he could not function. A

> >physical or mental disability is certainly nothing to be taken

> lightly or to

> >be made fun of. I don't think Ivan meant any disrespect but was

> rather

> >engaging in some personal and creative writing to express the

> inherent

> >conflicts existing in the human condition which all of us are aware

> of and

> >face. Ivan's comments were not aimed at any particular individual and

> were

> >meant to be self-revelatory. But your point Michael is well taken and

> we

> >should use terms carefully, especially those that can be taken the

> wrong

> >way. Thanks for pointing this out Michael.



> Yes, I agree.

> Then allow me to apologize for my most previous posting. I sent it out

> before reading Michael's reply to Ivan.


> Due to a long period of isolation and an imbalance of the mind I am

> sure was caused by the Kundalini energy, I experienced in my early

> twenties (some years ago) aural and visual hallucinations similar to

> those described in the texbooks in the course of some weeks. It was

> indeed frightening and uncomfortable.



> Love,


> Amanda.





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> //


> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

> subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

> different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the

> nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always

> Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart

> to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the

> Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It

> Self. Welcome all to a.


> To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

> www., and select the User Center link

> from the menu bar

> on the left. This menu will also let you change

> your subscription

> between digest and normal mode.




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Hello to All,


I have not had time to read many of the posts here lately, but I did read

Ivan's on being Schizophrenic and a few snippets from some of the responses,

though have not had the time to read in depth.


To begin this post, in my earlier years, I was exposed to and physically

attended to diagnosed schizophrenics. In later years, I also had clients

that had been diagnosed ~ Schizoprenic ~ and in addition have known other's

with relative's of the diagnosed and know the emotional anguish of such a



When I initially read Ivan's post, I actually thought of posting back with a

thank- you for his clarity. I never took the post literally, that Ivan was a

Schizophrenic, but rather saw

it as a perfect metaphor for the ~ mental condition.


In the personal journey of this body/mind and as I have posted here prior ~

this "i" experienced ( to an exagerrated degree) the insanity a

human mind is capable of , which I now regard as a blessing and which


allowed me to understand Advaita.


Also, just a comment:

This egroup, as I understand it, is primarily

dedicated to Ramana Maharshi (correct me if I'm wrong) but all views

presented here are not in alignment with the non-dual view (for lack of a

better way of putting it) of the Jnani. Speaking for myself, I was happy to

see Ivan's post as I felt on a similar wavelength

with him as I don't always feel that with other postings.


Another twist ~

and in light Michael's questioning, thought you might find this of interest;

something to ponder ~




Q. About 4 or 5 years ago, I had a client who was schizophrenic, a

well-adjusted schizo.


R. Like most of us.


Q. I tried to get him to own his feelings, to recognize what was going on in

his mind and so forth, as psychologists do, and after a while he converted

me to spirituality!

He said to me " I'm not doing any of this, God makes me do it". I was trying

to get him to accept his individuality and responsibility, his function in

life. He said "I have no need for functioning". And I tried to convince him,

but he would say, "Well on one hand, there is your point of view", and he

would tell me what it was. "And on the other hand, there is my point of

view." And he would tell me his point of view.


After I began reading Nisargadatta, I saw that his point of view was far

more real than my point of view and I began siding with him. I told him, "I

understand completely where you are", and we parted friends. It was



R. I've heard many psychiatrists say, "Schizophrenics suffer from the truth.

They have no defenses against the truth, and the truth prevents them from

ever becoming a normal individual.


Q. So it doesn't mean they have two personalities?


R. It means that society has labeled that person because they have certain

kinds of experiences. It means nothing.


excerpt from :

It's All A Dream

Satsang with Robert Adams





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In a message dated 11/07/2000 3:00:50 AM Eastern Standard Time,

ellam-ondre writes:



R. It means that society has labeled that person because they have certain

kinds of experiences. It means nothing.



<< excerpt from :

It's All A Dream

Satsang with Robert Adams






Thanks Jessica, Ivan, Michael, Harsha and All,


When Ivan posted, my attention was elsewhere, not mindful, not reading

deeply. I took on this work to make a site with beautiful graphics, to

show that "religions" at core are imbued with metaphysical principles.

That like language describing gravity, they may sound different, but

the core principles are not so different ... not a newsflash for most

people here, certainly not for Robert.


So, the site is dedicated to world peace. And, of course, there can

be no peace for the world without peace for each individual. And,

in doing this what has come up for work has been rather extraordinary,

on the camera lens of the film of life, Jews, Arabs, disenfranchised,

ill, Native American, all the pieces that society disavows have raised

their hands and said, "me too, don't forget me."


So, what does one "do?" Nothing really except what is in front of one.

So, if I've disowned this part of my psyche as being not me, then I will

react to someone writing as Ivan did, if I can claim all of me. So,

like Robert, there is no reaction to the schizophrenic as a disowned

piece, or like Ivan, it was not a projection but an internal peace that

allows him to be at peace with all of the parts of life. So, there is no

fear, only love, only peace. And, no need to distance himself from

a schizophrenic. It is only love that allowed Ivan to write like that,

nothing else, promise.


Laughing, Jessica, as I know you know these things it makes it easier

to write you. Sometimes I get lost. But any mention of Robert seems

to touch the heart and then I am found ...


Why this work? Why not? If not this than another, it doesn't matter

anymore. Dan now makes perfect sense, nothing to do or undo ...


In Africa there is a saying, "slowly, slowly turns the monkey." It is

like the head in the mouth of the tiger ... :-)



~ bo ~

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In a message dated 11/07/2000 8:51:11 AM Eastern Standard Time,

stevenmc writes:



I too have been diagnosed with mental illness, about a year ago

(co-incidentaly about the time I learnt about Kundalini). It was a mild

psychosis, the doctor said could be close to schizophrenia. Well know I

view it as a blessing, all those hallucinations though scary and incredible

at first have been incoporated into a well functioning spiritual system.


This is why I wrote the posts on Uranus-Neptune, this energy

is here and for the first time conscious in history, for many, not

just Masters, accessible. It is a humble offering for greater

understanding of now :-)


Thank you for your letter Steve, there have been many such

landing in my email box privately asking for looking at charts. One child

is only eight and his parents have hospitalized him. Probably

during the Renaissance, they'd have thought he was being

visited by either Angels or the Devil depending on the visuals ...


The astrological insight offers us a paradigmatic shift in understanding

and coalescing and integrating these new energies, much like the

greater understandings we have offered by physics, it is another

path, one of metaphysics. Of course, once one is realized, no path

is needed :-)


Love and Light,


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Gee I came into this discussion rather late, but here goes.


I too have been diagnosed with mental illness, about a year ago

(co-incidentaly about the time I learnt about Kundalini). It was a mild

psychosis, the doctor said could be close to schizophrenia. Well know I

view it as a blessing, all those hallucinations though scary and incredible

at first have been incoporated into a well functioning spiritual system.


On the topic of role playing. I am completely for it. I believe that it

will come quite easily to the spritiually inclined. We are practicing

techniques to expand our minds. With this expansion becomes the possiblity

that we do not have to define ourselves as something that is tangible. With

self realisation we realise we are not always who we would picture ourselves

to be, and from there we realise that we are not bound by this self image.


I abound in any oppurtunity to role play, I am at the point that within

about 5 minutes of meeting a person I have decided a set rules of

interaction with that person, interaction that gives me rapport with the

person and allows us both the have fun. Well you could call it personality

switching, but I think the core of a person is the way they think not the

way they act. Deep down I always have the same base, I am knowledgable,

spiritual, helpful. I just find different ways of exhibiting those traits.


I look at it as being the different moods a person can have, can we be

expected to have the same facial expresion every day?


I think the closest you become to knowing your true expressive character is

the character that emerges when you are alone. I find this character the

most fascinating of all the characters I play, he is completely

unpredictable, incredibly light hearted, inclined to dance around for no

reason whatso ever and sing praises to all animals and objects.



I too found your writing very beautiful, please write more....


I think what we are talking about is completely healthy, and useful.


Well that's about it for now....


Steve Mclachlan

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> >

> Laughing, Jessica, as I know you know these things it makes it easier

> to write you. Sometimes I get lost. But any mention of Robert seems

> to touch the heart and then I am found ...


> Why this work? Why not? If not this than another, it doesn't matter

> anymore. Dan now makes perfect sense, nothing to do or undo ...


> In Africa there is a saying, "slowly, slowly turns the monkey." It is

> like the head in the mouth of the tiger ... :-)


> Love,

> ~ bo ~



Hi Bo,

Great to hear from you. As you say, "But any mention of Robert seems to

touch the heart and then I'm found..."


I 'feel' that. In resonance with you ; )

and by the way, thanks for the hieroglyphics, but to ~*~ what can I say??!!!

LOL ; )


Love you,







> //


> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.


> To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

> www., and select the User Center link from

the menu bar

> on the left. This menu will also let you change your


> between digest and normal mode.





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> I too have been diagnosed with mental illness, about a year ago

> (co-incidentaly about the time I learnt about Kundalini). It was a mild

> psychosis, the doctor said could be close to schizophrenia. Well know I

> view it as a blessing, all those hallucinations though scary and


> at first have been incoporated into a well functioning spiritual system.

> >>

>This is why I wrote the posts on Uranus-Neptune, this energy

>is here and for the first time conscious in history, for many, not

>just Masters, accessible. It is a humble offering for greater

>understanding of now :-)


>Thank you for your letter Steve, there have been many such

>landing in my email box privately asking for looking at charts. One child

>is only eight and his parents have hospitalized him. Probably

>during the Renaissance, they'd have thought he was being

>visited by either Angels or the Devil depending on the visuals ...


>The astrological insight offers us a paradigmatic shift in understanding

>and coalescing and integrating these new energies, much like the

>greater understandings we have offered by physics, it is another

>path, one of metaphysics. Of course, once one is realized, no path

>is needed :-)


>Love and Light,



It is rather intresting, there seems to be a sudden spiritual awakening in

my peers in recent months, and alot of those have been through what has been

percieved as a mental illness (there is still the truth of brain chemical

imbalances, these I believe would be caused by the sudden shock of the new

information and experiences). One friend of mine hit psychosis a little

before me and began talking to god. He is now a devout christian. I

recently met a girl who I now attend buddhist meditation with, she too was

diagnosed with a psychosis and borderline schizophrenia, she is a strong

spiritual channel and when I am around her I sometimes feel this spirit she

claims has been clinging to her for some years (he doesn't seem to like me

and will push me over sometimes). Many others around me have had sudden

awakenings recently and are exhibiting the signs I know that look (and are)

the symptoms of mental illness. I hope they will be able to control them

quickly..... when drugs are involved it is much more difficult.


What was said about the children born in that aligment I think I can believe

to be true.... While I don't have much direct interaction with children that

age, some of the largest energy levels I experience are from children of

about 3-7 years old. I thought it was just that children were more inclined

to be energetically active - can anyone clarify this?


Well mental illness is definately an issue and challenge for any

spiritualist I believe, but like all things it can invoke a sudden change of

thinking that is necessary or perhaps it is the other way around....


I am starting to ramble so I'll cut it here.


Steve Mclachlan

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"It is rather intresting, there seems to be a sudden spiritual

awakening in my peers in recent months... "


Steve MclachlanIt this not the dew that the alchemist collects in the

morning just as the sun is coming up on those wonderful flowers

petals like the ones Mace is sendind us?



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