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Thanks Mace for the verrrry beautiful flower,


Jess :-)


here's a LOL jpg for the Mercury direct

which has not been easy for many <g>


.... hopefully comes thru the server :-)

if you cannot read the writing on the top

right it says "hang in there Amore"



Ivan, sounds like a story-telling day for you... share

your story?


Love and Light

Leela lily bos

Attachment: (application/applefile) amoresmall.jpg [not stored]

Attachment: (image/jpeg) amoresmall.jpg [not stored]

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Tuesday, 07 November 2000



Let those of you who truly KNOW stand up

and be counted as those who KNOW.


Don't hide behind false humility

and clichés like "Those who KNOW don't speak..."


Don't expect everyone to be psychic

and know that you KNOW.


Have the guts to tell us that you KNOW,

and what you KNOW, and teach those who don't,

even if it means to take some ridicule from those

who cannot tell the difference between your KNOWING

and their own ignorance.


I am sick and tired today of this pussyfooting

around the TRUTH,

as if it was too fragile to be exposed

for the fear of being ridiculed or silenced.


Don't hide your light under any bushels anymore,

or anywhere else.


There are many

who need to KNOW. Urgently.

Let them know you KNOW.


Love to all,



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Dear Ivan,


Is it an either/or phenomenon? And if I have flashes of intuited

"one-ness", does that mean I am one or the other side of the divide? I

have known death, and known beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no

need to fear anything at all, but I am not in that state now, so it is a

memory which I describe. (actually several memories of "non-ordinary

states of consciousness" I honor those memories, but I also look

forward to the permanence of that state and wonder if such a state is

possible, or were my experiences simply hallucinations, or false

memories? Do I KNOW, or don't I? (I don't have a hair dresser, so

maybe "no one" knows for sure... - that is an obscure reference to a

series of hair color commercials here in the US for those who don't

recognize it..."only her hairdresser knows for sure") And if I said that

I did (or didn't) KNOW, would that change anyone else's situation? I've

heard it said that it is the seeking itself that is the problem. I

believe it and yet, the seeking continues. What's a poor guy to do? (I

seek consolation in hooliganism and being a poetry editor)


Love, Mark

ps Hey Harsha, I like the poem you posted in response to Andrew, but I

don't know if it would make the HarshaSatsang Magazine. Keep trying.

(But if you hire me as poetry editor and bribe me with a boat, there is

hope...) Of course, we may have to use a pen name - hooligans and

spiritual magazines don't mix. I don't think any of the really famous

Chicago gangsters ran spiritual magazines. I guess the time just wasn't

ripe yet. Maybe things are changing...

pps damn, there I go driveling again. I'm even driveling myself crazy.

(I KNOW I'm mad. I've always been mad...)


Ivan Frimmel wrote:



> Tuesday, 07 November 2000



> Let those of you who truly KNOW stand up

> and be counted as those who KNOW.


> Don't hide behind false humility

> and clichés like "Those who KNOW don't speak..."


> Don't expect everyone to be psychic

> and know that you KNOW.


> Have the guts to tell us that you KNOW,

> and what you KNOW, and teach those who don't,

> even if it means to take some ridicule from those

> who cannot tell the difference between your KNOWING

> and their own ignorance.


> I am sick and tired today of this pussyfooting

> around the TRUTH,

> as if it was too fragile to be exposed

> for the fear of being ridiculed or silenced.


> Don't hide your light under any bushels anymore,

> or anywhere else.


> There are many

> who need to KNOW. Urgently.

> Let them know you KNOW.


> Love to all,


> Ivan.



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In a message dated 11/07/2000 9:46:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,

mmealer writes:



Ivan Frimmel wrote:

> There are many

> who need to KNOW. Urgently.

> Let them know you KNOW.



Know, they don't


LMAOOOO Mace, sure?

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Dear Ivan:


You wrote:

> Let those of you who truly KNOW stand up

> and be counted as those who KNOW.

> (...)

> Don't hide behind false humility

> and clichés like "Those who KNOW don't speak..."


You are so right on!

I also never keep my mouth shut






When the questions about myself *dissolved* only THIS remained. THIS is not

even an answer to any question. The questions disappeared because no

sufficing answers could be found, I tried them all (pretty much anyway) and

none of them worked.

Funny, in nature the human seems to be the only creature who asks questions.

It is the first thing we are confronted with once out of the womb: "Hello?

Who are you little fellow? How are you doing? Can you give me a smile?" Etc,

etc, ad infinitum. That is how we stupidly and consciously and unconsciously

keep the 'ball of unknowing' rolling. There is nothing really deep behind

it. I mean that, *nothing really deep*, just a slip of the 'tongue' (as in

mother tongue), a bit of misunderstanding in the way we verbally expressed

ourselves in the history of early humankind. As in: "What do you mean, you

are grunting?"

Questioning has become a habit, an addiction of sorts. One could almost say

that it defines us as human. The 'quest' part of the questioning has even

taken on mythical value, the pasha, the trip, the pilgrimage, the way. The

more we query, quest and question, the higher we are on some scientific,

moral, religious and even spiritual level.

All BS that.

There is no answer as there is no question. There is no quest as there is

nowhere to go. Why the heck do we have to ask ourselves who or what we are

'as' we are ourselves already. Who, indeed, is asking?

> I am sick and tired today of this pussyfooting

> around the TRUTH,

> as if it was too fragile to be exposed

> for the fear of being ridiculed or silenced.


You are so right on, again!

All that beating around the bush is from fear. All that pussyfooting is from

fear. Fear stops KNOWING. The ones in the know wake up the sleepers, and

when they do that, the sleepers grunt, get into a bad mood, and have morning

breath on top. "What did you do that for?" they grunt. Then they blame you

for waking them up, while you actually want to awaken them.

> Let them know you KNOW.


I know, Ivan,

I know.










All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.


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Rainbolily wrote:

> In a message dated 11/07/2000 9:46:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> mmealer writes:


> <<

> Ivan Frimmel wrote:


> > There are many

> > who need to KNOW. Urgently.

> > Let them know you KNOW.

> >


> Know, they don't


> >>

> LMAOOOO Mace, sure?



Love they need

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